- 贡献度
- 26
- 金元
- 3711
- 积分
- 415
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2005-5-2
OK, I've resisted doing this because I'd hoped the regulars would police themselves, but enough is enough.
The attitude of many of the long-time posters on this board has to improve, otherwise the banhammer is coming out. And it won't be pretty. And it will be permanent. This starts Monday. You've all received your warning.
New users, they get some leeway. You know why? This is our forum, so it's our community too. We want to bring new people into our community, and all we hear from new people is how toxic a group this is. New people get the message: You are not welcome.
And you know what? They're 100% correct. Too many posters have made themselves forum cops and are telling them they're kind isn't wanted. Ever. Someone new asks a question, and someone else thinks posting a few thousand messages over a couple of years gives them the right to smack that poster down.
That ends now. Is that clear?
We've let people trash a game we've worked hard on without a single deleted message---at least that I'm aware of; I'm not even a mod here---and some of the criticism is warranted. And honestly, some of it is batshit insane. But we're adults, it's cool if you don't dig the game.
But for crying out loud, there's too much negativity. We're here to have fun, right? These are games, not politics.
So have fun, as long as you're not the kind of person that derives fun from being a jerk on a message board. If that's your thing, you're going to have to do it elsewhere.
这帖子也够搞笑的,骂的人太多了,还怎么做生意啊。可怜的GPN,可怜的玩家。 |