- 贡献度
- 315
- 金元
- 19978
- 积分
- 3258
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-6-23
196.75 Alert!
We are aware that some customers have reported fan speed issues with the latest 196.75 WHQL drivers on Until we can verify and root cause this issue, we recommend that customers do not download this driver. Instead, please stay with, or return to 196.21 WHQL drivers. Release 196.75 drivers have been temporarily removed from our website and we also are asking our partners and others to remove temporarily this 196.75 WHQL driver as well.
貌似这个版本的驱动存在问题,我说装上这个驱动之后战地跳出次数明显增多,就连铁血也卡得不成样子,刚才玩铁血的时候甚至都出现杂点了,后来感觉驱动有问题,在上官方网站上扫描9800GT的驱动就建议我回滚到196.21了。。。。。看来应该不止我一个人用了感觉有问题,所以我劝大家还是暂时先不要更新到196.75了,过一阵子再说吧。(有哪位高人给翻译一下吧,我的英文水平实在有限~~~) |