1. Do not attack another person. You may politely disagree with their position.
2. If you have a problem with someone send them a polite PM.
3. Do not ridicule race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, creed or national origin.
We are a very diverse group here from many countries and many backgrounds. Respect that diversity. That does not mean you cannot point out what you believe are flaws in a particular belief. This means that things like "All Christians want to distill elderly into delicious milkshakes" is not allowed. While I personally would be for this I don't believe broader Christianity would be. Their loss.
4. No Porn or anything not safe for work, aka boobies and very sensual, etc. Anything linked to that is not safe for work must be noted as such.
We want these forums to be comfortable for all.
5. Do not drag threads off topic. Random stuff is for off topic.
6. If a moderator asks you to stop doing something, STOP DOING IT.
If you have a problem with a moderator contact an Admin via PM. To see who is an admin and moderator go to the main forum page and look at the bottom of the forum for the list of groups. Click on a group to see members.
7. Thread Necromancy/Bumping
If a topic hasn’t been touched for two weeks or more, and what you are about to post isn’t exactly important or has already been said, don’t post it. There’s nothing more annoying that after two weeks having to reread a thread because someone necro'd it with something like “oh yeah, I think so too.”
8. Double/multiple posting
Don't post multiple posts without anyone else posting in between them. EDIT your last post instead of posting new ones.
9. If your first post is a rant or spam you will be banned immediately.
No explanation needed.
10. Do not badger/beg a modder to make your/a mod. If they want to help you they will, no need to nag.
11. One word posts like "yeah", "ok", etc etc... are not needed, neither are emote posts. "" "" ""
12. Do not make a thread or post asking why you can't download things unless you're having genuine technical difficulties. If you do this you will be banned immediately.
13. Do not not have read this in its entirity.
How to Contest a Warning
If you feel you received a warning unfairly, PM an Admin or Mod Leader. They will discuss the matter with the moderation team and get back to you.
"Any mods uploaded here must be of a certain quality, that is decided by the staff of this site. As a basic guideline, WIPs are fine, but if your mod is nothing more than a chinese assault rifle that fires mini-nukes or brahmin or whatever, then just put it on the Nexus, where it belongs. It's a waste of space."