- 贡献度
- 15
- 金元
- 6431
- 积分
- 703
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2008-4-10
秘籍在外国网站找到的!! 本来是给Demo版的, 本人试过完全版也可用.
Note: This cheat procedure requires editing a game file on your computer. It is
strongly recommended to backup the files that will be edited. Open a text editor (like
windows Notepad) to modify the "DefaultInput.ini" file located in the " rogram
FilesCAPCOMDark VoidnativePCSkyGameConfig" directory. Find everything labeled as
"DebugBindings", and change it to "Bindings". Turn off the read-only attribute of the
file, and save it. Then during gameplay, press one of the following keys to activate the
stated cheat:
Result Key
Refill ammunition (补滿子彈) U
God mode (不死/无敌) G
Toggle HUD B
Activate different speed settings N, M, [Comma], and [Period]
Commit suicide (自剎) X
进去 "c rogram Filesx86CAPCOMDark VoidnativePCSkyGameConfig" 內找到 "DefaultInput.ini" 文件, 用文本(Notepad)打开, 找到有 "DebugBindings" 的命令行, 再根句玩家需要的命令將该命令行里的 "DebugBindings" 改成 "Bindings". 储存时或储存后一定要取消read-only.
注意: 修改前请備份!!!!!!!!! |