- 贡献度
- 196
- 金元
- 8980
- 积分
- 1682
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2008-9-23
Trainer Hotkeys:
TelePort Options:
Numpad 1 - Reactivates the teleporter - use this to reactivate
the the teleporter incase it dont respond ingame.
Numpad 0 - Store Teleport Position - This will Store the current position.
Numpad 2 - Teleport - This teleports you back to current stored
Numpad 3 - Undo Teleport - In case you want to undo the
Numpad 4 - Infinite Granades This will give you losts of
(press again to turn the option off)
(数字键4- 无限手雷。再按一次关闭)
Numpad 5 - Add 99999 Contrabands This will give you lots of
Contraband points
Numpad 6 - Lock Population/Enemys This will lock everyone except you at
current spot, use it to prevent enemys
from following you - Enemys others wont
be able to move out of the spot
(press again to turn the option off)
Numpad 7 - SuperHealth/God Mode This will keep health at max all the
time. Enemys wont be able to kill you and
Falls wont kill you.
(press again to turn the option off)
Numpad 8 - Infinite Ammo This will give you infinite Ammo on all
(press again to turn the option off)
Numpad 9 - No Enemy Alarm This will prevent Enemy Alarm from going
(press again to turn the option off)
Numpad + - It's Raining MAN - Hallelujah! lol.. this option is a crazy one,
this will send you and everyone up into the sky and later on make people fall
and go up again Great for flying over the citys. Turn of the option when you
want to go down.
- IMPORATANT - NOTE: Make sure to turn on Infinite health when using this option
or the falls will kill you if you dont.
(press again to turn the option off)
Trainer Specific Hotkeys:
Info - Home - Launches Trainer Info
F11 - Minimize Trainer - Minimizes Trainer (F11 最小化修改器)
Music on/Off - Toggle Music on/off - Turns Music on Off
F10 - Toggle Music on/off HotKey (F10 音乐快捷键)
double click to exit Trainer Info (双击退出说明)
double click to exit Trainer or use Exit button (双击退出或者使用退出键)
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