- 贡献度
- 1137
- 金元
- 28666
- 积分
- 7435
- 精华
- 2
- 注册时间
- 2009-5-14

Unzip this to oblivion/data then select it from data files when you start up the game
There are now three files in there- below is fun tweaks解包,里面包括了三个家伙
fun tweaks
These are just some little modifications to the game that shouldn't really affact the gameplay but will make it a little more fun这玩意呢就是个不咋滴影响游戏,但是让老衮变得有趣一点的东东
1) increase in jump distance, not huge but you should notice the difference猪脚现在稍微能蹦得了,不是很明显,但是你能看出微妙的区别
2) slightly increased maximum run speed, you'll have to max athletics and speed to see a difference 猪脚的50米成绩现在稍微提高了,只有你滴跑步技能灰常高才能看见明显的区别
3) Magic projectiles move 3 times as fast, try dodging lightnig bolts now.魔蛋...不,魔弹类魔法的弹丸飞行速度提速到3倍
4) increase in grab power, you litttle hand of doom can pick up and through stuff farther and faster.猪脚手劲更大了...你滴小坏蛋现在对邻居家的玻璃是个巨大的威胁
5) Send things flying! I increased the force of magic (you see it in fireballs and lightnig bolts) so when you kill someone with magic it should send them flying backwards. Use AoE spells on corpses to send them flying. I added increased knockback for all you meeles who want to send stuff flying, just finish them with a power attack and you'll see what i mean华丽的吹飞!俺增加了魔法的力道,包括AoE,增强了击退效果,用一个power attack做掉你滴敌人,你就知道俺啥意思了
other two
The next two are the ones that will send things flying. This is a striped down version and its ridiculous conterpart thats only purpose is to see things fly away. The normal version is just like the above, the ridiculous version is well, ridiculously strong.这两个只包含了华丽的击飞...包括两个版本。普通版就和上面的效果一样...夸张版(ridiculous )则可能让你从此找不到尸体....
曾,我的甘道夫一闪电,某个无故的nec像炮弹般飞出去。。。然后。。。飞出actor fade距离。。。华丽地消失了。。[em17]
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