直接放进安装目录里!OKForceAlphaToCoverage = 1
ForceMSAAMode = 4
Drawing Transparent Objects with Alpha To CoverageThe number of transparent leave and blades of grass in the sample makes sorting these objects on the CPU expensive. Alpha to coverage helps solve this problem by allowing the Instancing sample to produce convincing results without the need to sort leaves and grass back to front. Alpha to coverage must be used with multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA). MSAA is a method to get edge anti-aliasing by evaluating triangle coverage at a higher-frequency on a higher resolution z-buffer. With alpha to coverage, the MSAA mechanism can be tricked into creating psuedo order independant transparency. Alpha to coverage generates a MSAA coverage mask for a pixel based upon the pixel shader output alpha. That result gets AND'ed with the coverage mask for the triangle. This process is similar to screen-door transparency, but at the MSAA level.
原帖由 yongliang218 于 2009-10-13 22:06:00 发表
原帖由 nonozhan 于 2009-10-13 22:14:00 发表
小白鼠测试没不良反应杀毒软件未报毒用后感觉可以 我提高4-5帧左右. .....感谢分享.
原帖由 die波 于 2009-10-13 22:11:00 发表
原帖由 rizi1989222 于 2009-10-13 22:54:00 发表
用了,很有感觉,不错,目前没发现不良反应! 不管是什么为了广大同胞卡的同胞 支持一下 啥都没有啊...... 啥都没有。。。。。 没东西让我们放什么 看不见啊???? 楼主是不是要把你这句话用记事本写下放入游戏根目录? 这是什么东西呀?????????
回复 6# 小飞侠555888 的帖子
坛子上传附件 太慢现在好了 真的假的??? 姐姐~~~ 不会有什么副作用吧... 我来当炮灰吧 不知好不好用
先顶上去 小心!不定是 幼狎 网的病毒木马恶外挂!
回复 10# 鞦實 的帖子
http://game.脏话.net/viewthread.php?tid=2920971&extra=&page=2YX的 原帖
都说 有用 我就转来了提高 5-6帧 还没用,先下载下来试试...
回复 11# nonozhan 的帖子
小白鼠加油 大家等你好消息 真的管用??? 坐等小白鼠传来的捷报啊~回复 17# fatfat10 的帖子
我自己 的没有 提升空间了给慢不了 帧或者 低配置 用 试验吧 天啊我家的网速18K的东西 下载需要5分27秒!!!! d3d9.dll
懂点编程 的 都应该 知道它的原理 了 顶起!!
回复 22# stjemmy 的帖子
顶起!! ForceAlphaToCoverage = 1ForceMSAAMode = 4
Drawing Transparent Objects with Alpha To CoverageThe number of transparent leave and blades of grass in the sample makes sorting these objects on the CPU expensive. Alpha to coverage helps solve this problem by allowing the Instancing sample to produce convincing results without the need to sort leaves and grass back to front. Alpha to coverage must be used with multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA). MSAA is a method to get edge anti-aliasing by evaluating triangle coverage at a higher-frequency on a higher resolution z-buffer. With alpha to coverage, the MSAA mechanism can be tricked into creating psuedo order independant transparency. Alpha to coverage generates a MSAA coverage mask for a pixel based upon the pixel shader output alpha. That result gets AND'ed with the coverage mask for the triangle. This process is similar to screen-door transparency, but at the MSAA level. 太厉害了!!效果非常明显,我的是8800GT,原来还有点小卡的,用了这个补丁后一点都不卡,非常流畅!! 纯支持~~NV的卡~~~~ 看看什么玩意 本人已经试验过了,真的有效,谢谢LZ了 小白鼠测试没不良反应杀毒软件未报毒用后感觉可以 我提高4-5帧左右. .....感谢分享. 真的那要顶起来·····