自从Zazoum的Fallout 3 Flash Map问世后,文字描述的地点已经没什么意义了,翻译工作停止,剩余部分贴出CrionLord的英文版,仅供参考。前言
本指南依照fallout.wikia.com上的Fallout 3 books翻译,由于其位置说明过于简略,加入CrionLord所作的Skill Book Guide作为参考,整合而成。
交易(Barter) - 垃圾镇笨小贩传奇(Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor) 24本
大型枪械(Big Guns) - 美军:30个喷火器使用秘诀(U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes) 25本
能量武器(Energy Weapons) - 特斯拉与你(Nikola Tesla and You) 25本
爆破(Explosives) - 卧倒和掩护(Duck and Cover!) 25本
开锁(Lockpick) - 撬锁速成(Tumblers Today) 25本
医疗(Medicine) - 特区内科医学杂志(D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine) 25本
近战武器(Melee Weapons) - 野蛮人诺南(Grognak the Barbaria) 25本
维修(Repair) - 邓恩电子学(Dean's Electronics) 25本
科学(Science) - 科学大全(Big Book of Science) 25本
小型枪械(Small Guns) - 枪械与弹药(Guns and Bullets) 25本
潜行(Sneak) - 中国军队训练手册(Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual) 25本
口才(Speech) - 国会教你撒谎(Lying, Congressional Style) 25本
空手搏击(Unarmed) - 拳击画报(Pugilism Illustrated) 25本 爆破(Explosives) - 卧倒和掩护(Duck and Cover!)
1.04| Fort Constantine, launch control bunker, on launch control desk, next
|to terminal
1.07| Deathclaw Sanctuary, locked footlocker (average) at the entrance
1.E | Overlook Raider Shack west of Broadcast Tower KB5, by a skeleton near
|ruting cars and ammo boxes northwest of the shack
2.N | Monorail Trail Wreckage northeast of Germantown Police Headquarters,
|by the bath
3.01| Vault 92, overseer's office on bookcase
3.02| Old Olney, Olney Sewers, by a skeleton at the dead end of a rocky
4.J | Wastland Gypsy Village north of Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal,
|inside the shack with a tree stump left of the door
5.03| Hamilton's Hideaway, interior raider's hideout on the counter
5.14| Springvale School, second floor, on the desk by "suk me hahaha's"
5.D | Ruined House northwest of Hallowed Moors Cemetery, on a shelf in the
6.11| National Guard Depot, Depot Offices, archives, on central wooden
6.X | Wastelander Mine Trap (Under Bridge) north of Super-Duper Mart, in
|among the other items, watch for mine (duh)
7.02| Charnel House, upper floor, end of platform
7.04| Evergreen Mills, in the foundry, lying next to a dead body on the
|ledge above the broken terminal
7.09| F. Scott Key Trail & Campground, middle picnic table in barbecue area
7.M | Drainage Chamber east of VAPL-66 Power Station, in trap-filled
|underground office
7.Q | Warrington Township west of RobCo Facility, on a shelp in the debris
|pile at the east end of the street, opposite the intact dwelling
8.S | Scavenger's Bridge north of Red Racer Factory, on shelves in the shack
|(must steal it)
9.11| The Citadel Laboratory, in a tiny crate, lower floor restroom (to the
|right of Liberty Prime)
9.13| Alexandria Arms, lower level side of room, just before double doors
|to recreation room
9.L | Festive Raider Camp south of Dukov's Place, among the other items
17.08 | Bunker east of the Washington Monument, near the bunk beds in the
|middle of the tunnel
17.11 | The National Archives, On the side of a tipped over desk, in the
|northwest corner of the large room with the shelves at the northern
17.11 | The National Archives, Archives sub-basement, tunnel junction, through
|gate (very hard)
U17.A | Falls Church/Mason District Metro, Raider Camp ticket booth 开锁(Lockpick) - 撬锁速成(Tumblers Today)
1.06| Broadcast Tower KB5, Drainage Chamber, by corpse near the office door
1.09| Mason Dixon Salvage, inside shack on table
1.16| Roosevelt Academy, Arts and Athletics Hall, third floor, in the
|southwest office near the locker room
1.E | Overlook Raider Shack, west of Deathclaw Sanctuary, on the shelves
|along with chems
1.J | Jackknifed Truck, northwest of Drowned Devil's Crossing, inside the
3.09| Minefield, Gibson house, downstairs office, next to the burned out
4.J | Wasteland Gypsy Village, north of Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal,
|outside, by the top shack, in the open refigerator
5.01| Germantown Police Headquarters, Basement, weapons storage, on shelf
|next to the Fat Man
5.05| Meresti Trainyard, interior tunnels, among Robert's collection of
5.12| Vault 106, Science Labs, on a table with milk bottles, in the server
|room northeast corner of the level
5.13| Jury Street Metro, Gold Ribbon Grocers. Freeform Quest: Rube's Gold
5.Q | Cratered Hamlet, south of Meresti Trainyard, in a bathtub, in one of
|the ruined houses
6.06| Vault 108, entrance floor, in a small storage room adjacent to the
|malfunctioning generator. Behind several yellow metal crates is a
|metal ladder on top of which is a Nuka-Cola Quantum, the book is
|under the ladder
7.03| Smith Casey's Garage, inside the open safe
7.T | Ruined Office Building, south of RobCo Facility, second floor ruined
8.10| Nuka-Cola Plant, Milo's office, at the back near the safe
8.O | Talon Company Camp, west of Grayditch, in the small lab room
9.18| Arlington Library, Media Archive, on a desk on the north wall of the
|southwest room
9.T | Flooded Metro Raider Camp, south of Flooded Metro, missle
|launcher vantage point on the west of camp
16.05 | Mama Dolce's Processed Foods, Food distribution, on the ground level
|by the safes in the lower tunnel cave area
19.03 | Office Building (#1), on the desk near the south wall
19.06 | LOB Enterprises, East Wing, near the CEO's Desk
U06.D | Freedom Street Station, Scavenger's barricade, steal from the shelf
U11 | Sewer, east of the Capitol Building, hidden stash with a cluster of
|ammo boxes
U17.B | Franklin Metro Utility, near the desk terminal and gate, among ammo
|box and stimpaks 医疗(Medicine) - 特区内科医学杂志(D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine)
1.04| Fort Constantine Bomb storage experimental chamberon table near Fat
1.09| Mason Dixon Salvage inside one of the abandoned shacks
1.16| Roosevelt Academy ground floor nurse's office desk in southeast corner
2.01| Oasis sunken chambers in a small crate at the sunlit west end of the
2.B | Toxic Pond north of MDPL-21 Power Station next to the dead scientist
3.01| Vault 92 living quarters lower lever in the southern-most room
3.06| Greener Pastures Disposal Site makeshift shack near the wasteland
|recluse in the northwest area
3.08| Relay Tower KX-B8-11 radio alcove through hatch door near pre-war book
3.09| Minefield, Benson House, desk in master bedroom
4.01| Shalebridge, dead mercenary east of the anthills
4.09| Jalbert Brothers waste disposal inside the first office on one of the
5.01| Germantown Police Headquarters top floor north conference room,
|Note: There is a mine right beyond the door in this room, if you set
|it off instead of disarming it the book can be sent flying off the
|table and be difficult to find.
5.04| Hallowed Moors Cemetary on some shelves
5.10| Bigtown, Red's clinic, lying on her kitchen table
7.10| RobCo Facility offices south in the Offices and cafeteria map, on a
|desk with a first aid box.
8.08| Red Racer Factory west side of Factory Floor, near the cafeteria on
|top of large machinery under a tipped-over bucket behind a tool box.
|To get onto the machinery one must jump down from the passage way
9.06| Anchorage Memorial bottom floor in the room with medical equipment on
|a table
9.15| Rivet City, Pinkerton's Lab on top of a shelf right next to the
|skeleton on the operating table. Can be hard to see since only the
|edge of the book is visible
12.07 | Our Lady of Hope Hospital. Enter the main entrance and turn left,
|follow the corridor till the end and turn right, it is in the first
|room on the left.
12.07 | Our Lady of Hope Hospital, second floor, cantina, on a table
12.09 | Sewer in Vernon Square East, in the crater Note: You'll need a large
|amount of RadAway and Rad-X, as this is possibly the second highest
|concentration of radiation in the game (40 rads/sec).
17.07A| Musuem of History Entrance Lower halls lower floor east side on a
|shelf in the kitchen
17.14 | Capitol Building west Entrance Hall of Columns on the railing near a
|Talon Company sniper, on the upper level
U06.E | DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomac in the room with Mirelurk King
U17.A | Falls Church/Mason DST Metro in the Men's Restroom on top of a First
|Aid Box on the far north area of the metro interior 近战武器(Melee Weapons) - 野蛮人诺南(Grognak the Barbaria)
1.04| Fort Constantine, personnel offices northeast, small locked closet
|(hard) and the floor of the stairs
1.12| The Silver Lining Drive-In, in the shack, near the rusting cars
1.F | Raider Wreckage Fortifications, southwest of Broadcast Tower KB5, top
|fortification, in a tiny crate under the tin cans
2.04| Clifftop Shacks, inside the smaller shack, to the north
3.04| Chaste Acres Dairy Farm, in the farmhouse barn loft, next to the
|bloody mattress
3.09| Minefield, Gillian house, upstairs on the child's bed
E3.04 | Enclave Camp, southwest of the Temple of the Union, sometimes located
|with or on the Enclave troops dropped on the bridge by the Vertibird
6.02| Canterbury Commons, Pickpocketed from Derek Pacion
6.03| Scrapyard, in John's Treasure Box (NW corner, in the burned out bus).
|You need the key, which can be found on a body near Relay Tower
|KX-B8-11 or Relay Tower KB5 maybe others as well
6.07| Bethesda Ruins, Underworks, inside the Ghoul-filled storage closet
6.G | Radio Mast Yankee Bravo, north of Corvega Factory, in a drainage
|channel, on the bookshelf straight ahead as you enter the room
7.01| Yao Guai Tunnels, on a ledge accessible after passing through the Yao
|Guai Den next to a raider corpse
8.01| Vault 101, Amata gives it to you automatically on your birthday
8.03| Megaton, inside Jericho's house
8.06| Cliffside Cavern, Raider Outpost, upper generator near eastern exit
|tunnel, on the edge of the defenses. (Don't explode the generator or
|it could go flying)
8.07| Andale, Smith house basement
8.S | Scavenger's Bridge, north of the Red Racer Factory, on the shelves in
|the bridge shack (must steal it)
8.Y | Parked Red Racer Trucks, outside the Red Racer Factory, in the back
|of a truck, with some toxic waste and a Wastelander.
12.02 | Vault-Tec Guest Relations, Executive office, on a desk
12.08 | The Statesman Hotel, Restaurant, on a shelf in the middle of main room
|after defeating Super Mutant Master
14.A| Super Mutant Camp, in Georgetown just west of the Tepid Sewers
|entrance it's on the second level of the building the super mutants
|are around with the ammo crates.
20.01 | Hubris Comics Publishing, Printing Area, Mad Johnny Wes's balcony,
|foreman's office
U01.B | Tenleytown/Friendship Station, Friendship half, in a small office,
|check two sets of lockers, it's placed on the top left shelf
U02 | Metro Junction, enter at Vernon Square North. follow the tunnel until
|it opens into a larger room, turn left when you get there and there
|is a wooden plank leading off a ledge. Drop down from the plank and
|it's sitting on a table
U22.B | Museum Station, inside the Raider's recreation room 维修(Repair) - 邓恩电子学(Dean's Electronics)
1.02| MDPL-05 Power Station near the skeleton of the worker, and Dart Gun
3.D | Ruined Farmstead west of Vault 92, barn area, on the ground level
3.N | Hilltop Farm Ruins northeast of the Temple of the Union, on a
|radioactive barrel next to the body in the tipped-over container
4.10| VAPL-58 Power Station, inside on a computer desk
4.E | Abandoned Shack west of Rockbreaker's Last Gas, inside the shack, in
|a crate on the middle workbench shelf
5.13| Jury Street Metro Station, in the raider hideout on the mezzanine, on
|a Work Bench
6.02| Canterbury Commons in the garage, in the storage room to the west
6.05| Corvega Factory Southern warehouse interior, in the foreman's office
|accessed via the catwalk
6.07| Bethesda Ruins Offices West, inside a crate by the broken television,
|top floor room with the pit
7.06| VAPL-66 Power Station inside the station on the desk
7.11| Dunwich building, Forsaken Dunwich Ruins, on a shelf in a small pipe
|room off the hallway
7.13| Warriongton Station tunnels, near the Ghouls' sleeping quarters in a
|connecting chamber
8.08| Red Racer Factory, when you enter through the front the room straight
|ahead has a Giant Teddy Bear on a tricycle suspended in the air. If
|you jump on the barrels to the left of a machine so you are on top
|there is a tool box with the book next to it
8.10| Nuka-Cola Plant factory floor on the desk, take a right when you
|first enter the building
8.W | Jackknifed Truck east of Andale, in the truck
9.06| Anchorage Memorial clinic on the bottom floor, in the locked (average)
|floor safe
9.15| Rivet City Broken Bow, in Pinkerton's hideout (must steal it)
12.04 | Sewer Entrance southwest of Vernon Square North in the locked room
16.05 | Mama Dolce's Processed Foods on the shelf in the stairwell
18.06 | Reily's Rangers Compound on top of the small generator in the
|southwest room
20.D| Pulowski Perservation Shelter outside of Hubris Comics in front of
|the Metro entrance (South side)
U04 | Dry Sewer that leads from Dupont Circle to Our Lady Of Mercy Hospital,
|in a generator and storage room
U05 | Tepid Sewer enter the corridor, turn left, and enter the generator
|room on your left, the book will be on the right corner behind
|toolbox (Hard to spot)
U06.B | Metro Central behind a small locked gate (easy) in generator area on a
U14 | Hubris Comics Utility Tunnels, inside the room with the columns and
|vertical pipes (northwest side), on a desk tucked in an alcove 楼主辛苦了,正在学习,谢谢. 潜行(Sneak) - 中国军队训练手册(Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual)
1.03| SatCom Array NW-05a on a desk near the terminal
1.04| Fort Constantine, CO Quarters downstairs by the open safe and dead
2.J | Irradiated Silo and Barn east of Reclining Groves Resort Home inside
|the footlocker (very hard) by the mattress, on the barn balcony
4.04| Broadcast Tower KT8 drainage chamber, in a secret room with dead
|Chinese spies
5.14| Springvale School at the end of the ant tunnel area, under a corpse,
|you must move the corpse to see the book
6.07| Bethesda Ruins East Offices, office cubicle desk to teh northwest,
|with two missles
6.B | Jackknifed Truck on the freeway north of Wheaton Armory inside the
6.P | Jackknifed Truck under the monorail south of Corvega Factory inside a
|footlocker (very hard) in the truck
8.05| Fairfax Ruins Metro Station interior, bottom level, on the rubble
|between two wrecked carriages to the east
8.06| Cliffside Cavern Raider Outpost, inside the tent to the west
8.10| Nuka-Cola Plant, main entrance, look for a hole in the ceiling with a
|filing cabinet over it, it's in there.
8.G | Ruined Farmhouse between Springvale and the Super-Duper Mart across
|from the bathtub on a low bookcase
8.S | Scavenger's Bridge north of Red Racer Factory on shelves in the bridge
|shack (must steal it)
9.17| Flooded Metro station exterior inside a Pulowski Preservation Shelter
12.08 | The Statesmen Hotel mid level, in a room right south of the main
15.06 | Hotel in the rubble filled lobby where the Brotherhood paladin is
|holed up
16.05 | Mama Dolce's Processed Foods loading yard on the open air sniping
|point accessed from inside.
17.03 | Mirelurk nesting hole well hidden alcove in the upper northwest corner
|by skeletons
17.06 | Museum Station archives area upper floor adjacent to display case with
|Lincoln's repeater in it
17.14 | Capitol Building West Entrance Hall of Columns behind a locked (hard)
|door at the end of the side passage
19.06 | LOB Enterprises empty archives room on a desk with an employee
U08 | Georgetown/The Mall Metro inside the ticket booth
U18.A | Taft Tunnels on the desk by the dead Chinese commando in the room
|with the enclave reinforcements
U20 | Irradiated Metro Glowing One Courtyard on the northwest console
U22.B | Museum Station Concourse restrooms by skeleton next to a small crate 口才(Speech) - 国会教你撒谎(Lying, Congressional Style)
5.01| Germantown Police Headquarters, ground floor, in the rubble-filled
|room with the desks
5.05| Meresti Trainyard, Metro Station, under a crate on top of a subway
|carriage, drop down from the mezzanine area
5.13| Jury Street Metro Station, Mole Rat laboratory, on top of Ryan Brigg's
|bedside safe
6.02| Canterbury Commons, Mechanist's Forge, on his office desk
6.03| Scrapyard, inside Littlehorn and Associates' office, in the
|wastebasket next to the desk
6.05| Corvega Factory, entrance, on the foyer desk
6.06| Vault 108, Cloning labs, in the middle chamber, near the Bobblehead
7.10| RobCo Facility, Factory floor, on the large desk at the back of the
7.14| Tenpenny Tower, Penthouse suites, Burke's room, north east corner of
|the suite (Before Ghoul invasion)
7.14| Tenpenny Tower, Penthouse suites, Burke's room, north east corner of
|the suite (After Ghoul invasion)
7.14| Tenpenny Tower, Penthouse suites, your suite, when you purchase the
|"Romance" theme
7.E | Ruined Chapel, east of Evergreen Mills, behind the pulpit
8.03| Megaton, Craterside supplies, awarded after completing the Arlington
|Library part of The Wasteland Survival Guide quest and answering the
|Library is still there like it was
8.03| Megaton, Your house when you purchase the "Romance" theme
8.10| Nuka Cola Plant, Second floor, in the eastern office on top of the
|unlocked safe
9.18| Arlington Library, Children's Wing, coffee machine nook
9.S | Super Mutant Bonfire, east of the Jefferson Memorial, back of the
|camp near two mattresses
13.04 | Takoma Industrial Factory, Slight raised area in the second shop
|floor, on the storage shelves among the Abraxo
14.06 | Townhome (McClellan Household), front room on the table
17.11 | The National Archives (Front Entrance), secure wing east. In a room
|with a safe, just lying on the side by the safe
17.14 | Capitol Building West Entrance, Conference hall on the podium
18.A| Pulowski Preservation Shelter, south of the Capitol Building East
|Entrance, inside the shelter
U01.B | Henleytown/Friendship Station, connecting corridor, on the shelves
|with food and junk
U03 | Vernon East/Takoma Park, on the counter inside the ticket master's
|office at the south end hallway, near the exit gate
U06.A | Dupont Circle Station, in a postal crate on the desk, in the room with
|the filing cabinets, off the northeast hallway, near the exit gate 怎么后面的都没了?
期待lz继续 空手搏击(Unarmed) - 拳击画报(Pugilism Illustrated)
安克雷奇战役纪念碑 纪念碑北边的变种人营地,卡车里
断桥镇 完成“血缘”任务并让家族派人保护断桥镇后,阿兰的房子进门左边桌子上
荒野处女奶牛场 谷仓内
克莱斯拉大楼 下层办公室,上楼梯,贩卖机边上的一个桶里
崖顶小屋 两个窝棚中较大的一个里,书架上
杜可夫的家 楼上卧室
凋零庄园 快速旅行点东边第一个房子里面,壁炉边上
L.O.B.集团 东北角满是架子的储藏室里一个架子上
幸运小店 柜台后,该店在沃林顿车站南边
地铁中心 架子上锁住的箱子里,中等难度,在靠近博物馆站的地方,有几条恶狗守着
雷区 赞恩的房子里,楼上孩子们的房间
月光室外影院 野餐桌上
罗斯福学院 一楼男休息室
罗斯福学院 维护通道,第三个发电机室,西北角书架上
诺达卫星防御阵列NN-03d C塔,休息室厕所左边
春谷 红色火箭对面破房子的邮箱里(也可能在一个锁住的箱子中)
87号避难所 生活区楼上,南边锁住的储藏室里,中等难度
108号避难所 生活区,餐厅柜台上
沃林顿车站 遇到Roy Phillips的地方,在Michael Masters睡觉的床边架子上.
诺达卫星防御阵列NW-07c 东南高速公路上的卡车里
蜂拥地铁站 南边入口的东南方匪徒营地里,在收银台上
尤利街地铁站 入口外面西南方,常春寨西北方,有个小教堂废墟,后面的休息区里
阿纳卡斯蒂亚十字路口 从入口下斜坡,左边的一张桌子上
史密斯·凯西车库 靠近北边信号塔的排水室,黑风楼西边
白宫 公用设施通道里,右边有工作台的房间里,桌上