lichzzz 发表于 2020-8-21 22:44



wojay3998833 发表于 2020-8-22 17:44


lichzzz 发表于 2020-8-22 21:53


一·涛·一 发表于 2020-8-22 23:41


lichzzz 发表于 2020-8-23 21:46


x心雨 发表于 2020-8-24 16:57

This mod contains changes for Followers of Nagash, Court of Lybaras, Khemri and Exiles of Nehek. This includes significant campaign mechanic additions for Arkhan the Black, Settra the Imperishable, High Queen Khalida and Grand Hierophant Khatep. These include; unique skills and items for the tech acquired Tomb Kings and some Tomb Prince's, new variants for Skeletons, Nehekharan Warriors and Tomb Guard, Casket of Souls as a Liche Priest Mount, unit upgrades, Ranged Hierotitan's, tech-tree additions for each faction, slaves, collision damage due to being trod on by a 50ft statue, Cultists and Acolytes of Djaf, Ptra and Asaph, new constructs like the Khemric Titan and Ushabti, two new factions (playable with Mixu's Unlocker) and four new Legendary Lords (to name just some of the changes). Due to the length of the changes the mod makes I've had some issues about how to display them all in the mod description. I've therefore created a discussion page for details of all changes the mod makes. You can find some review and play Youtubes above and some examples of Twitch stream playthroughs here.

It is optional, but you should strongly consider downloading Tomb Kings: Extended VFX (Optional) if you wish to see Prince Apophas' full VFX.

The recently updated SFO compatibility mod by HashutChampion is a submod SFO users will want to check out.
Thanks to my contributors! A very special thank you to Lokibaal for his amazing models for Prince Apophas, Herald Nekaph, Khemric Titan and Bastethi. Thanks to Prop Joe for being an awesome scripting guru and all round amazingly helpful person. This mod also incorporates the excellent unit card artwork by Catclops is not a fun guy. Many thanks also to Ubermorgan for creating some outstanding unit cards for the Cathayan dragon powder units.
Please visit the discussion page for details of all the changes the mod makes. To give a small sample of the many, many changes they include Factional Technologies:

This mod adds 60+ faction based technologies to Tomb Kings with a minimum of 10 for each faction. The aim is to give each faction more nuance, personalisation and individuality than they currently have.

And also custom starting army for High Queen Khalida:

The suggested difficulty settings for this mod is VH/H or VH/N, which is what I myself play and a number of features (such as more difficult AI settings etc.) are based/triggered with this campaign setting.
FAQ & Known Issues: moved here due to space

[*]Tomb Kings: Royal Barques.
[*]Victory Conditions Submod
[*]SFO compatibility mod by HashutChampion.
[*]The End Times (TET) compatibility mod by The Duke.
[*]Tomb Kings: Amazons adds Expanded Roster: Amazons units and models to Khalida/Court of Lybaras.
[*]Stephan's Arkhan the Black submod by Stephan
[*]Teir 4 Settlements submod by Oldskoolmatt

Thanks to Prop Joe the brief incompatibility issue between this mod and OvN has now been resolved, and both mods now work fine together again.

Over the years many people have very kindly messaged me asking how to donate, where's my Patreon or similar etc. These have all been very kind but honestly I don't do this for money :-) However I'm reminded that not everyone is in a warm place, a safe place or even have a bed and roof over their heads tonight. I'd therefore ask that if you do have any kind thoughts for donating, and do feel like being generous with your cash, that you consider the following worthy charities that work with the homeless and vulnerable. If you don't have the cash to donate, they're always looking for volunteers:

Very many thanks to any modder who kindly allowed me to use their mod assets within my own Tomb Kings mods there are many and various but include Xoudad, Shakyrivers, Chaosrobie, Deco, Aexrael Dex, Willemsen, lessisgood, Poljanan and I'm sure a few I'm forgetting too. Thank you.

Many thanks to everyone who's been kind enough to collaborate with me, and allowed me to include aspects (or the whole thing!) of their mods in my own, this includes Catclops is not a fun guy, Volkmar the Grim and others. Many thanks to Shakeyrivers for allowing me to play in his back garden with the Dread King OvN additions. Tiktaq'TOK/Sieghard Rosenzweig's excellent Tomb Kings Gods mod with his permission is included in this mod.

A special thank you to the amazing Hazard for sharing some of his brilliant screenshots and letting me use them.

Many thanks to the ever-helpful community at the C&C Modding Discord for putting up with my Tomb Kings obsession.

In bug-spotting and bug-fixing mode.

Read before posting:

Before posting try and remember rule #1 of the internet: don't be a dick. Maybe even have a read of 5 easy ways of being less of a dick[] before posting. If you find rule #1 difficult, expect your comment to be deleted.

1064032518 发表于 2020-9-3 12:42

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 求1.92版本古墓王势力能用的各种mod,兵前期太弱了,后期数量限制也要命啊。。。