Not to worry, we are not going to ban sugar from your diet. After all, we did say 'No big unreasonable sacrifices' under 'The Problem' section at the top of this page. Banning ice cream, desserts, fruits, etc would be unreasonable. But we must reduce and control it if you are to lose weight.
The reason we don't want to ingest sugar directly is that we want the body to regulate its sugar levels on its own. Fluctuations in your glucose (blood sugar) disrupt your daily activities. You will get those highs and lows because ingesting it directly gets processed so fast that you might as well inject it into your bloodstream directly.
Diabetes is an example of a disease in which your body as lost much of it's control of glucose in the bloodstream. This is why you don't want to feed it glucose or any sugar alone for that reason. If you do, your blood sugar levels will be all over the place and you'll have highs and lows throughout the day. With each low, you'll be tired and hungry persuading you to eat more. If you eat more sugar, you will be propagating this high-low cycle and you will not feel good. You'll likely overeat, feel lethargic most of the time, and possibly earn yourself a diabetes badge. It is no surprise that diabetes and overweight are often tied together.
In the western world there seems to be two types of common breakfast and they are both bad for breakfast. Bacon and eggs or cereal. Lets talk cereal since that contains lots of sugar.
Cereal for breakfast is a bad idea but mostly because cereals are bombarded with sugars. You add milk on top of that which has milk sugar (lactose) and you got one big sugar bomb. Now think about it. You just got up and that last time you ate was over 12 or more hours ago. It's is likely that your blood sugar is low. Why would you want to sugar bomb your bloodstream at this point? It's not a good idea no matter how you look at it. So why do we do it? Probably tradition and because the sugary stuff tastes so good. Of course if you eat a no sugar cereal and little milk it might be ok presuming your cereal is complex carbs..
看起来确实是种早餐食品,大概是牛奶里放麦片之类的,由于糖分非常高被称为Sugar bomb。 I like deviled eggs.
【关键词】deviled egg
【说明】deviled egg是美语,意为“加了辣椒粉的蛋”(将煮熟后去了壳的蛋剖成两半,取出两半蛋黄,在蛋黄的表面上添加红辣椒粉后,重新放回到蛋白中便可食用)。
大概翻译成辣蛋比较好。。 那些水果... 不用加新鲜的 Sugar Bomb 是不是以前小时候吃的那种爆炸糖或叫跳跳糖?就是在嘴里炸来炸去的那种? Sugar Bombs不如叫威力麦片或者威力麦圈 Encyclopedia > Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs
A fictional breakfast cereal oft-featured in the long-running comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. Perched firmly at the "sugar" end of the cereal spectrum, they have been described by Calvin as "tasty, lip-smacking, crunchy-on-the-outside, chewy-on-the-inside, and they don't have a single natural ingredient or essential vitamin to get in the way of that rich, fudgy taste." Hobbes compares them to "eating a bowl of milk duds". Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip written and illustrated by Bill Watterson, following the humorous antics of Calvin, an imaginative six-year-old boy, and Hobbes, his energetic and sardonicâ Sugar Bombs-----炮弹糖 改为 糖炮麦片 感觉和麦片还是有差距的,这个应该是和麦圈一样加牛奶后趁着还脆就吃。而不是像麦片一样要用开水完全泡软。还有就是“糖炮”和英文本意相比太没气势了。 Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual建议翻译成“中国军队训练手册”和书的封面上的中文相合。 原帖由 amberfay 于 2008-11-26 18:03:00 发表
Encyclopedia > Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs
A fictional breakfast cereal oft-featured in the long-running comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. Perched firmly at the "sugar" end of the cereal
从这里的解释里也说明了这是一种早餐吃的,放在牛奶里的谷物制品。 原帖由 sngs 于 2008-11-25 14:52:00 发表
sugar bomb 就是爆炸糖。。。咬上去会发出爆炸响声的,儿童时期曾经流行过。。。很经典的一种糖果
我觉得很对啊```就跳跳糖! Cram 一包午餐肉,味道淡淡的。食之无味,弃之可惜。 Sugar Bomb 干脆叫 Bomb麦甜圈 好了 谢谢楼上的资料,很有用,会改正的 You're SPECIAL!---你是与众不同的!
Sugar Bombs---糖豆
Pork N' Beans---猪肉豌豆罐头(游戏里也确实都是以罐头来显示的)