本帖最后由 Extravagance 于 2016-1-27 16:56 编辑当年星际争霸,魔兽争霸..仙剑等做成这画质...估计也没后面的成功了吧...
666666666666666666666666 又来撸画面……天呐……
不黑画面毕竟FC游戏 我现在都能玩。
人设实在看不下去 这游戏也就看看截图就够了
{:3_94:}玩这个 会毁审美 从来不觉得画面是第一要素,画面再好,内容不对我口味,尝试都不想尝试,我要看画面还不如去看电影什么的。这游戏虽然画面不好,但是听说有创新,有不错的要素,至少让感到好奇,让我想玩玩看,,就算画面减去了50分,但没准内容能加上200分呢?至于是不是神作还是要自己玩完了才能说,希望lz也是,如果玩都没玩就在那里夸夸其谈,肯定没什么说服力。 lostina 发表于 2016-1-27 11:27 static/image/common/back.gif
从来不觉得画面是第一要素,画面再好,内容不对我口味,尝试都不想尝试,我要看画面还不如去看电影什么的。 ...
Extravagance 发表于 2016-1-27 16:49 static/image/common/back.gif
画面不好就没有玩的欲望了吗?那只是你自己吧?我相信很多人和我一样听说这是个有创新、与众不同的游戏还是愿意一试的。你所说的评分和吹神作是指什么呢?ign? 我听说这个游戏在“玩过的”玩家中评价也很高呢,steam好评率达到了98%,只能说明不是所有人都像你一样把画面看得过分重要吧。 好逗{:3_94:} 按LZ的说法,TO THE MOON在LZ的眼里估计一文不值了
画面党没什么不对,然而既然你评判游戏看画面不看综合素质,就不要对明显不以画面为卖点的游戏作评论好吗?这些游戏好不好是不是神作,都与你无关不是吗? 她她她她她她她她她她她她她她她她她她她 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 虽然能自由选主角,但是升到毒毒感觉和玩君主一样累(后期).{:3_91:}注定只能玩割草无双,1人solo千军万马{:3_99:},感觉那个伴就是个数字,日常生活能扩充下内容就好了,期待PK 耳朵去啊啊 抱歉...........我看到画面反而更感兴趣,而这类游戏给玩家的感受往往比一些如同嚼蜡般的大作更有爆发力,而热爱这款游戏的玩家脑海里往往能脑补出画质大作所具象化出的画面无法媲美而更美好的画面 ..这样几乎否定了所有以游戏性为卖点的游戏[马里奥,口袋妖怪,塞尔达]你说他们烂吗?,画面好吗?,并不是所有人都是当下要以画面第一,不能用主观定义一个游戏是否符合所有人的需求,这种帖子应该加上个人见解这句话 The IGN Review Scale
For more than a decade, IGN reviewed games on a 100-point scale. While we switched to a 20-point scale briefly, we believe scores should be as expressive as possible. Elevating the dialogue about a game via focusing on the content of the written and video reviews doesn’t have to come at the expense of an expressive score. Hence, we’ve resumed using the 100-point scale in hopes of providing as much precision as possible to you. This does two things: Allows us to score within the score, and to more easily rank games.
Scoring within the score is simple: we apply a whole integer score (a 3, a 5, a 7, a 9), then we indicate what kind of 7 or 9 that is. Is it barely a 7? It’s likely in 7.1-7.3 territory. Is it a strong 7? It’s likely 7.5-7.7. Is it among the strongest 7’s, or among the best GOOD games out there (as defined by our written descriptions below)? Is it just short of being a great game? It’s a 7.8 or 7.9. It’s a SCORECEPTION!
The second reason is ranking. We all love to rank things, and the 20-point scale felt limited, and ultimately diluted our ability to rank games against each other. Obviously not all games are reviewed and scored against each other (i.e. you can’t directly compare Madden to Call of Duty or Mass Effect). But we know that when it comes to both purchasing decisions and your overall consideration and conversation about the best games of a franchise, on a platform, or of a generation, sometimes you want to contextualize games and know how games generally stack up against each other.
Scores are just a baseline for our opinion, though. All reviews go through a stringent editing process for fairness, transparency and accuracy by the time they finally appear on IGN and stand as the IGN Review. That being said, there’s also a by-line on every text you see, and we encourage you to follow our writers on Twitter, get to know them on their IGN pages, and try to get an understanding of where they’re coming from based on their pros and cons and recommended games. Basically, we don't want review scores to end the discussion, but encourage more of them, and we want you to interact with our reviewers throughout the entirety of the process in a smart, professional, and passionate way.
10.0 - Masterpiece
Simply put: this is our highest recommendation. There’s no such thing as a truly perfect game, but those that earn a Masterpiece label from IGN come as close as we could reasonably hope for. These are classics in the making that we hope and expect will influence game design for years to come, as other developers learn from their shining examples
人家已经说明了评分标准,你自己不去看 就不要胡乱揣测了。