便便藏tt 发表于 2013-10-21 10:08


本帖最后由 便便藏tt 于 2014-4-20 13:00 编辑




◆鏈接◆《腐烂国度(State Of Decay)》PC正式版 3DM破解版

◆鏈接◆《腐烂国度(State Of Decay)》PC正式版 最新升级档+“崩溃模式”DLC+破解补丁

◆鏈接◆《腐烂国度(State Of Decay)》蒹葭深度润色PC版汉化补丁发布贴 [内核汉化 支持正版]




因为本游戏制作方属于微软旗下的“丧尸实验室/Undead Lab”工作室,自带一部分“小作坊”性质,虽然现在正式版出来了,但游戏版本并非一成不变,而是时不时有更新、变动,所以一些更新讯息显得尤为重要,楼主会先从最新消息开始翻起,早期新闻待后补上,“()”括号里的内容一般是翻译注解说明,“【】”括号里的内容为楼主吐槽,敬请留意!2013年12月21日7.1号升级档更新说明
- Fix story missions not progressing for those not getting the Watchtower mission at the Grange.
* mouse: fixed some issues with high DPImice鼠标:修复一些高DPI鼠标性能问题 * mouse: better overall precision鼠标:整体精密度得到改善* performance: remove busy wait that causesabnormally high cpu usage on some machines画面:删除一些导致CPU占用率过高的忙等状态 * fix bug that caused 3rd story props tooccasionally be unsearchable修复了造成第三个剧情任务偶尔无法进行的问题 * increased odds of spawning unlocked Heroin Breakdown提高了已解锁的英雄在崩溃模式下的产生率


BreakdownReviews!“崩溃模式”DLC*综述!【*DLC:“DLC”=“DownLoadable Content/可下载内容”,因为现在不流行买光盘玩游戏了,国外很多玩家都是直接在Steam之类的平台上下载游戏来玩,所以不少游戏在推出了正式版之后(有些游戏正式版是有光盘销售的),又想推出跟正式版有关,但不再制作光盘销售,只需要额外付费下载的内容,于是就有了DLC这个概念。另外,一个DLC可能是几个G的独立游戏,也可能就是几M的一把枪,或者新增的背景音乐等等不同情况。】

Thanks to everyone who slaved over a hotkeyboard to get these reviews, previews, and playthroughs out today!首先我们要感谢那些战斗在“键鼠问题”前线的PC党筒子带给我们的综述、预览、攻略! We are launching Breakdown (and the freeTU4) on Friday, November 29th, all over the world. We’ll be on both Steam andXBLA. The price is $6.99, and that should convert automatically into your ownlocal currency.我们将在11月29日周五发布“崩溃模式”,通过Steam和XBLA平台全球首发~!售价6.99美元,在您购买时自动转为您所在国家的货币【北京时间大约是30号,周六,价格约不到42元人民币】 For those of you making up your mind on whatyou’re doing on Friday, and don’t mind potential spoilers, I hope thisinformation is helpful. 对于那些不知道在周五那天该怎么做的玩家,希望以下这些信息可以帮到您。 There won’t be any ads to entice you, nohype campaign to get you riled up. This DLC is going to stand or fall entirelyon how interested you are (and whether you think it’s good enough to tell yourfriends about it).不会有任何吸引人的广告或者令人热血沸腾的宣传,是否购买这份DLC完全取决于您的兴趣(所以,如果您认为它很棒,记得告诉您的好基友们哟!) Keep an eye on the forums and our socialmedia channels for fun contests and general shenanigans to celebrate the launchof Breakdown.关注我们的论坛还有媒体发布通道,可以获得有趣的内容以及庆祝DLC发布的恶作剧活动~! See you Friday, I hope.周五那天,不见不散~!

State of Decay: Breakdown Coming November29th《腐烂国度:崩溃模式》DLC*将在11月29日发售(粗略估计将在北京时间11月30日出炉)
We are excited to announce the release datefor our first DLC! It will be on both XBLA and Steam* on Friday, November 29th,and cost $6.99.我们终于可以很兴奋地宣布这款DLC的发售日期了!将会在蒸汽姬*和XBLA双平台发售,就在11月29日星期五!价格为$6.99,只需7刀,不贵不贵~!【约合不到43人民币】【*“蒸汽姬”是一些玩家对Steam游戏平台的昵称,有时经常联机验证失败什么故谓之“傲娇蒸汽姬”】
Our first expansion comes largely from youand your dreams. Less story, more survival. Long-term survival. Moredifficulty. New achievements, survivors, and weapons. We hope you have as muchfun with it as we have.所更新的文件体积将会是你们梦寐以求的那种大小!更少的剧情,更多的生存,而且是能够持续很长很长时间的那种生存模式!难度方面将更加考验你的操作,会有很多新的成就,新的幸存者,以及新的武器等着你!希望大家能玩的开心!!!油土鳖视频地址:http://www.youtube.com/embed/G_gsuwNDtS8?feature=oembed【我这边被墙了看不到油土鳖,下方是转存优酷地址的】http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjM3MTAzNjcy.html
Haven’t been following the design process?That’s okay. These five links will catch you right up:看完视频还不是很了解吗?没关系,下面还有5座传送门等着你:http://undeadlabs.com/2013/07/news/enter-sandbox/http://undeadlabs.com/2013/08/news/thats-so-meta/http://undeadlabs.com/2013/10/news/die-hard-fans/http://forums.undeadlabs.com/showthread.php?35342-Die-Hard-Fans-Followup-Q-amp-A-10-10-13http://www.twitch.tv/microsoftstudios/b/472522872
By the way, Title Update 4 hits the game onthe same day, with bug fixes and goodies like the new loot distribution system.Steam players, your fully remappable keybind feature will hit a few days beforethat. I’ll have notes for all of that next week.顺便一提,4号升级档【为什么是4号?】将与这款DLC在同一时间发布,修复了很多bug,增添了不少优化,比如全新的战利品/物资分配系统。蒸汽姬上的玩家们,全新的键位映射设定将会提前几日发布【这个大概是3号升级档?那2号呢?算啦不管了,届时看看该怎么理顺这个升级档编号问题,可能会以国外破解小组的命名为准】,下周我会更新一个更新记录来说明这一切。Keep your eyes on our forum, our Facebook(www.facebook.com/undeadlabs) and our Twitter (@undeadlabs) as we celebrate theimpending launch with contests and general shenanigans. And tell your friends!请持续关注我们的论坛,以及我们的“脸书”(www.facebook.com/undeadlabs)还有我们的推特(@undeadlabs),我们将会为这次DLC的发布举行一个线上庆祝恶搞活动,记得转告你们的基友哦!

Welcome to the Steam Launch Day!

We’re officially out of Early Access*! Thekeyboard and mouse interface is live. Thanks for all the feedback, the bugreports, the save files, the DXDIAGs, and more, Early Access players. You rock.Your technical chops and thoughtful feedback made an enormous difference.我们终于破除“先行版”的魔咒迎来了正式版!键鼠操作终于变得相对友好,感谢所有带给我们反馈的玩家,谢谢你们的bug、存档以及DXDIAGs等等帮助,谢谢你们,先行版的先驱者们,你们真棒!各种给力的建议造就了我们今天的神奇!
But today’s build is not the last word forState of Decay on Steam. Those of you who’ve been with us since our launch onXBLA know we don’t ever just call it a day. We’ve already got the next patchplanned out (and scheduled for a few weeks from now). It will include full keyremapping, changes to mouse acceleration, and more.不过,今天的正式版并不是《腐烂国度》的最终模样,那些从XBLA上的首发版本便陪我们一路走来的玩家一定很清楚,我们早已在准备下一次的更新内容(就在最近几周之内),届时会包括全套修复的键鼠问题,以及其他升级。
As I said on the Steam forum for State ofDecay: Thanks for riding along with us this far. I hope you stay on board,because this train’s not stopping.就像我在 Steam的腐烂国度论坛里说的那样:感谢一路走来陪伴我们的玩家,我希望你们继续陪着我们走下去,路还很长。
Oh, and if you think the game is too easy,PC players… I think you’ll enjoy State of Decay: Breakdown. Everyone, PC andXbox, will see it at the same time. Stay tuned.哦,如果你们觉得游戏太简单了,PC党们……我想你们一定会喜欢《腐烂国度:“崩溃模式”》*,所有玩家,不论是PC还是Xbox,你们将会同时玩到这个DLC*的,共享和谐!


Steam Full Release: Tuesday, November 5

That’s right, we’re heading into the homestretch. Of course, we’ll continue to make improvements, but we’re just about ready to call State of Decay launched on Steam. The official opening day will be Tuesday, November 5.

We’re going to do some serious celebrating on Tuesday. Prizes and contests and more, oh my!

In the meantime, if you are one of our adored Early Access players, there is a request list thread in both the official forum and the Steam forum. We sure appreciate the help!



官方论坛日志发布人: Sanya

Celebrate Halloween With a Twitch. AndCostumes.在Twitch平台上与我们与我们共度万圣节吧!记得要打扮得古怪些哦!Our next live stream will be Thursday,October 31st, because you cannot make a zombie game and NOT stream onHalloween. It’s a rule. We’ll hand out a couple Breakdown codes…well, IOU’s for codes…to celebrate the arrival of the Great Pumpkin.我们的下次实况将在周四(10月31号)进行,身为一款僵尸游戏可不能错过万圣节,这是老规矩!我们会出一些“崩溃模式”的激活码……好吧,我欠你们好多激活码呢……为了庆祝即将到来的“伟大南瓜节”【即万圣节】。Please join us athttp://www.twitch.tv/xboxlivearcade) at 11:00 AM PDT/2:00 PM EDT/7:00 PMLondon/20:00 CEST. Geoffrey will be there, ruling the channel with an ironfist, a cheerful smile, and possibly some high-pitched squealing when he getsovertaken by twelve bloaters and a feral.请在太平洋夏季时区上午11:00加入我们:http://www.twitch.tv/xboxlivearcade,Geoffrey会在频道上等待,用他的铁拳和尖声惊笑来迎接你们。Would you like to increase your odds ofwinning a code during the stream? Enter the costume contest, and follow thespecial directions for our Twitch friends. (Please note that pictures will bereposted to Facebook.)你们会喜欢在直播上用稀奇古怪的点子来赢取激活码吗?那就来参加万圣节化妆play扮相比赛吧,跟着特别指引走,来自Twitch平台的朋友!(请注意,照片会被上传到Facebook上)See you Thursday!我们星期四不见不散!

官方论坛日志发布人: SanyaBreak(ing) Down a Twitch?“崩溃模式”来袭!
Will the stars align? Between office moves,crossed wires, lost wires, patching madness, and more, we’ve missed you regularTwitchers. Here’s hoping it happens today. We’ve been sitting on an essentially complete build of Breakdown, and we’re dyingto show it to you.月明星稀,终成一线。在忙活完了搬公司、接线头、丢电路,修补各种疯狂的bug等等诸多事宜之后,万分感谢一路陪我们走来的各路玩家!现在有个好事儿告诉大家,我们一直在开发的“崩溃模式”即将出炉,已经迫不及待地想要跟玩家们见面啦!
Tune in to the XBLA channel:http://www.twitch.tv/xboxlivearcade) at 11:00 AM PDT/2:00 PMEDT/20:00 CEST to check out our first DLC courtesy of Brant,Geoffrey, and lurking in the text channel, me.获取更多相关信息:http://www.twitch.tv/xboxlivearcade,以太平洋时区夏季时间上午11:00为准(其他时区依次换算),可以看到我们的第一款DLC(Download Content可下载内容)的介绍,由诚挚的Brant,Geoffrey,以及在论坛里游荡的神秘人物,我(Sanya),为您呈现!

官方论坛日志发布人: SanyaNotes, 10/21/13Just two right now:刚刚(发布的6号升级档)解决了两个问题:

- Fixed an issue where we wereinadvertently flagging props (that still had resources in them) as"already searched."将已经搜索过(却仍然存在资源)的地方修正为“已探索”状态【尼玛终于不用将背包资源一袋袋背出来放在地上好方便下次再去搬运了吧?!额,好像在柜子里是会显示白色标记了,但是没有搬出来后放在地上的绿色标记显眼啊!而且柜子什么二周目再来逛不够起眼很容易乱找一气……期待更强修缮】
- Fixed a bug where we were forcing alllanguages to English
Those were the easy ones to fix in themidst of chaos. We're still investigating mouse acceleration, weirdnesswith save games (and other loot issues), and more interface tuning. Stay tunedfor more progress this week, barring the unforeseen.

官方新闻发布人: Sanya
《Patch For Steam Early Access: First Pass At Interface, Making Mouse Awesome》《蒸汽姬*先行版(第5号)升级档:首次通过界面优化,让键鼠操作更给力》【“蒸汽姬”是一些玩家对Steam游戏平台的昵称,有时经常联机验证失败什么故谓之“傲娇蒸汽姬”】
We are excited to announce that we’ve justdropped a big patch onto Steam for our Early Access PC version. It’s chock fullof awesome – major improvements to the interface, including mouse aiming. Andthat resolution support you asked for. And bug fixes. And a loot distributionthing. And… go read the notes.我们很高兴宣布,总算是给我们蒸汽姬上的PC先行版整了一个大升级档,各种给力——大幅改良界面,包括鼠标瞄准问题,还有你们要求加入的分辨率支持(大于720P后画面不再超框),并且修复了一些bug,以及战利品分配问题……剩下的就去读读升级档更新说明吧。(5号升级档更新说明见本帖二楼)
And then come back here and check out theannotated screenshot tour of the interface.然后回到这里,查看截图界面的注解。

Now play the hell out of it, PC people,because we want to patch it again next week with the stuff we learn from yourfeedback. TALLYHO!现在赶紧进入游戏战个痛吧,PC党们,因为我们计划下周再更新一个升级档(6号升级档),需要你们及时反馈信息给我们哟!加油!

(向官方反馈5号升级档存在问题请进入传送门:http://forums.undeadlabs.com/sho ... 59-Notes-10-18-2013

官方新闻发布人: Sanya

《The Lab Is Hiring》《我们的丧尸实验室正在招人哦!》
Please read the entire Jobs page, and itslinks, before diving for your resumè and your email. I don’t want to get allmushy or anything, but joining the Lab means becoming part of somethingincredible, a real team in every sense of the word. We’re in this for the longhaul, together, and when it comes to new colleagues, we’re looking for bothtalent and temperament.
You can get a great sense of us, our senseof humor, and how we roll by carefully reading the descriptions. None of theseare entry level positions.

Here are the four openings:

Animator. There are ten things we’relooking for. How many of them describe you?

Producer. “Undead Labs is built around a culture of pragmatism and strongproduction values, which allows us to build a smaller, elite team of veterandevelopers and take advantage of the high-caliber art and technology resourcesavailable around the world. But operating that way requires skilled andknowledgeable producers, and that’s where you come in.”

Programmer. A lot of programmer jobdescriptions say the company is looking for the best. We’re looking for peoplewho can be the best at things no one’s ever done before.

Designer. High confidence, low ego,positive attitude, proven design skills, and a hardcore State of Decay player?Call us.

All right. Ready? Here we go: http://undeadlabs.com/jobs/

I wish all of you who apply the best ofluck. Being here is a dream come true.

便便藏tt 发表于 2013-10-21 10:09

本帖最后由 便便藏tt 于 2013-12-13 15:39 编辑

2013年12月6日: 5号升级档更新说明
Notes, 12/5/2013While my forum is down, I at least still have the Steam group for patch notes...
* fix fame leaderboard 修复了排行榜名声问题
* update zombie kill points leaderboard data properly升级了排行榜杀僵尸计数
* upgrade to latest steam sdk 升级最新的steam组件
* Fix playthrough leaderboard 修复了排行榜攻略问题
* Fixed the scenario score leaderboard getting reset with each scenario 修复排行榜剧情模式得分

Looking to patch again before the holiday, FYI!


Notes, 11/27/2013
11月27日         - UNDEAD SANYA
正式版(3号升级档)更新日志:Kinda anticlimactic after last week's:上周的工作量明显不饱和啊:- Fixed a few audio bugs on the PC menusystem.解决了一些PC菜单系统的声效bug- Enabled Breakdown leader boards启动“崩溃模式”排行榜- Performance tweak to draw distances inmax/ultra mode调整了最高/超高细节画面模式下的一些性能问题- Shadows: Now faster and better!现在的阴影显示更快,效果更好!There's going to be another note in...mmm... an hour?可能过1个小时还会有个……Note(更新记录)出炉?- Fixed titles on Breakdown leaderboard添加了“崩溃模式”排行榜标题

Notes, 11/21/2013
11月21日         - UNDEAD SANYA

I have been ABSOLUTELY GOING BONKERS forfour days, waiting for this to drop:我都整整四天没去跟情人约会了,就是为了搞定下面这些:【壮哉我大FFF团{:3_116:}】New Stuff为你们带来的新节操-Keybinding! 键位绑定!-There is now a smoother frame rate, andreduced stalls when driving 现在帧数变得更流畅了,减少开车时的卡顿状况【比如“直立停车”?】-Breakdown UI is hooked up将“崩溃模式”的选择界面与游戏主体挂钩-Added more inputs for keyboard and mouseto shake zombies off (used to be 'c' key, now it's 'c' or 'e' or 'left click'or 'space') 增加了更多用于摆脱僵尸熊抱的按键(过去只有C键,现在使用C或者E或者鼠标左键或者空格键,都可以达到目的)-The resolution changes when you release(rather than when you drag) the sliders分辨率不会在你拖动分辨率选项滑块时就变动,而是在你松开鼠标时才更改-The mouse moves the camera during cutscenes在进行过场动画时,移动鼠标可以自由转动镜头了【尼玛终于不用再把那些过场对话当作国产单机RPG譬如OOXX剑之类的来看待了,终于能自由移动镜头了呢!】-We now block emotes/execute/roll/dropduring cutscenes 在进行过场动画时,所有表情/终结技/鼠标滚轮/丢下物品等键位的功能都将暂停,避免触发bug
Fixes解决的问题-Fix for crash when trying to completecertain missions 解决了完成某些任务时的崩溃问题-Fixed bug that caused unintentionaloverwriting of saves when you clicked Start New Game解决了“开始新游戏”时会意外改写存档的问题-Fix for cycling visible items when usingthe mousewheel 使用鼠标滚轮正确循环当前可视物品-Fixed placeholder text on expertise screen修复了一些界面下的占位符问题-Fixed several strings in non-Englishlanguages 修复一些非英语语言字符串问题

Notes, 11/5/2013
11月6日         - UNDEAD SANYA
Welcome to the official launch day... or as you Early Access guys would call it, just another patch day :)

Remember, this will not be the last patch ever, just because we're calling this a launch. The next patch in a few weeks will feature mouse accel changes, key remapping, and more. But this patch is no small potatoes! Eat up:

-Siren key added (LCTRL) 鸣笛?键位(左Ctrl)
-Execute key added (Z) 终结技键位 (Z)【亲测shift+E也能继续使用,双重保险,任君喜好】
-Roll key added (C) 翻滚键位 (C)【终于不用再触发输入法鬼畜了】
-Emote keys added (1, 2, 3, 4) 表情键位 (1,2,3,4)【终于不再是蛋疼地按住鼠标左键再咋地咋地了】
-Social key added (CAPS) 社交?键位 (CapsLock大小写键)【好像在发出一些欢呼or批评的声音时会对环境有影响】
-Radio works in cars (LALT) 开车时也能呼叫无线电键位了(左Alt)【没错,这样更安全!】
-Drop rucksack button added (X) 丢下物资包裹键位(X)【尼玛终于不用每次按住鼠标左键再按F了,鼠标左键可是攻击键啊,拿着大锤子的玩家每每想放下包裹时那都是蛋疼菊紧啊!】
-Firemode key added (space) 射击模式键位(Space空格键)

-Full keyboard/mouse support on map 看地图时,支持全部键鼠功能
-Keyboard/mouse controls screen 键鼠能够控制屏幕
-Updated buttons on leaderboard 排行榜增加了按钮
-Proper control icon in journal 日志界面更恰当的键位提示图标
-Proper autosave warning自动存档时更恰当的提示图标
-Intro movies now play if you have a dual monitor setup 如果你是双显示器,增加了介绍性影片在游戏进行时同步播放
-"Revert to defaults" now affects just the menu you reverted on “恢复初始设定”现在仅仅回复菜单上的设定数据,等确认后再回复真正设置【这样更好,省的一不小心按错一切都要重新设置】
-The journal doesn't display when entering/exiting the steam overlay 修复了steam更新时日志菜单不显示问题
-When the steam overlay is active, the game is now paused (YIPPEE) 当steam更新激活时,游戏将暂停(哦耶)

-Window'd mode works better优化窗口模式
-Rucksack now displays when it's dropped 被放在地上的物资背包现在会真正出现在地上【终于不再谜之消失只显示绿图标了】
-Removed halo around character in med and max spec 修复了中、高画面细节设定时的一些人物光影问题
-Removed extra darkening in med and max spec 修复了中、高画面细节设定时的一些光影问题
-Toned down the bloom 淡化了金属?【应该是一些模型显示方面的调整】
-Car headlight flares now only display in the direction towards the camera 汽车前灯的光晕现在只会在对着镜头的方向显示【感谢坛友纠错】

-Fixed inadvertent controller deadzone application in mouse code 修复了一个鼠标问题【我就不吐槽了】
-Fixed selectable UI text 修复了UI文本的可选性
-Fixed specialization details info bug 修复了一个专业性的细节问题【……】
-Move while aiming (when a controller is plugged in) 瞄准的时候可以自由移动(必须插着手柄)【这到底是修复还是没修复?!】
-Fix for controller prompt while surveying 修复了手柄相关的调查提示
-Fixed missing couch in the Wilkerson's farmhouse 修复了威克森农场消失的躺椅
-Fixed death flashing in Ultra spec 修复了超高画面细节时的死亡闪烁问题


Notes, 11/5/2013
11月6日         - UNDEAD SANYA

Welcome to the official launch day... or as you Early Access guys would call it, just another patch day :)

Remember, this will not be the last patch ever, just because we're calling this a launch. The next patch in a few weeks will feature mouse accel changes, key remapping, and more. But this patch is no small potatoes! Eat up:

-Siren key added (LCTRL) 鸣笛?键位(左Ctrl)
-Execute key added (Z) 终结技键位 (Z)【终于不再是shift+E了吗?待楼主回家测试一番】
-Roll key added (C) 翻滚键位 (C)【终于不用再触发输入法鬼畜了】
-Emote keys added (1, 2, 3, 4) 表情键位 (1,2,3,4)【终于不再是蛋疼地按住鼠标左键再咋地咋地了】
-Social key added (CAPS) 社交?键位 (CapsLock大小写键)【这个不知道是干什么的,回头测试】
-Radio works in cars (LALT) 开车时也能呼叫无线电键位了(左Alt)【没错,这样更安全!】
-Drop rucksack button added (X) 丢下物资包裹键位(X)【尼玛终于不用每次按住鼠标左键再按F了,鼠标左键可是攻击键啊,拿着大锤子的玩家每每想放下包裹时那都是蛋疼菊紧啊!】
-Firemode key added (space) 开火模式键位(Space空格键)

-Full keyboard/mouse support on map 看地图时,支持全部键鼠功能
-Keyboard/mouse controls screen 键鼠能够控制屏幕
-Updated buttons on leaderboard 排行榜增加了按钮
-Proper control icon in journal 日志界面更恰当的键位提示图标
-Proper autosave warning自动存档时更恰当的提示图标
-Intro movies now play if you have a dual monitor setup 如果你是双显示器,增加了介绍性影片在游戏进行时同步播放
-"Revert to defaults" now affects just the menu you reverted on “恢复初始设定”现在仅仅回复菜单上的设定数据,等确认后再回复真正设置【这样更好,省的一不小心按错一切都要重新设置】
-The journal doesn't display when entering/exiting the steam overlay 修复了steam更新时日志菜单不显示问题
-When the steam overlay is active, the game is now paused (YIPPEE) 当steam更新激活时,游戏将暂停(哦耶)

-Window'd mode works better优化窗口模式
-Rucksack now displays when it's dropped 被放在地上的物资背包现在会真正出现在地上【终于不再谜之消失只显示绿图标了】
-Removed halo around character in med and max spec 修复了中、高画面细节设定时的一些人物光影问题
-Removed extra darkening in med and max spec 修复了中、高画面细节设定时的一些光影问题
-Toned down the bloom 淡化了金属?【应该是一些模型显示方面的调整】
-Car headlight flares now only display in the direction towards the camera 车头灯现在直直地朝向镜头前方了【诶?以前不是直的吗?】

-Fixed inadvertent controller deadzone application in mouse code 修复了一个鼠标问题【我就不吐槽了】
-Fixed selectable UI text 修复了UI文本的可选性
-Fixed specialization details info bug 修复了一个专业性的细节问题【……】
-Move while aiming (when a controller is plugged in) 瞄准的时候可以自由移动(必须插着手柄)【这到底是修复还是没修复?!】
-Fix for controller prompt while surveying 修复了手柄相关的调查提示
-Fixed missing couch in the Wilkerson's farmhouse 修复了威克森农场消失的躺椅
-Fixed death flashing in Ultra spec 修复了超高画面细节时的死亡闪烁问题


感谢坛友nxqzf 提供翻译!


短期内改动, TLDR的版本:对武器边缘微调;物理效果改进(重力及车辆相互作用);ATI显卡优化;对键盘/鼠标进行成吨的改进(吐槽:这是LOL嘛)
修正了一个bug可能会导致你的名声错误地增量;实施本地量化下降(做的东西,不仅影响我们的翻译版本);新增主菜单鼠标射击记录;尝试在中心视角在某些情况下感染者对角色的面对方向;轻微改进窗口化效果;固定问题,即Feral不会死,如果用火焚烧,同时施放一个重击后反应;更新潜行攻击击后,武器耐久损耗为2倍而不再是1倍;更新允许移动双杀要执行的尖叫者,因为他们也有相应的动画;创建自制止痛药时消耗库存成本数量为2;更新两个无线电场景,以确保正在执行任务的幸存者不会消失或失踪;解决了一些不一致与阿拉莫基地的铁丝网;现在路丙烷罐爆炸伤害有适当的区域效应;固定在关机时内存泄漏的;改进的重心在PC上,以更好地达到Xbox 360的效果(注:由于技术原因, PC和Xbox 360将在重力作用有一定的差异,这是我们可以尽可能把它接近)。出于某种原因,我们不喜欢在文本的左侧和右侧的智能引号。这是现在我们要做的。性能优化海量UI更新。请继续阅读。V2鼠标键盘悬停选择事件,详情点击单击选择设备,点击激活详情悬停设施行动选择,单击建立悬停资产选择,详情点击悬停选择谈话内容,单击“选择”修复的bug具有焦点时,屏幕刷新修复空槽设备菜单鼠标控制PC输入提示在UI (通知,暂停,前端,杂志)亮点悬停删除一个选择对话(点击选择)切换到/ 。代替标签磅/ RB / SHFT标签PC UI更新修复悬停状态更好的开关键盘和背面修复键盘退出排行榜修复的亮点,当切换到Home操作菜单修复按钮提示搜索时噢,请大家感谢我们过度劳累和人数不足Gronk的的艺术支持请注意!鼠标没有更新到这个版本。那些仍在进行中,并将打在下个补丁。
附英文原文参考:Short and Sweet, TLDR version:· Edge weapon tuning· Physics improvements (gravity and vehicles like each other more)· ATI card optimizations· Tons of Keyboard/Mouse improvements
Nitty Gritty Details:· Fixed a bug that could incorrectly set your fame to an inflatedamount· Localization drop implemented (has to do with something that onlyaffected our translated versions)· Added Home Menu details hitbox for mouse· Attempts at center camera on character's facing direction incertain spawn situations· Slight improvements to poke through windows· Fixed issue where Feral would not die if set on fire while layingdown after a big hit reaction · Updated low slice to hit weapon durability 2x instead of 1x· Updated to allow the Double Kill move to be performed on screamers,as they do have the appropriate animations· Decreased stockpile cost to 2 when creating homemade painkillers· Updated two radio scenes to ensure the survivor being cast is notaway or on a mission· Addressed some inconsistencies with the Alamo base's barb wire· Propane tank explosion damage now has the appropriate area effect· Fixed a memory leak on shutdown· Improved gravity on PC to better match what it was on the Xbox 360(Note: For technical reasons, the PC and Xbox 360 will have some differences ingravity. This is as close as we can make it.)· For some reason we didn't like both left and right smart quotes intext. Now we do.· Performance optimizations· Massive UI update. Keep reading.· V2 mouse keyboardo hover to select on events, click fordetailso click to choose facility, click toactivate detailso hover to select on facility actions,click to buildo hover to select on assets, click fordetailso hover to select on conversation, click tochooseo fix bugs with focus when screen refresheso fix the empty slot facilities menu mousecontrolo pc input prompts in ui (notifications,pause, frontend, journal)o highlight on hovero removed a to select from conversation(click to choose)o switched to ,/. instead of tab/shft-tabfor lb/rbo pc ui updateso fixes to hover stateso better switching to keyboard and backo fix for exiting leaderboard with keyboardo fix for highlight when switching to homeactions menuo fix button prompt when searchingo Please thank our overworked andunderrepresented Gronk for art supportPlease note! Mouse updates didn't make itinto this version. Those are still in progress and will hit the next patch.


- Fixed an issue where we wereinadvertently flagging props (that still had resources in them) as"already searched."
- Fixed a bug where we were forcing alllanguages to English

Bug fixes:修复的Bug:· Fixed a bug causing a player to lose their ammo on mg's with 100round capacity.修复了弹药丢失问题· First pass on some UI alignment首次修复一些UI文字对齐问题· Sound volume balancing across the game一些音量平衡问题· Retuned loot distribution when starting a new game.开始一个新游戏时的战利品分配问题· Fixed an issue with the Leaderboards showing incorrect data修复了排行榜显示错误信息问题· Aligned aiming reticle UI重新排列了UI瞄准网格· Fixed an issue where mouse calls were being dropped修复了鼠标请求被弃用的问题· Better mouse aiming (note from Sanya: Am nominating this forunderstatement of the year award)更好的鼠标瞄准(Sanya留言:才,才不会觉得修复了这个我就能够获得年终大奖呢!)· Addressed an issue that could occur with some SLI enabled machines解决了一个可能会引起SLI功能障碍的问题
Known Issues已知的问题:Display settings - Currently there is noway to preview the setting options without committing on selection change.显示设置——现在暂时还是无法实现分辨率设置预览,只能保存设置后才能看到更改效果?Gameplay - Still no binding to changefiremodes on weapons where it should be available. Must use controller游戏性——还是无法改变键鼠操作下的武器射击模式,只能用手柄解决

On Foot徒步模式Movement移动: WASD(方向键)Camera镜头视角: Mouse鼠标拖/滑动Sprint冲刺跑: LShiftDefend/Stealth防御/潜行: LCtrlInteract互动: ECycle Items切换道具: Mousewheel(need alt for no wheel— suggestion below下方建议无滚轮鼠标用alt键?)Use Current Item使用目前选中的道具: FReload Gun重新装弹: RLight手电筒照明: TMelee Attack近身肉搏: LMB鼠标左键(温馨提示:键鼠操作里的shift+E是近战终结技,对跪倒/倒下的敌人都有效,很好用的哦!)Aim Gun瞄准: RMB鼠标右键Shoot Gun开枪: LMB鼠标左键Zoom/Switch卸下/装配道具: Q
In Vehicle驾车模式Accelerate加速: WBrake/Reverse刹车/减速: SSteering转向: A/DCamera镜头: Mouse (notworking不管用?)Emergency Brake紧急刹车: Space 空格键Door Attack车门震震震: LMB 鼠标左键Headlights车头灯: THorn喇叭鸣笛: QGet Out进入/离开车辆: E
Menus菜单界面Open Pause Menu打开暂停菜单: EscOpen Journal打开/切换日志: TabOpen Radio打开雷达: LAltOpen World Map打开世界地图: MMove移动: MouseZoom切换视野大小: Mousewheel鼠标滚轮 (needalt for no wheel无滚轮用alt?)Place Waypoint选择: LMBUI Navigate界面选择: WASDUI Select/Accept界面选中/同意: SpaceUI Back/Cancel界面回退/取消: Esc
And for the UI:手柄与键盘按键对照A = spaceB = escapeX = qY = erb = tablb = shift+tabmove = wasdscroll = wheel

(部分FAQ涉及内容已过时,与当下游戏内容不再有关,故未作翻译)FAQ官方原帖地址:http://forums.undeadlabs.com/sho ... p-Q-amp-A-7-30-2013
Q: You say that traps are set in youroutpost’s "safe zone" and you say that they can be triggered by yourcar... does that include your survivors? Other NPC's?
A: All of the above.

Q: Does this (other survivors looting ourstuff) apply only to OUTPOSTS that we haven't fully looted? Or does it meanthat any building that we have entered might be empty the next time we comeback? Or does it only apply to buildings that we have looted at least 1container in? Or does it only apply to containers that we have opened but leftthe contents inside of? You get where I'm going with this.
A: All buildings, and containers that youhave opened but left the contents inside of.

Q: I am at the church with 4 outpost. WhenI created the outposts, the houses were fully cleared (without any resourcesinside). The question is: Will I get 12 ammo per GAME DAY or REAL DAY? The postsays that it's every game day, but I was playing for 5 hours (about 2 and ahalf game days) and I haven't noticed my ammo resource increasing or mymaterials decreasing. Is it a bug that will be fixed, or have I misunderstood?
A: Real day. There are different thingscombining to make this hard to see from a player perspective - one, the UIissues we’re actively addressing, and two, how much ammo your survivors areusing. See above stuff about the formulas.

Q: “You get a resource bonus when you movehomes. Depending on the size of your new home.” (Quote from another player.)Wait... then given how moving has given me far more resources than outpostshave, simply rapidly switching back and forth between bases is consequently ameans towards generating infinite resources. And given that it requires butdoes not cost materials, it's also a influence to resource conversion, andincreases the unbalanced priority Materials have.
A: That is correct, and we hope to addressit in the future, but we think the display issues are a higher priority andwill benefit more players.
另,有关物资存储、换算等相关信息,请看这篇攻略贴:http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-4051466-1-1.htmlby baby1119

亮.. 发表于 2013-10-21 10:48


jixian8 发表于 2013-10-21 10:51


nightblade4 发表于 2013-10-21 10:59


tcxxf 发表于 2013-10-21 11:01


便便藏tt 发表于 2013-10-21 11:19

nightblade4 发表于 2013-10-21 10:59 static/image/common/back.gif


1016172029 发表于 2013-10-21 11:21


baby1119 发表于 2013-10-21 11:58


泪水涟漪 发表于 2013-10-21 12:39


Paruru 发表于 2013-10-21 12:43


便便藏tt 发表于 2013-10-21 14:19

baby1119 发表于 2013-10-21 11:58 static/image/common/back.gif
我觉得你可以把我辟谣的发布日期·DLC的Q&A都贴过来好了························ ...


qinerami520 发表于 2013-10-21 15:38


便便藏tt 发表于 2013-10-21 16:50


qinerami520 发表于 2013-10-21 16:51

便便藏tt 发表于 2013-10-21 16:50 static/image/common/back.gif


qijiacool 发表于 2013-10-21 18:05


Jarvis.Coldwell 发表于 2013-10-21 20:00


wswms 发表于 2013-10-21 21:31


未命名EVA 发表于 2013-10-21 22:11


杀中杀 发表于 2013-10-21 22:29


便便藏tt 发表于 2013-10-21 22:41

杀中杀 发表于 2013-10-21 22:29 static/image/common/back.gif
纠正一下:Steam是游戏平台,不是蒸汽!翻译完美,不过有一些语法错误~可能你对游戏并没有了解太多........ ...


8wy175486 发表于 2013-10-21 22:47


Astary^琪雅 发表于 2013-10-21 22:51

杀中杀 发表于 2013-10-21 22:55

便便藏tt 发表于 2013-10-21 22:41 static/image/common/back.gif
另,怎么可能翻的完美嘛,一个人的知识面有 ...


qweqwesf 发表于 2013-10-21 23:01


言之谆谆 发表于 2013-10-22 10:19


pooloo 发表于 2013-10-22 11:06


便便藏tt 发表于 2013-10-22 13:40


840213 发表于 2013-10-22 14:37


endman 发表于 2013-10-22 14:40

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