本帖最后由 ☆星の子☆ 于 2013-5-24 17:32 编辑Fixed Heavy Siphon beam to have the buff from last patch
Ships with supply bays will no longer resupply other ships with supply bays
Shamelessly stole ThomasGideon's arc art
Fixed a font issue with Arial 20 bold being way too large and screwing some spacing up
Changed arcs and shields in the shipyard to always draw over the ship module textures
Troops now spawn from planets in freighter class vessels rather than scout class vessels
Fixed a crash on the ground combat screen that could result from clicking the exact wrong spot
Planetary Gravity wells are now a vanilla rule
Subspace projectors and home territory now negates gravity wells
Planetary shields get a large HP buff; planetary shield regen reduced to 1 per turn
Adding new troop types:
- "Defender" has more hitpoints, lower attack, no ship. Stays where it is built for now.
- "Assault Force" is a standard troop. Spawns in a One-Shot freighter that goes into orbit upon being built.
- "Away Team" weaker troop, has its own shuttle like current troops. Spawns on planet.
后期卡 游戏崩溃 这个不解决有毛心情玩下去每次升完科技后 就是悲剧的开始
本帖最后由 ☆星の子☆ 于 2013-5-27 09:12 编辑
roma00 发表于 2013-5-26 23:18 static/image/common/back.gif
后期卡 游戏崩溃 这个不解决有毛心情玩下去每次升完科技后 就是悲剧的开始
那就别升科技了 XD
至今打完了好几局,全都是超大+拥挤星系。。后期只感觉流畅度没有开始好了,但是跳出什么的真没发生过。。1.11B、。。 非常期待,越改越有玩头了:$:$:$ roma00 发表于 2013-5-26 23:18 static/image/common/back.gif
后期卡 游戏崩溃 这个不解决有毛心情玩下去每次升完科技后 就是悲剧的开始
只能说你电脑不行 我玩顶多卡了点 但游戏不会崩溃
Planetary Gravity wells are now a vanilla rule
这个当初就应该设置成默认配置,可能爆陆战队的人就会少些的 {:3_182:}反正我一直在用1.07版本自己改MOD自嗨……什么时候出了稳定最终版再考虑换了 knight610liu 发表于 2013-5-29 18:34 static/image/common/back.gif
反正我一直在用1.07版本自己改MOD自嗨……什么时候出了稳定最终版再考虑换了 ...
1.12是不是稳定版不清楚 但这个版本改动较大而且加了不少新内容 同时预计大约延长到7月才出应该比之前的要稳定多了~