我很好奇游戏的名字,于是翻字典结果AHD里面给出的解释是:A rule or code that prohibits speaking or divulging information about certain activities, especially the activities of a criminal organization.个人渣翻:一条禁止说出或者泄漏一些活动信息的准则,尤其是一个犯罪组织的活动
n. 拒绝作证(黑手党徒的一种行为准则) 详细见wiki
Omertà (/ɵˈmɛrtə/; Italian pronunciation: ) is a popular cultural attitude and code of honour that places heavy importance on a deep-rooted "code of silence", non-cooperation with authorities, and non-interference in the illegal (and legal) actions of others. It originated and remains very common in Southern Italy where Mafia-type criminal organizations such as the Cosa Nostra, 'Ndrangheta, Sacra Corona Unita, and Camorra are strong. It also exists to a lesser extent in certain Italian-American neighborhoods where the Italian-American Mafia has influence and other Italian ethnic enclaves in countries where there is the presence of Italian organized crime (e.g. Germany, Canada, and Australia). 原意大利语,为一种极为重要的深深根植于“沉默准则”的大众文化态度及荣誉准则——“沉默准则”即不与当权者合作,不干扰他人的合法或非法行为。此概念起源于并仍存在于黑手党类型的有组织犯罪极为发达的意大利南部地区,这些组织包括:Cosa Nostra, 'Ndrangheta, Sacra Corona Unita,Camorra. 它也稍微蔓延到一些意大利裔美国人组建的黑手党具有影响力的社区中,此外Omertà在其他有意大利人社区并存在意大利人有组织犯罪的地区(德国,加拿大,澳洲)也有相当的影响。
fin maijiaosuan 发表于 2013-2-1 20:31 static/image/common/back.gif
原意大利语,为一种极为重要的深深根植于“沉默准则”的大众文化态度及荣誉准则——“沉默准则”即不与当权 ...