求助.......................{:3_155:} 重装吧@_@电脑都换了... {:3_190:}
真的不知道怎么办 Installation
OBGEv2 has a few prerequisites that must be installed prior to installing and using OBGEv2. These are:[*]OBSE - Version 0019 or later.[*]DirectX Update
Make sure that you have first downloaded and installed the prerequisites. This readme assumes that you are only interested in installing the OBGEv2 Core package for the OBGEv2 OBSE plugin. If you are also interested in using the OBGEv2 project shaders, download the OBGEv2 Shaders package from the project TES Nexus page and follow the instructions in its ReadMe.
Once you have installed the prerequisites, download from the TES Nexus page the OBGEv2 Core package, then do the following to install OBGEv2 correctly:[*]If you have obge.dll or DepthTest.dll in your Data/OBSE/plugins folder, remove them.[*]Extract the contents of the OBGEv2 Core package to your Oblivion\Data directory. Answer yes to any merge or overwrite prompts.
The files in the "Extras" folder are:[*]d3dx9_31.dll - If you are using the legacy compiler and your game crashes, move this to your Oblivion game folder.[*]d3dx9_41.dll - If when you launch Oblivion, the shaders you have applied have no visible effect, and your OBGEv2.log reports that this file is missing, move it to your Oblivion game folder.[*]textures and shaders folders - These contain some example shaders that can be useful in testing that OBGEv2 works and are also useful examples for writing shaders. You don't need to install them to use OBGEv2.可以到readme查查看是什么愿意,我怀疑DirectX版本没跟上 请确定是否安装了各种驱动及环境软件DX,net等 回复 2# alex30001
舍不得啊... 回复 4# bluesky404
话说....这个文件...在哪额.... 回复 5# 282492501
一会去试试能行不... 把玩3D游戏该装的补丁都装了{:3_160:} 把玩3D游戏该装的补丁都装了
2446059782 发表于 2011-8-15 20:44 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
都装? VB7963和vc7141运行库也装?!
家用机小心蓝屏哦 loading画面都看不见就不知道了
有一次我画面全黑,但菜单正常,仔细一看是color效果一个参数设错了 都装? VB7963和vc7141运行库也装?!
wx4032608 发表于 2011-8-15 20:54 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
智能abc吗... 智能abc吗...
alex30001 发表于 2011-8-15 20:59 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
汉王 手写
没键盘 触摸屏一只
一个是起源2010的奇怪私有库 据说第三章用2010引擎(核心2009) 所有的玩3D的那些都安装了...
还是黑色........菜单没文字.......囧..................{:3_184:} 黑屏的话, 先关闭抗锯齿看看。。。不行升级显卡驱动 回复 15# tiancaishu
上星期才换的- -...N卡560 Ti.... n卡啊。。。 一定要关闭抗锯齿了不然果断黑屏