cyx900423 发表于 2011-8-2 14:34


《孤岛危机2》V1.9 FLT破解修正补丁

系统是win7 x64,显卡是460M


BackupNameAttachment=" Build(0) 02 Aug 11 (14 00 02)"-- used by backup system
Log Started at 08/02/11 14:00:02
Running 32 bit version
Executable: D:\=Games=\Crytek\Crysis 2\bin32\Crysis2.exe
Using STLport C++ Standard Library implementation
Added MOD directory <engine> to CryPak
Executable Command Line: "D:\=Games=\Crytek\Crysis 2\bin32\Crysis2.exe"

Total number of logical processors: 8
Number of available logical processors: 8
Total number of system cores: 4
Number of cores available to process: 4

Processor 0:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       Q 740@ 1.73GHz
Family: 6, Model: 14, Stepping: 5
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1845.8 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 1:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       Q 740@ 1.73GHz
Family: 6, Model: 14, Stepping: 5
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1845.8 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 2:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       Q 740@ 1.73GHz
Family: 6, Model: 14, Stepping: 5
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1845.8 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 3:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       Q 740@ 1.73GHz
Family: 6, Model: 14, Stepping: 5
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1845.8 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Unknown command: sys_game_folder
Unknown command: sys_dll_game
Unknown command: sys_user_folder
Unknown command: r_ShaderCompilerServer
Unknown command: log_IncludeTime
Unknown command: log_verbosity
Unknown command: sys_PakLogInvalidFileAccess
Unknown command: sys_float_exceptions
Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_objectdetail' key 'e_DecalsForceDeferred' is not missing in default
Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_objectdetail' key 'r_DrawNearZRange' is not missing in default
Windows 7 64 bit SP 1 (build 6.1.7601)
System language: Chinese (Simplified)
Windows Directory: "C:\Windows"
* Installation of KB940105 hotfix required: no! (either not needed or already installed)
Local time is 14:00:03 08/02/11, system running for 2377 minutes
6069MB physical memory installed, 2558MB available, 4095MB virtual memory installed, 57 percent of memory in use
PageFile usage: 53MB, Working Set: 43MB, Peak PageFile usage: 54MB,
Current display mode is 1920x1080x32, (Unknown graphics card)
IBM enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard and 5+ button mouse installed
Unknown command: sys_game_folder
Unknown command: sys_dll_game
Unknown command: sys_user_folder
Unknown command: r_ShaderCompilerServer
Unknown command: log_IncludeTime
Unknown command: log_verbosity
Unknown command: sys_PakLogInvalidFileAccess
Unknown command: sys_float_exceptions
Stream Engine Initialization
GameName: Crysis 2 (TM)
BuildTime: Jun 16 2011 19:55:30
Font initialization
Physics initialization
Sound initialization
<Sound> Initializing AudioDevice now!
<Sound> Initialize FMOD with dynamic memory callbacks
<Sound> Starting to initialize Windows Audio Session API output!
<Sound> Drivers found: 2
<Sound> Available drivers:
        1.        Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
        2.        Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
<Sound> Using speaker mode: FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_STEREO
<Sound> Initializing FMOD-EX now!
<Sound> Initialized FMOD-EX
<Sound> Available record drivers: 0 Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) !
<Sound> Record config is set to autodetect using record driver 0
<Sound> Using FMOD version: 00043307 and internal 00043307!
<Sound> Initializing SoundSystem now!
Renderer initialization
used GeomInstancingThreshold is 8
Network initialization
using iocp socket io management
network hostname: Fate-cyx
MovieSystem initialization
Console initialization
Time initialization
Input initialization
AI initialization
Initializing Animation System
Initializing 3D Engine
Script System Initialization
Entity system initialization
Initializing AI System
Cannot locate active profile table
: Successfully activated profile 'cyx' for user 'Fate'
username Fate signedIn 1 userIndex -1
ActivateProfile profileName cyx
Unknown command: g_skipIntro=1
Unknown command: g_enableInitialLoginScreen=0
Creating socket on port 64100
Created socket on port 64100
<Flash> Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.startCountdown' to invoke.
<Flash> Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState"
<Flash> Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke.
<Flash> Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset"
<Flash> Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset' to invoke.
Initializing default materials...
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_01_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_01_lod3.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_02_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_02_lod3.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_04_lod2.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/arms/building modules/var_06/arms_var06_top_arch_04_lod3.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_ext_roof_02_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_r3_roof1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_r3_roof1_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_r4.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_pier/pier_r4_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_subway_ny/btrprk_subway_ny_e.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_subway_ny/btrprk_subway_ny_e_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_subway_ny/btrprk_subway_ny_h.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/level_specific/battery_park/buildings/btrprk_subway_ny/btrprk_subway_ny_h_ptm.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/trash/trashcan1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/props/military_infrastructure/mil_fuel_can/mil_fuel_can.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/props/military_infrastructure/mil_fuel_can/mil_fuel_can_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/feline/feline_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/feline/feline_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/scarab/scarab_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit_v2/nanosuit_v2_helmet.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/nova/nova_fp.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
Registering TPS Extensions...
All shaders combinations activated in 26.44 seconds
    r_GetScreenShot = 2 []
<Flash> Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "Root.PadButtonsDisplay"
========is loaded in 142856.6 sec ========


帽子先生 发表于 2011-8-2 14:42


wudengke12 发表于 2011-8-4 11:56


cyx900423 发表于 2011-8-4 16:51

回复 2# 帽子先生



页: [1]
查看完整版本: 孤岛危机2跑了一会就无响应了,求助