[上古旧书重现江湖]这回共享的资源,呃,06年的:Book Jackets: Oblivion Standard Res
本帖最后由 alex30001 于 2011-10-6 15:09 编辑资源链接如失效,新地址请见[临时地址] 231个 近20G Oblivion MOD 下载列表或[永久地址] 231个 近20G Oblivion MOD 下载列表
原址: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5570
上传者: Daleth
原作者: Hazreth(?)
** Note: Book Placement v2 has been released and is fully compatible with this mod. You'll probably like it better than version 1.2 which is linked in my readme. To find v2, click on my username... and there it is. **
Book Jackets: Oblivion is a basic retexture for all of the stock hardcover books in Oblivion, giving each title a unique texture and matching icon. Most books are titled on the spine and books in a series are also numbered. This mod is compatible with Book Placement as explained in the readme.
I wouldn't say it's a "better books" mod because I think Bethesda's books were beautiful to begin with. It's just an immersion mod. So much work went into the stories in the books that I thought they deserved to be as unique on the outside.
In addition to the graphics I've made some minor corrections to the text (typos, inconsistent spelling of names and repeated words, mostly) and made the mouseover text better match the titles as printed inside the book. Some cells have been altered where there were whole rows of books upside-down. I didn't clean up any clutter or move the books.
沙发是我的{:3_174:} {:3_148:}好精美 进来看看 果然偏门@_@ 帅气的封皮= =,可惜没家具了,自己带地铺~~ 本帖最后由 bluesky404 于 2011-5-16 18:28 编辑
那个。。。Author:Phoenix Amon
另外,从TOTO by dev_akm中得知:
Grimbot's DLC Book Jackets SI
More fantastic detail added to book jackets for Shivering Isles, with special attention given to the madness of the local inhabitants. Use this along with Phoenix Amon's Book Jackets.
00 Core is required.
The next three sub-packages provide alternate versions of books where the alternates are also by Phoenix Amon. For the 2920 series, the default version is maroon and turquoise, with the alternate being a bright golden color. For books with blood on their cover, the default versions have bright red fresh blood. The alternate versions use a dried rust colored blood. For the Tome of Unlife, the default version has a very mild pulsed blood flow animation. The alternate has no animation.
The next four options just restore the vanilla versions of the books. For these four books, Bethesda did provide unique covers for. So if you prefer the Bethesda originals, activate these subpackages.
All of these choices are much clearer if you review the html readme. 这东西用很久了,强烈推荐 啊啊啊啊啊好激动!!!!就是喜欢收藏书本!!!谢谢A大分享=3333=!!!{:3_104:} 支持。。。。 是不是还有个自动把书摆整齐的MOD配套的 是不是还有个自动把书摆整齐的MOD配套的
ALITONX 发表于 2011-5-16 21:56 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
YD的AT,看短消息. 比原版的好 謝謝樓主{:3_194:} 有搜到过.考虑到自己的配置.果断放弃了{:3_91:} 有搜到过.考虑到自己的配置.果断放弃了
长棍猫 发表于 2011-5-16 23:19 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
有普通版的,不占用更多资源,试试看,大不了删除嘛 {:3_56:}额 学习了,顶起!! 又学到东西了,感谢ALEX 希望乃这家伙又是水怪又是抢沙发,叫我情何以堪 我想买这种书的。。 {:3_140:}多谢分享 太好了!我一直想找这个。:loveliness: 各种书的高材质,这个比原设漂亮多了~~ 多谢楼主分享 感觉像词典{:3_140:} 不错不错 你能告訴我怎麼下這個東西嗎 谢谢大神的精心制作与分享! 1111111111111111