lxjjp1 发表于 2011-1-29 21:14

问下问什么More Perks里面有些Perk不能加

用了More Perks这个MOD,升级之后发现有些Perk是黑色的,不能增加,这是为什么?、

lxjjp1 发表于 2011-1-29 21:15


yakumo525 发表于 2011-1-29 21:30


一个潜行技能只有10的角色 无法学习 衔枚疾走PERK 的,而只有当你将 潜行技能提升到70,那个PERK的图标才会在升级时加亮出现。

但是如果 你要想让一个智力属性只有1的玩家 去学习 理解力PERK是绝对不可能的。因为那个PERK对智力的要求较高,当然在你升级时 那个PERK将永远是灰色无法选取的。

lxjjp1 发表于 2011-1-29 23:30


lxjjp1 发表于 2011-1-29 23:30


lxjjp1 发表于 2011-1-29 23:48


springfield1971 发表于 2011-1-29 23:55

好多perk都有基本要求 ... 自己看 ...

3a) More Traits for New Vegas (Ver.1.0.2)

- High Value Target (Passive) (ID: D2EE01)
-> You have been marked by the most vicious mercenary group. Occassionally, a group of deadly assassins will ambush you when you least expect.

- Born to be Wild (Craft) (ID: D2EE02)
-> You are easily addicted to chems. Fortunately, you can craft any of common types of chem from the Campfire.

- Glutton (Passive) (ID: D2EE03)
-> When you are eating, your overall damage is increased by +10%. However, when you are not eating, you take +10% more damage.

- Banned for Life (Permanent) (ID: D2EE04)
-> What has been done cannot be undone. You've been vilified by the major factions in Mojave. On the other hand, you gain +2 raider companions.

- Diabetic (Passive) (ID: D2EE05)
-> You are careful with food and medicine. Your medicine skill and survival skill are increased by +5 each. However, You recover -10% less health from food and medicine.

- Ne'er-Do-Well (Passive) (ID: D2EE06)
-> Your companions make up for your lack of combat skills. All your companions have +25 Combat Skills and you have -25 Combat Skills.

- Ranger with Big Iron (Passive) (ID: D2EE07)
-> You won't be the 21st with the Big Iron on your hip. Your Agility is increased by +1 while taking more critical damages from raiders such as Fiends and Powder Gangers.

- Fake Physician (One-Time Only) (ID: D2EE08)
-> You receive a set of medical items at the cost of your karma.

- Bring it On! (Passive) (ID: D2EE09)
-> You either kill fast or die early. Both you and your enemy's damage threshold are reduced by 5.

- Tribal (Passive) (ID: D2EE10)
-> You deal +5 Unarmed and Melee Damages but your Gun, Energy Weapons and Energy Weapons Skills are reduced by -5 each.

- Conduit of Radiation (Passive) (ID: D2EE11)
-> You resist incoming radiation by +30% although you continuously gain radiation even when you are not in the radiation zone.

- Near Death Experience (Passive) (ID: D2EE12)
-> Your action points only regenerate when you have less than 30% of health. When your health is below 20%, VATS cost -50% action points. Finally, when your health is below 10%, each kill will restore your entire action points.

3c) More Perks for New Vegas (Ver.2.2.6)

- Drink to Last! (level 2) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: D2EE03) (Req: +20 Survival)
Only the people who have almost died from thirst know how precious water is, regardless of where it is pumped from. With this perk, you can fill up any empty bottles from any toilet.

- Bonsai (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE01) (Req: +20 Science)
Through careful nurturing you have a small fruit tree growing out of your head. Fruits will appear in your inventory from time to time.

- Destiny Gambler (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE02) (Req: +6 Luck)
Your journey ahead is full of surprises. Let the dice of destiny decide your fate.

- Bright Side of Life (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE05) (Req: +20 Survival)
At least those bullets hitting your body are rarely critical...that is one thing to be happy about.

- Jump to Conclusions (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive)(ID: D2EE76) (Req: Failed at least one speech challenge)
When you fail to convince someone, all your hits become critical for next 10 seconds.

- Swing for the Fence! (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE04) (Req: +20 Melee Weapon or +20 Unarmed)
With Swing for the Fence! perk, you will be able to deal slightly more damage with unarmed or melee attack.

- Where's my pants? (level 4) (rank 3) (One-Time Only) (ID: D2EE06) (Player is not wearing an explosive collar)
You woke up with bags of money and caps in the middle of nowhere with your pants off.

- Prospector (level 4) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE07) (Req: +30 Barter)
You are now officially a prospector. Thus, you get a trade discount and better repair service from the traveling merchants. Also, your barter skill increases by +5.

- Sunny and Smiling (level 4) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE08) (Req: +3 Charisma)
Your bright attitude during the day makes other people happy.With this perk, your speech skill increase by 15 from sunrise to sunset.

- Persistent Manner (level 4) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE09) (Req: +6 Endurance)
You have learned to stay frosty and wait for the right time to strike. This allows you to score more critical shots in VATs when you aim at an enemy who is reloading.

- Tech Junkie (level 4) (rank 1) (Activate + Passive) (ID: D2EE10) (Req: +30 Repair)
The fun never ends while tinkering around with robots. With this perk, you are able to salvage more scrap metal from dead robots.

- Field Medic (level 6) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: D2EE11) (Req: +40 Medicine)
You are a dedicated medic among the comrades. You can attempt to revive a fallen ally at cost of a super-stimpak.

- Shells for Shelly (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE12) (Req: +40 Guns)
You are likely to notice others with shotguns and vice versa. You loot more shotgun shells from corpses and purchase more shells from the merchants.

- Professional Courier (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE13) (Req: +6 All SPECIAL Points)
The talents of a true courier are being able to carry more things and carry them faster. You can carry +10% more and run +10% faster.

- Nikola's Shockwave (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE14) (Req: +1 Nikola's Shockwave Book )
After reading Nikola Tesla and You repeatedly, you discover a secret method of enhancing your defense against energy projectiles by up to +10%.

- Roach Lover (level 6) (rank 2) (Passive) (ID: D2EE15) (Req: +5 Endurance)
Perhaps you should start washing your feet. Everyday at random, groups of radroaches crawl beneath your feet.

- Big League Slugger (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE16) (Req:+30 Melee Weapons)
Your every swing is equivalent to an out-of-park homerun. With this perk, your baseball bat smacks with +25% more damage.

- First Thing First (level 8) (rank 1) (VATS) (ID: D2EE17) (Req: +5 Perception, +40 Guns)
You are a careful shooter and know the first thing to do in a firefight. Before the start of combat you can shoot at an enemy's weapon with extreme accuracy.

- I Hate That Guy! (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE77) (Req: At least one companion is following)
Your companions strike with +10% damage to whoever that attacks you. Also, that target will explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste.

- Blind Luck (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE18) (Req: Less than 3 Perception)
Your are blind but not doomed. During combat, your luck will be maxed.

- Bottle Rush! (level 8) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: D2EE19) (Req: +6 Luck)
You are a thorough wasteland scavenger. With this perk you will be able to find more nuka cola and sunset sarsaparillas from crates and refrigerators.

- Fortuious Warrior (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE20) (Req: +6 Strength)
Fortune smiles on you as you are the bravest warrior on the wasteland. Whenever you are charging forward with melee or unarmed weapons, you have +10% to hit critically.

- Friend of The Friendless (level 8) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: D2EE21) (Req: No Companion or friend)
Today must be your lucky day because there is a small animal outside that wishes to be your loyal companion. Be nice and friendly, and it might grow out to be your only life saver.

- Poker Face (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE22) (Req: +6 Charisma)
You have a face that is totally unreadable and as such people who listen to you cannot figure you out. You gain a +10 to speech and better odds at casinos.

- Mutant Hunter (level 8) (rank 3) (VATS ) (ID: D2EE23) (Req: +6 Perception)
You are a natural born hunter of the wasteland. When aiming at Supermutants in VATS your accuracy is increased.

- Potato Farmer (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE24) (Req: +40 Explosives)
You have come to the realization that some enemies carry more explosives than they first appear. From now on, you can loot more grenades and mines from fallen enemies.

- Too Drunk to Die (level 8) (rank 1) (Upon Drinking) (ID: D2EE25) (Req: Get addicted 3 times or more)
When drunk there is absolutely nothing that can stop you. You gain a +5 to your Damage Threshold whilst under the effect of alcohol.

- Run Like Winds! (level 8) (rank 5) (Passive) (ID: D2EE26) (Req: +6 Agility)
After much practice, you finally managed increase your heart rate and raise your natural speed. Each rank of this perk increases your speed by +15%.

- Dubious Craftsman (level 8) (rank 1) (Craft) (ID: D2EE40) (Req: +100 Crafted History)
Your crafting skill is beyond limit. With this perk, you will be able to forge NCR money with pre-war money and Legion Coins with scrap metals.

- Beanballer (level 10) (rank 1) (VATS) (ID: D2EE27) (Req: +60 Explosives)
Your ability to throw grenades has improved. Your accuracy with grenades in VATS is improved.

- Civilized Bravery (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE28) (Req: Player is wearing a pre-war cloth at the time of level-up)
You feel that appearances are important. As such you feel much braver when maintaining the prim and proper look from the past. You gain a +1 bonus to both strength and damage whilst wearing any pre-war clothing or gambler suits.

- No Time to Think (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE29) (Req: +50 Survival)
You have learned there is simply no time to think when your life is at stake. That's why you rush to reload your heavy weapon 75% faster when your health drops below 50%.

- Outsmarting Booletz (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE30) (Req: +7 Agility)
You may not outsmart your enemy..but maybe you could outsmart their bullets? With this perk, your damage threshold goes up by +5 while moving around.

- Sense of Emergency (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE31) (Req: +50 Survival and +30 Medicine)
Your life was been full of fear until you turned to the booze. With this perk, you reach out for alcohol when your health drops below 80%.

- Two Faces (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE32) (Req: Neutral Karma)
You are a different person by day than you are at night. During the day, your medicine and repair skills rise. While at night sneak and lockpick skills increase instead.

- Unexpected Happiness (level 10) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: D2EE33) (Req: +7 Luck)
Today could be the day! From time to time, you may uncover vast treasures inside the most unexpected of containers.

- Chemical Engineer (level 12) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: D2EE34) (Req: +50 Science and +50 Repair)
You, goo and ammo form a triangular relationship. With this perk, you can turn goo and ash into the same type of ammo that left your foe this way.

- Famous Survivor (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE35) (Req: +3 Weeks Passed)
Yup, the one and only one, the famous courier has done it again! and this time, all the wastelanders know your deed. Your charisma is increased by +1 and the traders of the Mojave will now grant you a +10% discount.

- One Way or Another (level 12) (rank 1) (VATS) (ID: D2EE36) (Req: +50 Guns and +50 Explosives)
...and you thought all along sniper rifles were the only weapons that could score headshots. If you score a headshot when using a launcher in VATS you deal beyond fatal damage.

- Autodidact (level 12) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: D2EE37) (Req: +7 Intelligence and No Power Armor Training)
Congratulations! You have trained yourself how to equip the Power Armors and Helmets.

- Tactical Strategist (level 12) (rank 1) (VATS ) (ID: D2EE38) (Req: +6 Intelligence and +60 Guns)
You mastered the use of VATS and thus, your overall damage in VATS is increased by 10%.

- Tech Wizard (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE39) (Req: +6 Intelligence)
You spent your formative years hunched over a bench learning tech stuff. Your science and repair skills increase by +5. Also, you gained a +5% resistance to all types of energy projectiles.

- Doorbuster (level 12) (rank 1) (Activate + Craft ) (ID: D2EE59) (Req: +70 Explosives)
Bobby pins are nothing but girl's accessories. From now on, with only a cherry bomb, you will be able to blast the doors open no matter how hard they are locked.

- Ghoulficated Heart (level 14) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: D2EE41) (Req: Very Good Karma)
Your angelic mind waves throughout the Mojave. Now the Feral Ghouls show respect for your presence. With this perk, nearby feral ghouls will come to aid you in combat.

- Heavy Marksmanship (level 14) (rank 1) (VATS) (ID: D2EE42) (Req: + 7 Perception)
The chance to hit the target in VATS with your launcher weapons becomes more precise depending on how long you observe their movements.

- Prowler (level 14) (Rank 1) (Upon Taking Cateye )(ID: D2EE78) (Req: + 7 Agility)
Under the effect of cateye, your each attack will have +5% chance to knock out.

- I seeee yooou!! (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE43) (Req: Sniper Perk)
No one can escape from you regardless of how desperately they run. With this perk, your rifle has a higher critical hit chance against fleeing enemies when you aim down your guns scope or sights.

- Pipboy Upgrade (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive + Toggle) (ID: D2EE44) (Req: +50 Medicine and +50 Science)
You decided to add extra functionality into pipboy. The pipboy will announce when there is an enemy nearby and inject chems automatically during combat.

- Sharpshooter (level 14) (rank 1) (VATS) (ID: D2EE45) (Req: +7 Perception)
You are able to quickly calculate how the a bullet will fly under current conditions. With this perk, you can aim more accurately when the target is farther away.

- Smooth Criminal (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE46) (Req: +50 Sneak)
The experience of becoming a legendary thief starts with the Smooth Criminal perk. With this perk, you are granted a +10 to your sneak skill and partial invisibility while slowly sneaking into someone else's property.

- Turret Expert (level 14) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: D2EE47) (Req: Robotic Expert Perk)
Tired of using terminals to turn off the pesky turrets? Well, with this perk you can deactivate and reconfigure turrets any time.

- E.P.I.C (Eternal Partners In Crime) (level 16) (Rank 1) (VATS) (ID: D2EE79) (Req: Miss Fortune or Mysterious Stranger Perk)
As long as you stay in evil or very-evil karma, the VATS helper will show up twice more frequently.

springfield1971 发表于 2011-1-29 23:56

- Fading Fingerprints (level 16) (rank 1) (Item + Toggle) (ID: D2EE48) (Req: +50 Sneak and +50 Science)
You have successfully salvaged a set of pre-war tech that seems to be Stealthboy prototypes. After some repairs, you managed to make to make it so this unique Stealthboy is powered by the user's action points instead of an integrated battery.

- Heavily Trained (level 16) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE49) (Req: +60 Guns)
Due to your outstanding training technique, your skill in using a broad array of heavy weapons has been improved. When you use a heavy weapon the reload speed increases whilst the gun spread decreases.

- Play with Fire (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE50) (Req: Pyromaniac Perk)
You're the master of handling fire, especially flaming weapons. With this perk, your fire resistance is increased by +25% and an extra +15% while using any fire based weapons.

- Art of Pain (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE51) (Req: +8 Endurance)
You just overcome the incurable disease. Both normal damage and critical damage increases as you get more wounded and irradiated.

- Pathfinder (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE52) (Req: +8 Perception)
You have mastered being a rat in a trap, and as such, your perception will be maxed whenever you are indoors. Also, your overall speed is increased by +5%.

- Wimp in Silence (level 18) (rank 1) (During Invisibility) (ID: D2EE53) (Req: +70 Sneak)
You have grown up to be shy in public. Thus, your real potential only comes out when you use a stealth boy. With this perk, you inflict significantly more damage while under the effect of any stealthboy.

- Limb Grinder (level 18) (rank 1) (VATS) (ID: D2EE54) (Req: +6 Perception and +60 Guns)
The joy of killing is when body of your enemy is torn apart. When aiming at a limb in VATS, you deal both more normal damage and critical damage when you fire weapons that hang down from the handles like the Minigun and Gatling Laser.

- Burning Sunlight (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE55) (Req: Pyromaniac Perk)
Burn! Burn 'em all! With this perk, your critical hits with fire weapons are more frequent and more lethal under the bright daylight.

- Kleptomaniac Punch (level 20) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE56) (Req: +70 Unarmed and +70 Sneak)
Your stealing technique is quite artistic. With this perk, each punch has a chance to steal all of their equipment.

- Mojave Investor (level 20) (rank 3) (Permanent) (ID: D2EE57) (Req: +80 Barter)
The economy of the Mojave Wasteland is in your hands. Most merchants will now have much more caps to barter with you.

- Neutral Party (level 20) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE58) (Req: Neutral Karma and +70 Speech)
Nobody can mimic your logical and objective reasoning. With this perk, you look more charismatic as long as you maintain your neutral karma.

- Major Achiever (level 20) (Rank 1) (One-Time Only) (ID: D2EE80) (Req: +30 Challenges Completed)
You have achieved too many and now is a perfect time to celebrate. Upon taking this perk, you will receive a bunch of crates filled with alcohol drinks.

- Double Slash (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE60) (Req: +7 Luck and +70 Melee Weapons)
Within a blink of an eye, your enemy may get sliced in half...thanks to that stranger with blade. With this perk, when you fight with a melee weapon, a vault dweller with a sword will occasionally appear during the battle.

- Mutual Attraction (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE61) (Req: +9 Charisma)
You are a fair fighter and usually gain respect among your enemies. With this perk, some enemies that you are fighting randomly surrender and join your side.

- Knife in the Shadow (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE62) (Req: +70 Melee Weapons and +70 Sneak)
You have mastered a most devastating backstab move. With this perk, your critical hits inflicts fatal damage when you sneak up on a target unnoticed and attack with your one-handed, blade weapon.

- Peer Pressured (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE63) (Req: +2 Followers or More)
You feel anxious when you can't meet the expectations of those who follow you. With this perk, your overall combat speed increases by the total number of followers.

- Ability to Focus (level 24) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: D2EE64) (Req: +8 Endurance and +8 Intelligence)
You have gained an extraordinary ability to focus for 5 seconds. You maximize your Science skill when you attempt to hack a terminal in sneak mode, for the price of 50 action points.

- Placebo Effect (level 24) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE66) (Req: Comprehension Perk)
After gaining such incredible knowledges from magazines, you managed to boost your skill even before opening the first page. With this perk, every 2 magazines you own provides +1 skill.

- Inspiring Leader (level 24) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE65) (Req: +90 Speech)
You sometimes forget to distinguish between companions and slaves. Either way, your life is much easier. Your action points and carry weights increase depending on the total number of current companions.

- Greasemonkey (level 26) (rank 1) (Craft) (ID: D2EE67) (Req: Robotic Expert Perk)
After all this time working with robots, you finally managed to reverse engineer the blueprints for almost all robots found in the wasteland. You can craft Deployable Robot Kits using workbenches.

- Superior Mind (level 26) (Rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE74) (Req: +9 Intelligence)
ou are able to exploit the weakness of enemy with your superior brain power. With this perk, you can penetrate the damage threshold of enemy that has lower intelligence than yours.

- Weapon Repair Master (level 26) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE68) (Req: +90 Repair)
Searching another one of your favorite weapons just to repair it is no longer necessary. With this perk, your weapon will slowly repair itself at the cost of action points.

- Cancerous Growth (level 28) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE69) (Req: +90 Survival)
You have mutated so badly that you gain health over time and even regenerate broken limbs.

- Steel Behind Suit (level 28) (rank 1) (Craft) (ID: D2EE70) (Req: +80 Repair and +80 Science)
Your outstanding repair skills and science skills have adapted the technique of converting any pre-war suits or gambler suits to power armors.

- Face of Deception (level 30) (rank 1) (Item) (ID: D2EE71) (Req: +10 Charisma)
You have invented a mask to disguise your true nature. Upon equipping, you can disguise your karma to any of your choice.

- The New Era (level 30) (rank 1) (One-Time Only) (ID: D2EE72) (Req: +50 Quests Done)
With this perk, you will be able to change your name, change your appearance and pick 2 more traits.

- Rise and Shine (level 30) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: D2EE73) (Req: +100 Medicine)
Rise and shine...and smell the ash. When sneaking you can resurrect dead human bodies as powerful glowing ones.

- Special Op. (level 30) (rank 1) (Item) (ID: D2EE75) (Req: +100 Explosives)
You have acquired what is left of a pre-war military device which has retained contact with an automated missile silo. Once you upload the coordinates and pressing the button, a devastating missile salvo will rain from the sky.

3d) More Perks for Companions (Ver.1.0.1)

- Toast to Victory (Level 4) (Rank 1) (Require Ingestibles) (Req: +3 Charisma) (ID: D2EE01)
-> Share your beer with your companions because with this perk, your companions will drink alcohol beverages during combat for +2 Strength and +2 Endurance.

- Learn by Observation (Level 6) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: +4 Perception) (ID: D2EE02)
-> You learn more by observing than anything else. When your companion kills, you gain extra +20% experience points.

- Lethality (Level 6) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: +4 Charisma) (ID: D2EE03)
-> You and your companions inflict much higher critical damage depending on the size of your squad.

- Radiohead (Level 6) (Rank 1) (Dialogue) (Req: ED-E is a follower) (ID: D2EE04)
-> ED-E can turn on major radio stations via dialogue. Also, ED-E is now immune to EMP.

- Army of One (Level 8) (Rank 3) (Passive) (Req: +5 Charisma and +5 Intelligence) (ID: D2EE05)
-> Under your excellent leadership, your companions fight more efficiently. Each rank of this perk provides +5% additional damage and accuracy.

- Vaccination (Level 8) (Rank 2) (Passive) (Req: +50 Medicine) (ID: D2EE06)
-> You might feel a little prick. Each rank of this perk provides +25% Poison Resistance to you and your companions.

- Iron Mules (Level 8) (Rank 3) (Passive) (Req: +5 Charisma) (ID: D2EE07)
-> Let your companions man up and carry items for you. Each rank of this perk provides +1 Damage Threshold with +20 lbs Carry Weight.

- Endorphin Boost (Level 10) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: +5 Charisma and +5 Strenth) (ID: D2EE18)
-> Your companions are a bunch of wimps and you need to motivate your squad to fight harder. If you successfully take down an enemy in the first 10 seconds of the combat, all your companions will hit critically for next 5 seconds.

- Western Justice (Level 10) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: Cassidy is a follower) (ID: D2EE12)
-> When Cassidy is one of your companions, you and your companions deal +10 more damage against evil NPCs.

- Shotgun Diplomacy (Level 10) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: Player has Shotgun Surgeon Perk) (ID: D2EE09)
-> A fully loaded shotgun is an answer to everything. You and your companions will score frequent critical shots while using shotguns.

- One-Two Punch (Level 12) (Rank 2) (Passive) (Req: +5 Charisma and +50 Unarmed Skills) (ID: D2EE08)
-> Your companions have been decent sparring partners. Each rank of this perk improves you and your companions' unarmed damage.

- Meatshields (level 12) (Rank 2) (Passive) (Req: +5 Charsima) (ID: D2EE11)
-> Each rank of this perk increases your companion's Health and Damage Resistance by +25 with +5% respectively.

- Spotting , Part 2 (level 14) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: When Boone is a follower) (ID: D2EE14)
-> When Boone is one of your companions, you and your companions can nagate the Damage Threshold of spotted target.

- Buff by Chems (Level 14) (Rank 1) (Require Ingestibles) (Req: +6 Charisma) (ID: D2EE15)
-> Chems are much more enjoyable when you share it with those around you. From now on, your companions will use chems during combat.

- Patch me up, Doc (Level 16) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: Arcade is a follower) (ID: D2EE13)
-> When Arcade is one of companions, you and your companions slowly replenish health during combat.

- Sci-Fi Horror (Level 18) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: +7 Charisma and +70 Energy Weapons) (ID: D2EE16)
-> Your companions can blaze, disintegrate and goolificate more often with extra +25 Energy Weapons Skill.

- Fists of Steel (Level 20) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: Veronica is a follower) (ID: D2EE17)
-> When Veronica is one of your companions, you and your companions have +10% Chance to knock down the enemy with an unarmed weapon.

- Penny Collectors (Level 22) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: +8 Luck) (ID: D2EE20)
-> You and your companions can gather bottle caps and legion coins every now and then.

- Granny's Love (Level 22) (Rank 1) (Craft) (Req: Lily is a follower) (ID: D2EE10)
-> When Lily is one of your companions, you can craft a stealthboy from Workbench.

- Group Reflexes (Level 24) (Rank 2) (Passive) (Req: +9 Charisma) (ID: D2EE21)
-> Each rank of this perk increases both combat and movement speed of your all companions by +10%.

- Puppies! (Level 24) (Rank 1) (Permanent) (Req: Rex is a follower) (ID: D2EE19)
-> Rex is now followed by two extra puppies of his own. When a puppy dies, another one will show up in a couple of days.

- Into the Shadow (Level 26) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: +9 Charisma and +90 Sneak.) (ID: D2EE22)
-> When you are sneaking, your companions walk with a maxed sneak skill and +10% Stealth.

- Forbidden Invention (Level 28) (Rank 1) (Craft) (Req: Raul is a follower) (ID: D2EE23)
-> When Raul is one of your companions, you can craft a mini nuke from Reloading Bench.

- Brothers in Arms (Level 30) (Rank 1) (Passive) (Req: +10 Charisma) (ID: D2EE24)

成公英 发表于 2011-1-30 10:14


lxjjp1 发表于 2011-1-30 11:29


Mystletainn 发表于 2011-1-30 11:40

一切如你所说的话 还真无解

springfield1971 发表于 2011-1-30 12:03

回复 10# lxjjp1

    ... ... ...

有 (Req: xxxxxxxx) 的 ... 就是該perk的要求 ... 請看清楚才說 ...

lxjjp1 发表于 2011-1-30 13:06


ace_blood 发表于 2011-1-30 13:16


lin2004 发表于 2011-1-30 13:49


成公英 发表于 2011-1-30 16:59


espmax 发表于 2011-1-30 18:36


1949101 发表于 2011-1-30 18:59

luoboc 发表于 2011-1-30 19:51

本帖最后由 luoboc 于 2011-1-30 20:02 编辑

lxjjp1 发表于 2011-1-29 23:30 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif

- Too Drunk to Die (level 8) (rank 1) (Upon Drinking) (ID: D2EE25) (Req: Get addicted 3 times or more)
When drunk there is absolutely nothing that can stop you. You gain a +5 to your Damage Threshold whilst under the effect of alcohol.



- Jump to Conclusions (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive)(ID: D2EE76) (Req: Failed at least one speech challenge)
When you fail to convince someone, all your hits become critical for next 10 seconds.


springfield1971 发表于 2011-1-31 00:50

回复 13# lxjjp1

    我貼上的perk說明中, 有8成以上都有 (req: xxxx) 的字眼, 別人都看到了, 實習版主大人卻看不到??? 為什麼?

a. 他英語不好 ...
b. 他眼睛不好 ...
c. 他根本沒看 ...
d. 他其實早看到了 ... 卻在找碴 ...

nweiss 发表于 2011-1-31 03:23


丶K 发表于 2011-1-31 03:50


    我貼上的perk說明中, 有8成以上都有 (req: xxxx) 的字眼, 別人都看到了, 實習版主大人 ...
springfield1971 发表于 2011-1-31 00:50 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif

    实习...版主.. o(︶︿︶)o 唉..
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