Strength:Strength is a measure of your raw physicalpower. It affects how much you can carry and determines theeffectiveness of all melee attacks.
力量:影響負重(1點力量 = 10磅負重);影響近戰武器技能
Perception:A high Perception grants a bounus to the Explosives,Lockpick and Energy Weapons skills and determines when red compassmarkings appear(which indecate threats).
Endurance:Endurance is a measure of your overall physical fitness. Ahigh Endurance gives bonuses to health, environmental resistances andthe Big Gun and Unarmed skills.
Charisma:Having a high Charisma will improve people's dispositiontoward you, and give bonuses to both the Barter and Speech skills.
Intelligence:Intelligence affects the Science, Repair and Medicineskills. The higher your Untelligence, the more Skill Points you'll ableto distribute when you level up.
智力:影響科學、醫療技能;影響升級所得到的技能點數(1點智力 = 2點技能點數)
Agility:Agility affects your Small Guns and Sneak skills, and the number of Acion Points available for V.A.T.S.
Luck:Raising your Luck will raise all of your skill a little. Having ahigh Luck will also improve your critical chance with all weapons.
Barter:The Barter skill affects the prices you getfor buying and selling item. In general, the higher your Barter skill,the lower your prices on purchased items.
Big Guns:The Big Guns skill determines your combat effectiveness withall oversized weapons such as the Fat Man, Missile Luncher, Flamer,Minigun, and Gatling Laser.
Energy Weapons:The Energy Weapons skill determines your effectivenesswith weapons such as the Laser Pistal, Laser Rifle, Plasma Rifle, andPlasma Pistol.
Explosives:The Explosives skill determines the power of any set mines,the ease of disarming any hostile mines, and the effectiveness of allthrown grenades.
Lockpick:The Lockpick skill is used to open locked doors and comtainers.
開鎖:開鎖熟練度(Very Easy = 25%,Average = 50%,Hard = 75%,Very Hard = 100%)
Medicine:The Medicine skill determines how many Hit Points you'llreplenish upon using a Stimpak, and the effectiveness of Rad-X andRadAway.
Melee Weapons:The Melee Weapons skill determines your effectivenesswith any melee weapon, from the simple lead pipe all the way up to thehigh-tech Super Sludge.
Repair:The Repair skill allows you to maintain any weapons and apparel.In addition, the higher your Repair skill, the better the startingcondition ofany costom-made weapons.
Science:The Science skill represents your combined scientificknowledge, and is primarily used to hack restricted computer terminals.
Small Guns:Small Guns determines your effectiveness with allconventional projectile weapons, such as the 10mm psitol, BB gun,Assult Rifle, and Combat Shotgun.
Sneak:The higher your Sneak skill, the easier it is to remainundetected, steal an item or pick someone's pocket. Successfullyattacking grants an automatic critical hit.
Speech:The Speech skill governs how much you can inluence someonethrough dialogue and gain access to imformation they might otherwisenot want to share.
Umarmed:The unarmed skill is used for fighting without a weapon, orwith the few weapons specifically designed for hand-to-hand combat,like Brass Knockles and the Power Fist.
空手格鬥:空手或者使用特殊武器的熟練度,如:銅指套和動力拳套等 这是辐射3的........ LZ你也太偷懒了吧, 直接抄FO3 FNV还多个生存的。。 抄FO3貼