如果修改器不能用, 试一下下面秘籍吧!!!!!!!
《黑暗虚空》秘籍秘籍在外国网站找到的!! 本来是给Demo版的, 本人试过完全版也可用.
Note: This cheat procedure requires editing a game file on your computer. It is
strongly recommended to backup the files that will be edited. Open a text editor (like
windows Notepad) to modify the "DefaultInput.ini" file located in the "Program
FilesCAPCOMDark VoidnativePCSkyGameConfig" directory. Find everything labeled as
"DebugBindings", and change it to "Bindings". Turn off the read-only attribute of the
file, and save it. Then during gameplay, press one of the following keys to activate the
stated cheat:
Result Key
Refill ammunition (补滿子彈) U
God mode (不死/无敌) G
Toggle HUD B
Activate different speed settings N, M, , and
Commit suicide (自剎) X
进去 "c:Program Filesx86CAPCOMDark VoidnativePCSkyGameConfig" 內找到 "DefaultInput.ini" 文件, 用文本(Notepad)打开, 找到有 "DebugBindings" 的命令行, 再根句玩家需要的命令將该命令行里的 "DebugBindings" 改成 "Bindings".储存时或储存后一定要取消read-only.
注意: 修改前请備份!!!!!!!!!