[00:11] Background Loader: Fatal: <Exception: "Anchorage.esm" requires master "Fallout3.esm" to be loaded before it.>
[00:11] Background Loader: finished
[00:11] --= Error =--
[00:11] An error occured while loading your active modules.
[00:11] Please look at the log above to determine which of your modules caused that problem.
[00:11] The most likely reason for this is a module file that contains structural errors.
[00:11] !!! No changes have been made to any of your active modules.
[00:11] !!! You have to resolve the problem and run this program again.
[00:11] Loading and saving the problematic module in GECK can sometimes produce
[00:11] a working version. But it is recommended to contact the author of the module
[00:11] to get the original fixed.
始终没有ALL DONE,怎么回事哩?