- 贡献度
- 0
- 金元
- 1483
- 积分
- 148
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2014-3-31
Hex World
Primary goal for this mod is to provide a different (better?) experience from the vanilla.
Recommended to install on a fresh nativePC without other mods.
Mod may or may not be compatible with other mods.
Links for individual mods included in this pack.
Update Log 3.2
- Always back up your save, REGULARLY
save is located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxxxxxxx\582010\remote\savedata1000where xxxxxxxx is a random number. - DELETE old installation of HEX WORLD
- Monster adjustments will affect all quests you hosted, so not recommended for SoS.
- Monster adjustments have no effect if you join other player's quests.
- changed values are not final, depending on feedback, they will be adjusted accordingly.
- Not compatible with other mods that uses the same files.
- Solo play/offline or with friends recommended.
- Won't cause crashes online.
Bowguns- buffed Pierce Ammo 1/2/3 MV 7/7/8 to 9/9/10
- buffed Slicing Ammo (same as pre-nerf values on console) 7 x 7mv (fixed, set cutting value too high)
- buffed elemental ammo MV from 5+27 to 6+36
- removed Elemental cap (any weapon can use Elem Skill level 5)
- (It will show like default on smithy/deco screen,but show uncapped value on equip screen, which the game follows on damage calculation.)
- removed Status cap
- changed all Critical Element values to 135%, the same multiplier bow, SnS and DB have by default.
- changed all Crit Status values from 120% to 135%
- Improved Hasten Recovery (Nergigante Set Bonus) - requires 4 hits to activate instead of 5. Hits register every 0.5 sec, instead of 0.72 sec.
- Bludgeoner Green Sharpness bonus buffed from 15 -> 25
- Poison adjustment: Increment and Max Threshold modifier reduced by 50%, less build up needed to inflict 2nd proc onwards.
- Poison adjustment: Duration and Interval between ticks reduced by 50%, allowing you to inflict poison more.
- Blast adjustment: Increment and Max Threshold reduced by 50%
- Buffed High Ranked Monster HP and Stagger (reworked)
- Monster speed is faster now when enraged (red icon) (T2/T3 = Default x 115%, T1 = Default x 120%)
- Balanced out Monster size RNG, almost the same as crown events.
- Better drop rate for decorations and KT weapons.
- Canteen will always give +50 Health/ +50 Stamina (you start with 150/150 regardless if you eat or not)
- Some low rank optionals are edited into 10 star optional quest (Wildspire nergi, Ancient Forest Nergi, Giant Jagras, etc)
- adds custom version Gamma sets not officially released yet. Nergi gamma and KT gamma added.
- edited Assigned quest to have mutiple monster targets.
- adds craftable kjarr weapons. ticket needed to craft them can be acquired by beating the 10-star quests i provided. (all except hh, sa and ls)
- adds set bonus charms
buy me a coffee?: https://ko-fi.com/hexhexhex
Contact: @MHhexhexhex