大家好,由于大神实在太优秀以及先入为主,绝景版有一点不一样都觉得怪怪的,下面是国外网友对于ps3绝景版和ps2原版不同的一些探讨,关于结尾reset之类的就不说了,这个是新的不同: Some of the food bag stuff was changed: PS2 had monkey eating meat while the PS3 has monkeys eating seed. There are a few little peculiarities like this. But overall its a good port, having played the Wii version then the PS2 version then the PS3 version, the PS2 version has remained the best version since I played it. The segment which requires you to draw on a character on a blank page is only fully realised on the PS2 version where your character shows up in the credits. And the rice paper filter is there but it is less noticeable because of the resolution boost.The progressive scan also makes the colours much more vivid. These two issues combined create a much different experience from the original. 他提到了“The segment which requires you to draw on a character on a blank page is only fully realised on the PS2 version where your character shows up in the credits.” 也就是说玩家自己创意涂鸦的环节在ps3版本有阉割,这一情况是否也带到了pc绝景版里?求高人证明之。 另外局外话,好多capcom的高清重制都有这种细节问题,比如ngc生化1,hd后亮瞎眼恐怖感全无,原版安全屋的昏暗灯光的感觉没了,水的质感变生硬了,鸟笼房间墙上的鸟笼影子居然没有了,后期使用硬币放水之后电梯滴水的特效和音效没了(这个wii版居然都没有,只有ngc有,我并不想吹ngc的细节);生化0hd以后原版一开始的火车厢里树影斑驳特效没有了;鬼泣hd合集里鬼泣1里世界天空漩涡变成大红X,还有最终boss的红色气波消失了。本来贴图精度高了,光影特效强了,这几部作品应该全面强于老版本,但是,总有小问题,让人不禁遗憾。希望今年3月登陆pc的鬼泣hd合集不要继承ps3,360版本的问题,不然体积n的n次方翻翻,搞出来的作品细节实在对不起这些容量。