- 贡献度
- 210
- 金元
- 13478
- 积分
- 2198
- 精华
- 1
- 注册时间
- 2008-6-19
valkylin000 发表于 2015-6-24 14:12
是啊 NV官方驅動有寫明阿卡漢騎士SLI設置 ,開啟SLI偵測也是有顯示...最好可以轉頭怪玩家開SLI
明明就是遊 ...
[SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] With a 4K
display, a TDR occurs after the in-game
resolution is toggled and the ap
plication is exited. [200116725]
[SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Heavy flickering
occurs in game after Alt+Tab if SLI is
enabled. [200116723]
[SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Severe stutte
ring seen, especially
in indoor scenes,
when the game is running at 4K resolu
tion and NVIDIA Gameworks settings are
turned on. [200116722]
[SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Random flic
kering occurs in the game if SLI is
enabled. [200116717]
[GM206, SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Stuttering occurs and performance drops
after shadow quality settings are toggled. [200116694]
[GK180, SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Wh
en SLI is enabled, a crash points to
shortly after the game is exited. [200116717]