
- 贡献度
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- 金元
- 3976
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- 398
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- 注册时间
- 2013-8-25
[/list][/td][td][float=right]电梯直达[float=left][color=#000][url=] [/url]
发表于 2013-5-17 19:55:33 [color=rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3846754&page=1&authorid=883901]只看该作者[/url] [color=rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3846754&extra=page%3D1%26orderby%3Dheats&ordertype=1]倒序浏览[/url]
[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][font=微软雅黑][size=4][url=http://weibo.com/kevinyang225][color=magenta]更多第一手的游戏发布、破解、汉化资讯,请点击关注此微博[/url][/size]
[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][font=微软雅黑][size=4][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-3625877-1-1.html][color=blue]2013年全部热门单机游戏及汉化下载请猛击该贴[/url][/size]
By 3DM技术组
进入游戏后 在选项——在线——游戏类型,务必选单人模式
STEAM自动更新的 若升级后汉化失效 可重新安装一次汉化补丁
[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)][From developer:] Patch solves problems with achievements and contains many other small fixes. The full changelist is as follows:
Fixed freeze if the user spams 'use' button when installing a fence.
Fixed black screen in quarantine when fast traveling from Halai.
Added syncing achievements on profile load from profile to Steam. This fixes situations where player has completed some achievment but Steam did not get info about it.
Fixed Steam achievement registration upon gaining two or more achievements at once.
Fixed problem with not registering collectables for achievements (eg. "Hoarder")
Fixed sudden weather changes
Fixed - Marcus Villa does not trigger any mines and does not take damage from Molotov Cocktails
Fixed black screen game block if movie fails to play.
If the users accepts a game invitation or joins a coop session while in the Hints menu, the menu will remain on screen throughout the loading screen. Selecting any hint resulted in a crash - fixed now.
Repeatable quests exploit fixes - items: CraftPart_ElectronicScrap & CraftPart_Detergent removed from shop offer
HudDialogue: Inputs will be processed during dialog even if hud is not active. Now the player have possibility to skip the speech if subtitles are disabled.
If the user presses "F" (or other key if the use is changed in the Controls menu) and Esc key in a quick succession, he will be let unable to use the Fast Travel from that point due to the fact that the trigger disappears. This issue has been fixed.
MenuInventory: Fixed drop button focus while fists are selected during compare mode.
The user cannot select any hints using the keyboard arrows in the hints menu - fixed.
Explosive/shock throwable knives craft plan - fixed.
Added choice (YesNoDialog) for player if he wants to watch intro movies.
Pressing "back" while aiming sniper rifle caused view corruption - fixed.
Character selection menu speeches play now according to selected voiceover language.
Fixed "singing knife" problem when using knife with "tesla bomb knife mod" and "sticky bomb mod".
Facebook PC initialization modified. This shortens game startup time and may fix some issues with window and cursor behavior including deadlock on white screen.
Fixed double cursor on first game start after reboot. It is probably caused by Steam overlay. In result cursor show counter is always positive and cursor will remain visible
Fixed system cursor staying on screen if switching fullscreen to window after system (re)boot.
Fixed shift, alt and ctrl state not being cleared when Steam overlay is shown.
Fixed possibility to use an unlimited amount of grenades or other items.
Fixed clearing previous item if next item is the same (stackables) resulting in no item equipped in certain situations.
Additional check added for showing gather circles to disable them in single player.
MapPortal: OtherPlayersWaitingPortal message should not be visible if player can't move to waiting place.
Added hiding cursor after game init if it wants to stay visible for some unknown reason.
Picking up weapon when entering fury caused wrong weapon to be used during fury & weapon duplication - fixed.
Enabled instant switching of weapon for not local player object. Fixes issues with thrown weapon appearing in player's hand for a moment before weapon change info gets replicated.
Redundant LevelUp message at start game, or join other player.
Dying when exiting vehicle very close to an obstacle - fixed "limbo state" where no respawn was triggered.
Making sure that during the hub defense, only the spawn points on the roof in Cinema are used.
Zombie should no longer penetrate walls.
AI can't attack if it's close to the target and the target can't be traced. Fixed LoS through walls.
Foliage quality loading properly.
Changed audio bus for collectable tapes (disabled reverb).
Modified volume multiplier and default volume for speeches and player speeches.
Yellow furniture in Sylvia's parent house fixed.
Yellow grate in quarantine fixed.
[tr][td=120][color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=misc&action=viewratings&tid=3846754&pid=85428248]已有 [color=#f26c4f]5 人评分[/url][/td][td=50]金元[/td][td][float=right][url=]收起[/url]理由[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-2466572.html][img=24,24]http://att.3dmgame.com/avatar/002/46/65/72_avatar_small.jpg[/img][/url] [color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-2466572.html]小果果[/url][/td][td]+ 2[/td][td]不支持局域网,硬伤啊![/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-2872671.html][img=24,24]http://att.3dmgame.com/avatar/002/87/26/71_avatar_small.jpg[/img][/url] [color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-2872671.html]925923499[/url][/td][td]+ 2[/td][td]不要升级,不支持汉化[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-5289409.html][img=24,24]http://att.3dmgame.com/avatar/005/28/94/09_avatar_small.jpg[/img][/url] [color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-5289409.html]will_be_和尚[/url][/td][td]+ 2[/td][td]谢谢你![/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-5977601.html][img=24,24]http://att.3dmgame.com/avatar/005/97/76/01_avatar_small.jpg[/img][/url] [color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-5977601.html]billpeng.cn[/url][/td][td]+ 2[/td][td]谢谢你![/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-4702817.html][img=24,24]http://att.3dmgame.com/avatar/004/70/28/17_avatar_small.jpg[/img][/url] [color=#000][url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/space-uid-4702817.html]COVET[/url][/td][td]+ 2[/td][td]qq無法下,跪求分流[/td][/tr]
[/table][p=24, null, left]总评分: 金元 + 10 [url=http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=misc&action=viewratings&tid=3846754&pid=85428248]查看全部评分[/url]
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