toroyabe 发表于 2009-11-12 15:56

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Code



Cheat modeSuccessfully complete the first mission. Pause the game, and selectthe "Input Code" option. Then, enter one of the following codes toactivate the corresponding cheat function. Alternately, successfullycomplete the first mission. After gaining access to the Rogue Shadow,you will have the ability enable cheat codes. While on board your shipbetween missions, select "Extras", then the "Enter Code" option. Enterone of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheatfunction. Note: Enabling a costume code may prevent someintermissions sequences from being viewed. The game cannot be saved andsome achievements cannot be earned when non-costume codes are enabled.To bypass this, reach a checkpoint in a new area after enabling thecode(s), then intentionally die, exit to the main menu, and select"Continue". Manually save your game, then quit to the Xbox 360Dashboard. Continue your saved game to be able to manually save andearn achievements with the code(s) in effect. Note: This must be done before finishing a level, otherwise your profile will be flagged as using cheat codes.

Maximum Force powersEnter "KATARN" as a code.
Maximum Force Push ranksEnter "EXARKUN" as a code.
Maximum Force Repulse ranksEnter "DATHOMIR" as a code.
Maximum Saber Throw ranksEnter "ADEGAN" as a code.
Amplified lightsaber damageEnter "LIGHTSABER" or "COUNTDOOKU" as a code.
All Force TalentsEnter "JOCASTA" as a code to unlock all Force Talents.
All lightsaber crystalsEnter "HURRIKANE" as a code to unlock all lightsaber crystals. Note:Enabling this code will remove all lightsaber related Holocrons on thecurrent saved game file, thus blocking the "Holocron Collector"achievement from being earned. -From: Paul Koven
All costumesEnter "SOHNDANN" as a code to unlock all 32 costumes. -From: Paul Koven
All databank entriesEnter "OSSUS" as a code to unlock all databank entries.
All combosEnter "MOLDYCROW" as a code to unlock all combos.
Aerial Ambush comboEnter "VENTRESS" as a code to unlock the Aerial Ambush combo.
Aerial Assault comboEnter "EETHKOTH" as a code to unlock the Aerial Assault combo.
Aerial Blast comboEnter "YADDLE" as a code to unlock the Aerial Blast combo.
Lightning Bomb comboEnter "MASSASSI" as a code to unlock the Lightning Bomb combo.
Lightning Grenade comboEnter "RAGNOS" as a code to unlock the Lightning Grenade combo.
Lightsaber Impale comboEnter "BRUTALSTAB" as a code to unlock the Lightsaber Impale combo.
Saber Slam comboEnter "PLOKOON" as a code to unlock the Saber Slam combo.
Saber Sling comboEnter "KITFISTO" as a code to unlock the Saber Sling combo.
Sith Saber Flurry comboEnter "LUMIYA" as a code to unlock the Sith Saber Flurry combo.
Sith Slash comboEnter "DARAGON" as a code to unlock the Sith Slash combo.
Sith Throw comboEnter "SAZEN" as a code to unlock the Sith Throw combo.
New comboEnter "FREEDON" as a code to unlock a new combo.
New comboEnter "MARAJADE" as a code to unlock a new combo.
Play as Emperor PalpatineEnter "MASTERMIND" as a code to unlock Emperor Palpatine.
Play as General Rahm KotaEnter "MANDALORE" as a code to unlock General Rahm Kota.
Play as General Rahm Kota (drunken)Enter "HARDBOILED" as a code to unlock General Rahm Kota (drunken).
Play as Incinerator TrooperEnter "PHOENIX" as a code to unlock Incinerator Trooper.
Play as Kashyyyk TrooperEnter "TK421GREEN" as a code to unlock Kashyyyk Trooper.
Play as ProxyEnter "PROTOTYPE" as a code to unlock Proxy.
Play as Scout TrooperEnter "FERRAL" as a code to unlock Scout Trooper.
Play as Senator Bail OrganaEnter "VICEROY" as a code to unlock Senator Bail Organa.
Play as Shadow TrooperEnter "BLACKHOLE" as a code to unlock Shadow Trooper.
Play as Snow TrooperEnter "SNOWMAN" as a code to unlock Snow Trooper.
Play as StormtrooperEnter "TK421WHITE" as a code to unlock Stormtrooper.
Play as Stormtrooper CommanderEnter "TK421BLUE" as a code to unlock Stormtrooper Commander.
Jedi Adventure robeEnter "HOLOCRON" as a code to unlock the Jedi Adventure robe.
Jedi Ceremonial robeEnter "DANTOOINE" as a code to unlock the Jedi Ceremonial robe.
Kento's robeEnter "WOOKIEE" as a code to unlock Kento's robe.
Sith Stalker armorEnter "KORRIBAN" as a code to unlock the Sith Stalker armor.
Mirrored levelsEnter "MINDTRICK" as a code.
Sith Master modeEnter "SITHSPAWN" as a code to unlock the Sith Master difficulty.

Sith Lord modeSuccessfully complete the game to unlock the Sith Lord difficulty.
Jedi robeSuccessfully complete the game with the Jedi ending to unlock the Jedi robe.
Sith Stalker armorSuccessfully complete the game with the Sith ending to unlock the Sith Stalker armor.
Mission bonusesSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the correspondingbonus. There are a total of 115 Holocrons that can be collected.
TIE Factory
Bonus objective: Destroy 5 TIE fighters to get a Force Talent Sphere.Force Points: Get 200,000 FP to get a Force Combo Sphere. Holocrons: Get 15 Holocrons to get a Force Power Sphere.Raxus Prime: Act 1
Bonus objective: Destroy 10 Scavenger Skiffs to get a Force Talent Sphere. Force Points: Get 250,000 FP to get a Force Combo Sphere. Holocrons: Get 15 Holocrons to get a Force Power Sphere.Felucia: Act 1
Bonus objective: Kill 4 Rancors to get a Force Talent Sphere. Force Points: Get 375,000 FP to get a Force Combo Sphere. Holocrons: Get 15 Holocrons to get a Force Power SphereEmpirical: Act 2
Bonus objective: Destroy remaining escape pods to get a Force Talent Sphere. Force Points: Get 150,000 FP to get a Force Combo Sphere. Holocrons: Get 5 Holocrons to get a Force Power Sphere.Cloud City
Bonus objective: Freeze 10 Imperials with Carbonite to get a Force Talent Sphere. Force Points: Get 200,000 FP to get a Force Combo Sphere. Holocrons: Get 5 Holocrons to get a Force Power Sphere.Kashyyyk: Act 2
Bonus objective: Destroy the Imperial Comm Tower to get a Force Talent Sphere. Force Points: Get 360,000 FP to get a Force Combo Sphere. Holocrons: Get 15 Holocrons to get a Force Power Sphere.Felucia: Act 2
Bonus objective: Release the Sarlacc to get a Force Talent Sphere. Force Points: Get 425,000 FP to get a Force Combo Sphere. Holocrons: Get 15 Holocrons to get a Force Power Sphere.Raxus Prime: Act 2
Bonus objective: Destroy the orbital ship yard to get a Force Talent Sphere. Force Points: Get 500,000 FP to get a Force Combo Sphere. Holocrons: Get 15 Holocrons to get a Force Power Sphere.Death Star
Bonus objective: NoneForce Points: Get 500,000 FP to get a Combo Sphere. Holocrons: Get 15 Holocrons to get a Force Power Sphere.
Easy Force PointsReach a checkpoint that is just before a large group of enemies.Intentionally die during the battle. Every time you respawn at thecheckpoint, your Force Point total will remain intact. Repeat thebattle to build your Force Points.
Lightning grenadeGrip an enemy, shock them with Force Lightning, then Force Throwthem at other enemies. The enemy will explode, killing all nearby foeswith minimal Force Power consumed.
Black Lightsaber Crystal in "Death Star" missionIn the final mission where you are in the area of the Death Starwhere all of the green lasers meet, take the Graviton Generator up toits highest point. You should then be able to see the Holocron. It ison the platform just above the highest laser. It is somewhat difficultto reach. Use the Gravitron Generator to get as high as possible. Whenyou are higher than the platform that the Holocron is on, press LB, Bto get across.
Once on the Death Star, fight your way to the large focusing chamberwith the two graviton lifts. Fight the two AT-ST's at the bottom of theroom, then activate the lifts. Take them to the very top of the room,and kill any Imperials in your way. At the top, look above the laserfocusing crystal, and you should see a Jedi Holocron. To get there, youmust jump on the beam above the laser channel. If you can time itright, you can get there by jumping from the top grav lift ring, butthis can take a while. To make it easy, stand on the top grav liftring, and pull one of the channel rings out of its place, and put itbetween the Apprentice and the beam you need to get to. Be sure toplace it on the ground, and then just let go or else the ring willbreak, roll away, or tip over. Once in place, jump onto the ring, thenonto the beam (be careful of the laser as one hit will kill you), thenget the Holocron, and equip the Crystal. -From: Demon Wyldfire
Getting Kento's robe in "Imperial Kashyyyk" missionThis robe is unlocked after an intermission sequence. Turn aroundand look behind you after the intermission sequence where Starkillerhas a vision in the hut. There should be a Holocron behind a woodenobject. Collect it to unlock Kento's robe.
Movie references in "Imperial Kashyyyk" missionGet through the second gate, and enter a room where you must fightone of the Emperor's royal guards. In the room with the Wookie on thewall, to the left is what appears to be Jar-Jar Bink, frozen inCarbonite, as well as some other memorable characters from the Star Warsmovies such as the eye of the creature that was in the trash compactorwith Luke, and the little creature that sat next to Jabba the Hutt.
Crash landed Millennium Falcon in "Imperial Raxis Prime" missionAfter you bend out the first mangled mess of metal and kill all theRodians, stay to the right along the platforms as much as possible.When you reach the end prior to the chasm, look over the edge to seethe Millennium Falcon.
Getting Sith robe in "Raxus Prime" missionAfter defeating the first junk Titan you encounter, go across, andfrom the bridge after this you must fight more of the Force-controlledrobots. Once this is done, leap across a large area. Once there, toyour left will be a section of steel beams. Force Push these down tofind the Holocron that will unlock the Sith robe.
Hidden X-Wing in "Raxus Prime" missionAfter you have electric bombed the initial entrance to theHyperdrive Core three times, stand facing away from the entrance, andwalk to the right slightly. Look into the toxic waster sludge, and youwill automatically target something. Raise it up with Force Grip to seethat it is an X-Wing.
Clone trooper helmet in "TIE Factory" missionWhen you reach the point in the factory where the TIE Fightersattack you, there are metal beams you can bend. Bend the last onebackward, and make it a sort of step. Jump on the bent part, then jumpagain. Look at the roof of the hallway and jump there. There is a clonetrooper helmet on the ground.
Defeating Darth VaderFor the first part of this battle, use Force Repulse or Force Shieldwith lightsaber attacks to take him down. When he runs into the roomwith hot red floors, pull an object off the wall, and hit him with itbefore he hits you. After he is hit, Force Dash over to where he is,and perform some easy attacks on him. Once he jumps on to the platformwith you, use Force Repulse or Force Shield, and perhaps some ForceLightning. Try to block as much as possible; if he hits you, he will doquite a bit of damage. Once he is almost dead, press X to start thebutton sequence. After a short intermission sequence, you will have tobattle him again, this time without his helmet. This battle is veryeasy. Just make sure you stay out of the air. He will try to use ForceGrip on you if you are in the air and he is not stunned. Use Force Dashto get away from him, then use Force Repulse to break his block, andget a couple hits in. It will only take a few Force Repulses to takehim out, even on the Sith Master difficulty. Do the button sequence todefeat him.
Defeating Maris BroodMake sure that you have your Force Shield up to level 1 or 2 beforethe battle with Maris begins (depending on the difficulty). When Marisbecomes invisible, charge up your Force Shield. If it is at level 2,the arcs of lightning will show where she is. You can attack her whilethe electricity has her stunned. If it is not at level 2, try torandomly attack when she is invisible or use the Force Shield while sheis still visible to get easy hits on her.
Lightsaber Crystal locationsThe following Crystals can be found on the indicated levels:
TIE Construction Yard
Yellow Crystal Damage CrystalRaxus Prime
Compressed Red CrystalGold CrystalCompressed Yellow Crystal Firkrann Power CrystalFelucia
Unstable Red Crystal Compressed Gold CrystalEmpirical Lab
Blue Crystal Lorrdian CrystalCloud City
Unstable Orange Crystal Ruusan Power Crystal Unstable Yellow CrystalKashyyyk
Compressed Blue CrystalPurple CrystalImperial Felucia
Green Crystal Compressed Purple Crystal Vexxtal Crystal Unstable Blue CrystalImperial Raxus Prime
Sigil Power Crystal Compressed Green Crystal Unstable Purple CrystalDeath Star
Unstable Green Crystal Katak Power CrystalBlack Crystal
Lightsaber moves
Block: Press LT. Throw: Hold LT and press A. Lightsaber Lock: Press X repeatedly.
Grapple moves
Grapple 1: Press A + X. Grapple 2: Press B + Y.
Force moves
Counter Force Grip: Press B repeatedly. Force Grip: Press RT. Force Lightning: Press Y. Force Lock: Press Y to match onscreen command. Force Push: Press B. Force Repulse: Hold RT and press B. Force Shield: Hold RT and press Y.Force Throw: Hold RT, move object towards target, then release. Impale Gripped Enemy: Hold RT and press X. Move Gripped Object: Press Left Analog-stick and Right Analog-stick. Zap Gripped Enemy: Hold RT and press Y.
Force combos
Aerial Ambush: Press X(3), then hold B. Aerial Assault 1: Press X(3), then hold B and press X. Aerial Assault 2: Press X(3), then hold B and press X(2). Aerial Blast 1: Press X(3), hold B, then release and press B again. Aerial Blast 2: Press X(3), hold B, then release and press X, B. Aerial Shock 1: Press X(3), then hold B and press Y. Aerial Shock 2: Press X(3), then hold B and press X, Y.Aerial Strike: Hold RB then press A, LB. Cannonball: Press RT, B. Dashing Blast: Press LB, B. Dashing Shock: Press LB, Y. Dashing Slash: Press LB, X. Leaping Slam 1: Press A, then hold X. Leaping Slam 2: Press A, X, then hold X. Leaping Slam 3: Press A, X(2), then hold X. Leaping Slam 4: Press A, X(3), then hold X. Leaping Slash 1: Press A, X. Leaping Slash 2: Press A, X(2). Leaping Slash 3: Press A, X(3). Leaping Slash 4: Press A, X(4). Lightning Bomb: Press Y, RT. Lightning Grenade: Press RT, Y. Saber Blast: Press X, B. Saber Slam: Press X(3), B. Saber Sling: Press X(2), B.Sith Saber Flurry: Press X, pause then press X, pause then press X, pause then press X.Sith Saber Smash 1: Press X(2), Y. Sith Saber Smash 2: Press X(2), Y(2). Sith Saber Smash 3: Press X, Y, X, Y. Sith Saber Smash 4: Press X(3), Y. Sith Shien: Press X(4).Sith Slash: Press X, Y(2).Sith Strike: Press X, Y.
AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
Apprentice (75 points): Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started. Sith Warrior (100 points): Complete Game - Sith Warrior difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started. Sith Lord (100 points): Complete Game - Sith Lord difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started. Sith Master (100 points): Complete Game - Sith Master difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started. Pushed (5 points): Defeat 100 enemies with Force Push. Gripped (5 points): Defeat 100 enemies with Force Grip. Shocked (5 points): Defeat 100 enemies with Force Lightning. Repulsed (5 points): Defeat 100 enemies with Force Repulse. Impaled (5 points): Defeat 100 enemies with Saber Throw. Stormed (5 points): Defeat 100 enemies with Lightning Shield. Grappled (15 points): Defeat 100 enemies with a grapple move. Launched (20 points): Defeat 100 enemies with Aerial Ambush juggle combos. PROXY Won't Be Happy (15 points): Destroy 35 droids. Rebel Leader (15 points): Defeat 500 Imperials. Bossk (15 points): Defeat 200 Wookiees on Kashyyyk Prologue. Bully (15 points): Defeat 25 Ugnaughts or Jawas. Skilled (5 points): Earn 250,000 Force Points on a single level. Expert (10 points): Earn 500,000 Force Points on a single level. Legend (25 points): Earn 600,000 Force Points on a single level. Frenzy (5 points): Get a Frenzy x4 bonus. Sith Frenzy (10 points): Get a Frenzy x8 bonus. Sith Lord Frenzy (15 points): Get a Frenzy x12 bonus. Holocron Collector (75 points): Collect all Jedi holocrons in the game. Corellian Star (10 points): Complete all bonus objectives on one level. Force Push Mastery (20 points): Defeat 500 enemies with Force Push. Force Grip Mastery (20 points): Defeat 500 enemies with Force Grip. Force Lightning Mastery (20 points): Defeat 500 enemies with Force Lightning. Force Repulse Mastery (20 points): Defeat 500 enemies with Repulse. Lightsaber Throw Mastery (20 points): Defeat 500 enemies with Saber Throw. Lightning Shield Mastery (20 points): Defeat 500 enemies with Lightning Shield. The Bigger They Are (15 points): Defeat 6 Rancors. The Harder They Fall (15 points): Defeat 10 AT-STs or AT-KTs. Cannon Fodder (15 points): Defeat 150 Stormtroopers. Sith Trials (20 points): Complete all Training Room challenges and Combat Modules. Sith Training (20 points): Complete all Training Room lessons.Additionally, there are twelve secret achievements:
Invasion (10 points): Complete Level - Prologue. Insurrection (10 points): Complete Level - TIE Factory, act 1. Junkyard (10 points): Complete Level - Raxus Prime, act 1. Jedi Hunt (10 points): Complete Level - Felucia, act 1. Empirical (10 points): Complete Level - Empirical, act 2. Vapor Room (10 points): Complete Level - Cloud City, act 2. Skyhook (10 points): Complete Level - Kashyyyk, act 2. Infestation (10 points): Complete Level - Felucia, act 2. Destroyer (10 points): Complete Level - Raxus Prime, act 2. Redemption (20 points): Complete Game - Light Side. Revenge (20 points): Complete Game - Dark Side.Worst Day-Shift Manager Ever (10 points): Kill 12 Stormtroopers as Vader during the Prologue.The following achievements require the "Jedi Temple" bonus downloadable content:
As the World Turns (30 points): Use the large globe to kill 10 enemies in the museum.Get A Grip (30 points): Defeat the trials without the sphere turning red.Jedi Knight (30 points): Complete Jedi Temple - Sith Lord Difficulty.Jedi Master (40 points): Complete Jedi Temple - Sith Master Difficulty.Padawan (30 points): Complete Jedi Temple - Sith Warrior Difficulty.Robot Parts (30 points): Defeat the training room in less than 2 minutes.Youngling (30 points): Complete Jedi Temple - Appretice Difficulty.The following achievements require the "Tatooine Mission Pack" bonus downloadable content:
And The Quarterback is Toast (30 points): Defeat Boba Fett. Hot Bot (15 points): Use the hot irons three times on the Gonk Power Droid. Jawa Juicer (15 points): Crush 5 Jawas by using the grinder in the Garbage Processing Room. No More Lies, Old Man (50 points): Defeat Obi-Wan, before and after he becomes more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Skywalker Style (15 points): Meet Jabba and defeat his pet using the pit gate.

toroyabe 发表于 2009-11-12 15:56


cra33ppy 发表于 2009-11-12 16:04


toroyabe 发表于 2009-11-12 17:08


Enforcer 发表于 2009-11-12 21:28


进行某个任务,按ESC,按"["或"]",选择"Input Code"选项。然后来输入以下代码来激活相应的秘籍功能。

输入某些代码会无法观看过场动画和保存游戏,某些成就无法取得.为此,激活代码后到下一个存档点,然后去自杀,退到主菜单,选择"Continue",按"["或"]",选择"SAVE GAME"手动存




解锁Rahm Kota(醉酒状态):HARDBOILED
解锁Incinerator Trooper(火焰兵?):PHOENIX
解锁Kashyyyk Trooper:TK421GREEN
解锁Shadow Trooper:BLACKHOLE
解锁Snow Trooper:SNOWMAN
页: [1]
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