技能屬性重置Mod 更新至V1.5
轉自官網討論區用daupdater.exe 安裝
1.1 - Fixed doubled attribute points on the level up screen
1.1 - Fixed compatibility issue with Crag Graff's Storage Chest mod
1.1 - Temporary workaround Virulent Walking Bomb and Tempest Mage spells crashing the client.
1.1 - Fixed issues with wrong target when the potion used from the character stat page
1.1 - Fixed issue with effects staying on the character after the removal of the ability that grants it
1.1 - Fixed issue with stealthy characters remaining in stealth after removal of Stealth rank 2.
1.2 - Fixed the client crashes upon resetting casters (hopefully, only could test with premade characters)
1.2 - Disabled resetting of DLC character Shale until the abilities are implemented
1.3 - Added the option to learn class specializations
1.3 - From now on attributes reset to the default base value defines by the characters race and core class combination.
1.3 - Added an extra raven to the exterior of Flemeth's home. Look around the ruined statue.
1.4 - Fixed: Client crash errors due to multiple instances of the same spells in the quickslots of the actionbar. (Mage and Morrigan crashes)
1.4 - Fixed: Sten now resets to the Qunari Warrior base attribute values
1.4 - Fixed: The dog companion now resets to the Mabari Warhound base attribute values
1.4 - Added: You can now respec Shale, the DLC extra character
1.5 - Fixed: The issue with the raven not spawning outside of Flemeth's hut.
等等在試試看 官方的还是玩家利用Toolset做的?如果是官方的,那么控制台能达到目的;如果是玩家做的,那么还是要支持的 玩家做的
控制台及不上這個好用 不错,属性点也全都重置了 好东西,试一试,感谢LZ分享 安装不上,进度条剩最后一点的时候卡住!! 好东西,不用重练了 不能给其他人洗点啊,晕
回复 10# acciles007 的帖子
可以啊不過要離開camp才能做到 可以给队友洗点,不过要在队伍中才行,但是后期属性点超过100的时候再洗就悲剧了,因为最大只有100点剩余 GOOD JOB 谢谢分享哈哈哈哈哈 纠结我的问题解决了 抱歉,我没看出来找谁洗来着?麻烦指点下。。。。 原帖由 枪与玫瑰 于 2009-11-11 22:40:00 发表
。。。。这问题很严重啊。。。。估计10级以上人物属性就要超100了。。。 找谁阿....................晕了 哇靠 这都行 原帖由 枪与玫瑰 于 2009-11-11 22:40:00 发表
- The attribute counter seems to be capped at 100, but the attributes are counted properly. This is most probably a GUI bug not a problem with the mod itself. After spending some points, if you reopen the level up screen you can spend the rest of the attribute points.
作者的原话,貌似没什么问题 请我装好后 在camp的时候 找谁阿 我和每个人都对话了 没有洗点阿 找谁呢 谁是鸟姐阿 ...............汗 原帖由 yyddxxmm 于 2009-11-11 23:23:00 发表
原帖由 枪与玫瑰 于 2009-11-11 22:40:00 发表
The attribute counter seems to be capped at 100, but the attributes are counted properly. This is most probably a GUI bug not a problem with the mod itself. After spending some points, if you reopen the level up screen you can spend the rest of the attribute points.
意思是说如果原来属性超过100点.虽然洗点以后只会显示100点.但是其他的点会下次升级的时候获得??有谁试过? 按Tab找啊兄弟們
这个是好物啊,话说电脑那些自动配点真是渣到一定程度了~~~ 原帖由 风月之影 于 2009-11-12 0:04:00 发表
原帖由 yyddxxmm 于 2009-11-11 23:23:00 发表
原帖由 枪与玫瑰 于 2009-11-11 22:40:00 发表
他原文的意思貌似是说,你再关闭打开一次升级界面,那些点数就又出来了,不必要等升级。 哇哈哈 终于等到这个了 这个MOD好...我的小A一不小心点了狂战士没点点守卫者了正郁闷那 多谢,这样就不用重练角色了,虽然可以顺便熟悉剧情 原帖由 lssllt 于 2009-11-11 22:21:00 发表
我也是这个问题啊 怎么回事? 和补丁有关系么? 不错的东西...支持起来 终于出来了,谢谢谢谢