进不去啊 谁来帮帮忙 谢谢
VISTA 32位系统 DirectX PhysX 显卡驱动都是最新的就是进不去 破解文件打进去了没有?有什么文字显示吗? 破解文件哪下啊 我用的是RAS的硬盘版 附件功能估计又抽了 换个外联相册试试 打下来了 英文文盲真痛苦啊...
Dreamkiller encountered a problem while it was runing.
There are a few possible causes for this failure:
-Systen druvers ,displat drivers,sound drivers,DirectX,or NVIDIA PhysX are not prorerly intalled.Reinstall them,then reinstall Dreamkill and try running Dreamkiller again.
-The system is low on resource. Restart Windows and try running Dreamkiller again
The following information might be useful for technical support:Exit code:H-43 死马当活马医了,下载个免CD补丁试试
不然重装? 哦 谢谢 我试试 解决了吗???
我也有同样问题 换XP看 或者7