xnearl 发表于 2009-10-15 23:24

【转】PES 2010 二连击更新:PESFAN 独家测评/DEMO 网络对战测试

(本帖转自A9VG电玩部落社区论坛 WinningEleven版块 ID:homeboy0407所发布的原文以及翻译)

PES 2010 二连击更新:PESFAN 独家测评/DEMO 网络对战测试

First Online PES 2010 Review

Well,it feels as though it's been a long wait. Over the past year there’sbeen build-up a plenty, with more preview code than we could shake astick at, rumours, hearsay, and lots of promises made by Konami.


Sowhat has a year of waiting given us? Well, I’m not going to beat aboutthe bush and tease you with the whys and why nots before giving myopinion - I’ll simply say this. I think PES 2010 provides a very fun,very rewarding football experience, and one that I’d recommend toalmost anybody.


Butthere’s so much more to it than just that. Delve deep and you discoverthe most polished and absorbing PES in years, one that’s withoutquestion the best we’ve seen appear on the next generation of consoles.


Loadup 2010 for the first time and you’ll immediately notice theimprovements in presentation, from the soundtrack to the player faces.We’ve all seen them by now, and while I’m not someone who typicallycares that much about visuals in a game, there’s no doubting thatKonami have put an extreme amount of time and care into making PES2010, are you ready for it? The best looking football game we’ve seen.Ever.

当你第一次进入2010,你立即就会发现外观上的进化,从音乐到球员的脸部特写。虽然我不是很注重画面的那类人,但我还是发现了画面的进化,无疑KONAMI花了许多的时间和精力来制作 PES 2010,你们都准备好了吗?史上画面最华丽的足球游戏。

Thegame moves along at a nice pace, partly due to the new turninganimations, but partly by design. I can tell you that the pace isslower than that of PES 2009, and slightly slower again in comparisonto the 2010 demo we got our hands on last month, so make of that whatyou will. I'm not personally certain what pace is perfect for afootball game, on the one hand a slower speed is seen as morerealistic, but
in that you risk losing part of the fun. For now, I think 2010 has struck a nice balance.

游戏运行的节奏很不错,部分是由于新动作的原因,一部分是做了重新的调整。可以告诉你的是节奏比2009要慢,甚至和上个月我们手中的DEMO相比,还要更为慢一些,这样比你们或许会理解。我个人其实不是很确定,到底对于一个足球游戏来说怎样的节奏才算完美,从另外一方面说,似乎节奏越慢就越接近于真实,但是你又会冒着丧失游戏乐趣的风险。现在我倒是认为PES 2010 不错的把握了这个平衡点。

Response timehas also been greatly improved since the demo version, the dreaded“input lag” some users reported nowhere to be seen. The only time delaybetween pushing the button and the player making the movement comesfrom animations being given time to complete, but timing being the keyto success is always something I've enjoyed about PES.


360-degreecontrol is a feature that's been touted by some as revolutionary, buthow has it made it to the final version? Well, players still run inwhat is essentially sixteen-directions-plus-change when running atpace, the limited options leading to the ability to sometimes predictthe way a computer will respond in given situations. Playing withfriends is different of course, as slowing the ball down to a walkingpace speed gives higher ability to weave in and out to what approaches360-degrees, but from personal experience the AI rarely decides to takethis option.


Theplayers themselves behave in a far more realistic and weighty mannerthan previously seen, hulking defenders such as John Terry and CarlesPuyol able to bully attackers off the ball with ease. The trick,happily, lies in passing around good defenders. No players seem toooverpowered, and it isn’t possible to fly through the whole team withsomeone like Lionel Messi or Fernando Torres. In fact, none of thecover box stars are particularly god like – a far cry from the years ofAdriano scoring 50-yarders two or three times a match.

球员自身的表现和之前我们看到的相比,更为真实也更文明一些,彪悍的后卫诸如特里和普约尔能轻而易举的断下攻方的球。技巧在于要不停的传球从而把这些优秀的防守者玩弄于股掌之间,很有成就感。貌似没有球员拥有超能力,不可能用梅西或者托雷斯过对方一整只球队。实际上呢,上帝没有偏爱任何一个代言人 -和当年阿德里亚诺一场比赛可以在50码外射入2,3球的待遇差远了。

Master League has been oneof the staples of the series for years, and it returns better thanever. As mentioned in our Master League play-through, the mode nowfeatures a host of upgrades including youth teams, sponsorship deals,staff, real currency and Europa League inclusion. It all results in amuch greater immersive experience, and I'm certain that even fans ofthe mode who've drifted away over the years will be tempted back withthe promise of all the juicy new options.


Itshould be said that the Master League improvements seem to have come ata price, however, as Become A Legend mode is practically the sameventure as in PES 2009. It’s perhaps understandable in a year whereKonami have focussed huge efforts on fixing several key issues, theimportant online experience to name but one.


I’vepreviously said that the new penalty system doesn’t work properly, butafter some extensive trial and error sessions I can now reveal howunfounded those complaints were. My only problem was that I didn’tunderstand how to effectively take them, but I’ve since honed my skillsand now think they’re a darn sight better over previous games. I dohave some issues with the way PES 2010 describes penalty takingin-game, it’s confusing and lacks real instruction, but once youunderstand the mechanics they become far more satisfying than thelotteries of yesteryear.

我唯一的疑问是怎样高效率的主罚点球,但在我的技术提高之后我反而觉得那该死的视角比前作要好。我对PES 2010 游戏里对于点球主罚的说明保留一些意见,它使人迷惑并且缺乏真正的指导性,但当你一旦理解过程你会发现这比往年像摸彩票那样的点球系统要好太多。

WhileI’ve mentioned the improved soundtrack, now featuring artists such asThe Chemical Brothers and DJ Shadow, other areas of audio haven’t beensimilarly tweaked. The commentary by Jon Champion and Mark Lawrenson ispast its sell-by-date and the chanting heard from the crowds isn’t thebest. It’s a nice touch that the crowd now appropriately responds toaction on the pitch, such as fouls and other appeals, but here's hopingKonami focus more efforts on the area as a whole next year.

我之前提到过的音乐方面,现在有诸如The Chemical Brothers/DJ Shadow等艺人,其他方面的音乐也不必过于担心。JonChampion 和 Mark Lawrenson已经过期了,而且球迷的歌唱还不是最好。不过可取的是,现在球迷会根据场上变化发出不同的反应,比如犯规和其他突发事件,但是这里还是期望KONAMI来年在这个方面投入更多的精力。

There's a lot to be seen and tried inPES 2010, a lot to be seen and tried that we haven't really encounteredbefore. Ultimately, it boils down to this. PES 2010 is a better packagethan 2009, 2008, or even PES6, and is an excellent return to form forthe series. But you don’t have to take our word for all this, wedecided to let two of the UK’s best PES players have the final word on2010.

在PES2010里有许多我们亲眼所并尝试了的东西,这些都是我们之前从来没遇到过的。最后,在这里概述一下。PES2010是一个比2009,2008,甚至于PES6更好的游戏,是一款出色回归的系列作品。你可以无视我们以上所说的一切,我们决定让两位英国最出色的PES玩家替我们来总结PES 2010。

“One of the things that's been missing fromthe last few versions of PES is the feeling when playing for the firsttime that, although the game feels different, there’s a lot to learnand it’ll grow on you over time. That wasn’t there in PES 2008 or 2009- it was too easy from the outset and offered nothing new to the table.For us, playing PES 2010 brought that feeling back, something we’ve notfelt since playing PES6 for the first time.

在玩过去几作PES时候,失去的东西之一就是第一次上手的感觉,尽管是不同的游戏,但是随着时间的推移你可以学到更多而且使你不断的进步。在PES 2009和2008里没有体现出这一点,一开始就感觉太容易并且没有带来什么新的东西。对我们来说,当玩着PES2010的时候,那种感觉回来了,一种自第一次玩PES6以来从来没有的感觉。

The tactics,defending, shooting and passing are all improved, and while manualkeeper being assigned to such awkward controls is frustrating and thegoalkeeper AI can be questioned, it all adds up to the fact that thesoul of PES has well and truly returned to the game.


Thedribbling has been really improved, it’s great to know the ridiculous‘running past the entire team’ ways have gone, and we think the slidertactics are fantastic. You really notice the difference after usingthem a while, and It’s something that will really make the followingyear a great one for PES Rankings competitions.

盘带真的被改进了,我真的很高兴当得知那种可笑的一人过全队的方式消失了,我们也认为战术划条很销魂。你在更改了以后过了一会,真的可以注意到明显的不同,这将使来年PES RANGKINGS比赛更为精彩。

Allin all, PES 2010 seems like a big advancement in the series, and wecan’t wait to re-learn all that old magic when it’s released on the23rd.

最后,PES 2010 看起来是系列上的一大进步,我们迫不及待的等待着发售日的到来,期待着重温那些美好时光。

PES is back.


Thisreview was done using the Xbox 360 version of the game. For aPlaystation 3 specific review, WENB will be covering that soon.

这个测评是基于XBOX 360的版本,基于PS3版本的测评,请关注WENB。


PES 2010 Online Demo Review

The onlineaspect of PES 2010 is one that's been under intense scrutiny from allareas. And for good reason, as it's often been seen as a sort of"missing link" in the evolution of the series.

PES 2010 的网络方面是各方面一直关注的焦点。理由就是,这似乎一直是PES系列上的短板。

Konamihave been making clear over the past few months how determined they areto finally bring PES 2010 up to the online standards it should be at.Previous games have suffered from warping, severe lag, and a host ofother problems that have plagued the enjoyment of anyone wanting somesome simple multiplayer fun.

KONAMI在此之前曾多次表达了他们将最终把PES 2010的网络水平改进到应有的水平的决心。上一作的网络充满了变形,严重延迟和一大群问题,这让一些只是简单的期待网战乐趣的玩家敬而远之。

Butaside from a few videos pertaining to be taken from the Tokyo GamesShow showing lag-free online, little evidence has been seen to supportKonami's claims of advancement.


Well,as some of you may have been aware, we've recently been partaking in aspecifically built online stress-test, in the form of a tweaked versionof the PES 2010 demo released last month. Registrations are now closedfor entry to this test, but for the many many of you who won't get achance to see for yourself prior to the game being released, hopefullythis small review will provide a good indication as to what performanceyou can expect in the full game.

恩,也许你们有些人已经知道了,我们最近参加了一个特定的网络负荷测试,用的版本是上个月发布的PES 2010 DEMO。这个测试中注册是关闭的,但是对于很多无法亲眼目睹而不得不等待游戏发售的朋友,希望这篇小小的测评能让你知道游戏的最终版本会是怎么样的表现。

Well,quite simply, the results are fantastic. I've personally played manygames on both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the test againstpeople from all around the world, and not once have I suffered anythingother than the input problems associated with the old demo itself. Justto make that clear, there were NO issues as a result of lag, as far asI could tell, or at least nothing noticeably bad as it affected myenjoyment. Several times I played against users with red or yellowconnections, but nothing impeded my green connection at all, whereaspreviously a bad connection on one end resulted in both users sharinglag.


As mentioned, despite playingagainst users from several different countries, the results were thesame across the board. Not even playing in 2 v 2 matches changed theexperience at all, this really is the most lag-free PES I've everplayed, and if the servers hold up properly, we should be in for atreat.

尽管是和不同国家的玩家对战,但是我们全体人员测试结果都是一样的。玩了2 V 2比赛之后又有了新的感受,这真的是我玩过最流畅的PES网战了,如果服务器架设好之后,我们还会去再玩上一把。

Atthe end of the day though, the fact that Konami are going to theselengths is in itself a good sign, and bodes well for the full roll-outto all users when the game is officially released on the 23rd October.


一壶高碎 发表于 2009-10-15 23:49


wenyudi 发表于 2009-10-16 01:17


33750801 发表于 2009-10-16 01:39

香烟有毒 发表于 2009-10-16 01:39


devilcry222 发表于 2009-10-16 01:52


collinsrui 发表于 2009-10-16 08:08


maixmus 发表于 2009-10-17 09:16

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