alexia_310 发表于 2009-10-4 19:50





Blocked Quest: "Trials for the masters" in the volcano fortress


You completed all your trials and all other quests in the volcano fortress and still cannot talk to Ingatius about becoming a mage/order warrior. You are stuck in the fortress.


This is a bug that is triggered if you tell Ignatius that Pallas had no task for you before Pallas really said that.

而我的情况更惨,最开头明明pallas说不用考了,结果还是不能升成mage/order warrior

alexia_310 发表于 2009-10-4 20:10

Blocked Quest: "Trials for the masters" in the volcano fortress


You completed all your trials and all other quests in the volcano fortress and still cannot talk to Ingatius about becoming a mage/order warrior. You are stuck in the fortress.


This is a bug that is triggered if you tell Ignatius that Pallas had no task for you before Pallas really said that.


Load a previous savegame, then:

1. Don't be fooled by Pallas saying that he currently has nothing for you.2. Complete the "gate quest"
3. Talk to Pallas about your trials
* If he gives you a task, complete it
* If he says: "There is nothing you can do for me", you're good
4. After that, when Pallas has nothing more to say, go to Ignatius and report about Pallas' trial.
here is some more help

Blocked Quest: "Basic Training" in the volcano fortress


You need to defeat Aric to complete your training. However, you already solved the murder quest and now Aric is nowhere to be found.


This is a bug that is triggered if you solve the murder quest before defeating Aric.


Load a previous savegame, then:

* Either defeat him in the arena, then solve the murder quest.
* Or solve the murder quest and kill Aric when he attacks you in the battai


对了,谁知道setqueststatus这个控制台怎么用?要the initiation 和 Trials for the masters的任务的代码就可以重置任务吗?拿着两个任务的代码是什么?

comet1984 发表于 2009-10-9 15:59

顶一下。。我也遇到了Blocked Quest: "Basic Training" in the volcano fortress这个问题了。。。
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