bobzhan 发表于 2009-10-4 17:58


Quick and Easy
Play and complete 25 events in Play mode

From the main menu, go to 'Play mode'. Set up a simple 1 game match under the 'Exhibition' tab. Play as any player against anyone else but don't worry about winning (unless you are also trying the below achievement). After the match (should take about 2-3 minutes), just press restart. Keep winning these matches until the achievement pops up.

Big Hitter
Achieve 250 MAX Serves

Simply playing the game a lot (and having good reactions) means you will get this after a while. Don't try for it, just play and it will all add up eventually. To view how many you have hit, go to your stats page in 'My VT' from the main menu.

Aces High
Score 100 Aces

Win 100 points with aces. An ace is when you serve the ball and your opponent can't return it. To help, hit a MAX serve and aim the ball into the corner of the court (move the left stick after pressing the serve button, but finishing before you press it again to set the power. Make sure you dont fault your serve).

Over the Top
Win 50 lob shot points

Just win 50 points by using the button. The ball doesn't actually have to travel over your opponents head. Try doing a drop shot (see below) and following it up with a lob.

Drop and give me 50!
Win 50 drop shot points

To do a drop shot, hold down on the left analog stick and hold or . You will know you have done it because the ball will travel over the net but dip so it lands close to the net. Quite hard, so try it on Very Easy difficulty.

Your Country Needs You!
Be selected for the Davis Cup team or Fed cup in world tour.

When you reach Rank 75 in the Pro Tour of World Tour mode, you will be selected for one of the two teams above (I believe it is random). Win the tournament and the Achievement is yours.

Training to win
Clear a level 8 training game in the World Tour

Difficult and time consuming (actually getting to level 8, let alone completing the minigame). I think the easiest is either 'Shopping Dash' or 'Zoo Feeder'.

Schools Out
Clear each academy mission in the World Tour

After completing (getting at least a medal) all of the academy missions. These are fairly easy but the Intermediate level ones only appear during your pro seasons, so It's time consuming.

Purchase 100 different items from the shop in world tour

Visit the Tennis Store in World Tour, and buy 100 different items. Make sure you have a fair ammount of money because items range from the thousands to the hundreds of thousands. However, there are 1500 items, so buying the cheapest ones shouldn't be too difficult.

Versatile Male
Win a match with all Male Pro Players on default settings

Versatile Female
Win a match with all Female Pro Players on default settings

Grass Stains

Play 100 matches on a Grass Court

Play with Clay

Play 100 matches on a Clay Court

King for a Day
Unlock the secret player King

That Dukes a hazard!
Unlock secret player Duke

In the tournament called 'The King of Players' in World Tour, win the tournament for 2 consecutive seasons. Duke will unlock the first time, King the second.

Gold Medallist
Unlock every gold medal in the game.

Go to the 'My VT' section of the main menu and you will see 'Medals'. These are similar to achievements or trophies but are specific to VT09. Simply fulfil the requirements for each medal.

Access all Areas

Purchase every Court Pass in World Tour

Very time consuming because court passes are expensive (from around $25,000 to around $150,000). There are also 'night versions' of each court to buy. Visit the Tennis Store in World Tour to buy them.

Style Guru

Unlock every basic play style in World Tour

Completing academy missions, minigames and practice matches raises three different ability bars. When a bar gets to the top, you unlock a new play style linked to that ability. Raise all three bars high enough to unlock the basic play styles of each ability.
Leader of the Pack

Number 1 Amateur in the world

Awarded for becoming the number 1 Amateur player in World tour. Win enough tournaments to get your ranking to number 1.

National Treasure
Win the Davis or Fed Cup in World Tour

First Amongst Equals

Rank #1 in the world in World Tour

Given after getting the number 1 Professional ranking in World Tour. This will be fairly hard as your opponents get more difficult the higher the ranking you become.

You are Gold!

Complete every academy mission with a gold medal in World Tour.

Last Man Standing

Beat all default Male Pro Players

Last Woman Standing

Beat all Female Pro Players

To get these 4 achievements, go to Play mode. Set up a simple exhibition match on any court. Make sure the AI is set to easy, and you only play 1 game (these are the default settings). When choosing your player, start with the first player on the list (i.e. Federer). Make your opponent Federer also. After winning, press 'Settings', then proceed to the character selection screen again. Now choose the second player (Nadal) and make your opponent Nadal. Continue in this way until you have beaten every default male and female player with every default male and female player. The 4 achievements will unlock, but not all at the same time.

Competitive Streak
Complete 10 ranked matches in world tour

Go to World Tour mode and visit the 'Online HQ'. There are 2 different types of ranked matches. Tournament ranked matches and basic 1 on 1 ranked matches. Choose whichever, and play 10 of them. You dont have to win.

Social Animal
Complete 10 player matches

Go to 'Xbox Live' on the main menu and either set up or join a singles or doubles match. Complete 10 of either, or a mixture of the 2, to get the achievement. You don't have to win.

Secret Achievements
To be this good takes AGES

Score an Ace with an Underhand Serve

Fairly difficult, but should be possible on Very Easy difficulty. To perform and underhand serve, hold down on the left stick and hold
while serving. The longer you hold, the further down the net the ball will travel, so it is fairly easy to fault these. You want to hold the 2 for about half a second so the ball just makes it over the net. This may be glitched, as some have reported that you can get this by double faulting while playing online. This can be obtained easier playing with a friend, and you can also set up a 2 player match with you controlling both players.

Dr Doolittle

Feed all types of animal in a single game of Zoo feeder

Play the 'Zoo Feeder' minigame in Play Mode. As the minigame progresses more animals will begin to appear. Just hit each animal a piece of food.

There are a total of 8 animals:

Cherry Picker
Collect 10 cherries in a single game of Avalanche

Play the 'Avalanche' minigame from Play Mode. As the minigame goes on, various different fruits will appear worth a certain amount of points. Every now and then a cherry will roll towards you. Simply collect 10 before the time runs out to unlock.

Block and Roll
Clear a 15 block combo in Blockbuster

Play the 'Block Buster' minigame in World Tour or through 'Play' mode and try to eliminate certain blocks so that colours join up to form one block. Break this block and if it is big enough you will get a combo.

Sink 3 galleons in a single game of Pirate Wars

Play 'Pirate Wars' from Play Mode (can't be unlocked via World Tour). During the game, once you reach about 5000 points, galleons will start to appear. These are extremely difficult to sink and you need a good amount of skill to unlock this achievement.

Ham and Eggs
Bowl a Turkey on level 6 or above of Pin Crusher

Must be done in World Tour. Play 'Pin Crusher' and make sure the difficulty is level 6. Try and aim your serve and get 3 strikes in a row (known as a 'turkey')

Perfect Frame
Clear the table of balls in order without missing in pot shot

Must be done in Play Mode. Play the 'Pot Shot' minigame. To get this, you have to put every ball in order one after the other. Very difficult.

The order in which you must put the balls is:
White (with yellow strip).

You can use combos to get this achievement but you MUST finish with the same amount of shots you started the level with.

To Look this good takes SEGA

Play a game in the complete SEGA outfit

The Sega Outfit is unlocked when you reach Rank 1 in the Pro section of World Tour. Equip each item of clothing, and then play a match wearing it. If you can't get this achievement, try this method.

From 'Mark23':
"For the to look this good takes sega chievo remove the update & it will unlock upon completion of first match. Also To remove update go to system settings then memory then press y & input this code X,X,LB,RB,X,X,."

Them Bones
Play the Meat Defender training game wearing the full Skeleton costume

Similar to the above achievement. The Skeleton Costume becomes available after beating level 8 of 'Meat Defender', equip each item in the set and then start a game of 'Meat Defender'.

Win King of Players tournament in World Tour

Apparently this achievement is glitched and will not unlock for anybody.

chinese34523452 发表于 2009-10-6 00:02

哎,可怜的同学,不会英语却如此热衷英语游戏,这感觉,我真是不敢想象。反正我是会英语却不热衷英语游戏的一个人 。要是我不出手,楼主您这帖子永远只有等Google翻译的份了吧,我还是累一点吧,谁让我看到了,咱俩有缘呢 。本来,还想给你翻译成日语的,后来一想,算了,别折磨你了吧。Japanese已经没少折磨我了 ,再把你折磨疯了我也没什么好处。


Quick and Easy快速简单

Play mode(游戏模式)中完成25场项目。

Big Hitter大力挥球手


Aces High高级Ase球手


Over the Top再高一点儿


Drop and give me 50!扣球给了我50!


Your Country Needs You!你的国家需要你!

在world tour(世界之旅)中被Davis Cup(戴维斯杯)或Fed cup(联合会杯)队伍选中

Training to win训练胜利的技巧

在world tour(世界之旅)中完成一次8级的训练游戏

Schools Out毕业

在world tour(世界之旅)中完成每一个academy mission(学院任务?)


在world tour(世界之旅)中从商店购买100项不同的物品

Versatile Male


Versatile Female女人的NP之战


Grass Stains割草机


Play with Clay玩泥巴的人


King for a Day这一天,King终于来了


That Dukes a hazard!那个Duke是个人民公害


在world tour(世界之旅)中的'The King of Players'锦标赛,连赢两个赛季。第一次解锁Duke,第二次解锁King。

Gold Medallist金牌收藏家


Access all Areas无所不及

在world tour(世界之旅)中购买每一个场地进入权

Style Guru体位高手

在world tour(世界之旅)中解锁每一个基本的play style(游戏方式)

Leader of the Pack宁为鸡头,不为凤尾


National Treasure国家宝藏

在world tour(世界之旅)的Davis Cup(戴维斯杯)或Fed cup(联合会杯)中折桂。

First Amongst Equals同类中的佼佼者

在world tour(世界之旅)中排名第一

You are Gold!你就是金子,一定会发光!

在world tour(世界之旅)中的每一个academy mission(学院任务?)全部获得金牌

Last Man Standing最后一位处男


Last Woman Standing最后一位处女


Competitive Streak竞争狂

在world tour(世界之旅)中完成10次ranked matches(排位赛)

Social Animal社会游戏者


To be this good takes AGES要做到这么好是得花时间的

Underhand Serve(不留声色的??)拿到一个Ace球

Dr Doolittle动物园园长


**** Hidden Message *****

hjjcry 发表于 2009-10-6 15:30

感觉Play with Clay翻成红土专家更合适点?

玩火自焚 发表于 2009-11-10 17:57


tommey7 发表于 2010-2-1 11:27


tommey7 发表于 2010-2-1 11:27


yyljg 发表于 2010-3-3 16:09


yyljg 发表于 2010-3-3 16:09


hide1127 发表于 2010-4-19 16:57


zhssxx 发表于 2011-4-12 16:00

太好了   这个游戏很不错啊   正在玩

lkhtty 发表于 2011-4-16 19:59


52qq5231 发表于 2011-5-30 11:00


MLB2k11 发表于 2011-6-17 18:07


cheme9 发表于 2011-6-25 00:54


422967867 发表于 2012-6-23 13:28


LYFCS12 发表于 2014-8-22 09:08

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