本人通过fallout3nexus网页上找到一款发型。。。。是通过geck来添加安装 安装的步骤我都按照原文件的英文介绍添加但是一直都添加不上去。。。。。。http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6982这个是网页地址。。里面有款我最喜欢的soya发型请高手来帮忙弄下。。。
1. Extract the files of this mod to a temporary location (you can use 7zip: http://www.7-zip.org, to unzip them) and chek the folder structure.
2. Copy to (install folder)Fallout 3Data:
.- the meshes folder
.- the textures folder
If asked if you want to overwrite existing files say "Yes to all".
3. Open the GECK (you can download it from here: http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/downloads/geck.html).
4. Select File -> Data from the top menu, and check Fallout3.esm and your current cosmetic mod (or only select Fallout3.esm if you are not using any cosmetic mod). Select your current cosmetic mod and press the button "Set as Active File". Then press the OK button and wait for the GECK to stop loading.
5. Add a new hair:
* Select Character -> Hair from the top menu: a window will pop up with all the available hairs.
* Right click on the list of hairs and select "New" from the pop up menu. Enter a unic name for your hair (for example, FallenHair1) and press OK.
* On the right section of the window, enter a name for your hair (this will be the name displayed in the character facegen screens in game). Check the Flag "Playable". Check the flag "Can be female" or "Can be male" depending on if the hair is for female or male characters. Make sure the flag "Fixed color" is deselected.
* Click on the Edit button of the Art file section and select the hair mesh file (for example DataMeshesCharactersHairFallenHair1.nif)
* Click on the Edit button of the Texture file section and select the tecture file (for example DataTexturesCharactersHairFallenHair1.dds)
* Click OK
6. Assign the new hair to your race:
* With the hairs window opened, select Character -> Race from the top menu. Another window will pop up showing all available races (move the window as needed if it covers the hairs window)
* Select the race you want to modify (for example Caucasian) on the list.
* Select the Face Data tab on the right. You'll see a list of Hair Styles available for the selected race.
* Left click on the new hair you've just added in the hairs window and with the left mouse button pressed, drag it to the Hair Styles window of your race and then drop the hair there (stop pressing the mouse left button). The new hair has just been added to the list of available hairs for your race.
* Click OK on the races window.
* Click OK on the hais window.
7. Save your changes to the active .esp file.
8. Start Fallout 3 Launcher, click 'Data Files' and place a checkmark beside the .esp file.
2.拷贝解压文件的2个文件夹 meshes 和 textures 到你的data文件夹下 如果提示覆盖就全选择yes
3打开geck 下载的地点是 http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/downloads/geck.html
4打开geck文件需要激活的文件 主要文件就是fallout3.esm 和你自己装的种族mod 并且点 激活 按ok 等待geck加载完毕
5添加新发型 在geck面板上选择 Character 在选择hair 窗口将会弹出所有看的见得发型 在菜单窗口右键点new 新建个发型模式 为你新建发型输入个名称 比如说FallenHair1 按ok 选择你新建的发型右边会有个窗口有个name框 填写个名字进去。。这个名字将会在你有的游戏中显示出来。。然后 旁边有4个小框 有playable, fixed color, canbe male ,can be female 在playable canbe female打构
然后底下有个art file 选项 点edit 选择你的发型的路径 举例 DataMeshesCharactersHairFallenHair1.nif 第二个 edit 举例DataTexturesCharactersHairFallenHair1.dds 完成后点ok
第六步 为你的种族添加新发型
老样子 打开菜单character 不过这次不是选择hair 是选择race 左边有个race列表里面有你的所有种族 选择你要添加发型的种族 然后点右边窗口的菜单栏点face data 会出现4 个下拉窗口 里面有眼睛的颜色 还有 发型 默认发型 还有个发型的颜色在发型和默认发型里面找到你刚才输入好的发型名称 然后ok保存esp...进游戏用fomm加载。。。。
全部就这么多 因为没有用机器翻译 不知道有没有错。。。但是一直就是在 旁边的发型列表中找不到最先设置好的发型。。。不知道什么缘故。。。。。。
写了这么多 第一是请求高手来帮忙 为了自己 第二是可以分享下这个发型mod 里面有很多款好看的发型 如果会弄了大家都可以用到 但是一直没有安装成功 我相信很多玩辐射3的新玩家不一定都会安装。。至少我没有安装好。。。。。
希望来个高手能帮忙弄下。。。最好做个esp文件出来。。。。非常感谢了。。。。。。。 Left click on the new hair you've just added in the hairs window and with the left mouse button pressed, drag it to the Hair Styles window of your race and then drop the hair there (stop pressing the mouse left button).
这不都写得清清楚楚么,左键点击然后拖入,这应该很容易看明白吧。 谢谢2楼的朋友 刚才没有注意 拖了下却是进去了 但是当选择新发型的时候 geck崩溃了。。。。。。我在去试试看 已经完全弄好了。。。非常感谢2楼的朋友 那句提醒。。。。。。。。。。。 痛苦啊 发型装好了 没有感觉的那么好看。。。不过我也补充下吧。。。最后提醒的托文件到窗口上估计也有人不明白。。就是第一个窗口添加新发型的窗口你自己起了个名字的那个文件 把那个文件名点住托到你的发型窗口中去。。然后在默认窗口选择出新发型就可以了。。。。希望大家喜欢我只试用了soya的发型 其他的还没有试