德军总部 Wolfenstein V1.1 Patch升级补丁网盘分流下载
德军总部 Wolfenstein V1.1 Patch升级补丁网盘分流下载
- Fixed issue causing the Healing icon to remain after dying.
- Sprint functionality has been modified so user can sprint longer, but has longer duration before being able to sprint again (pm_Stamina changed from 5 to 10, pm_StaminaThreshold changed from 1 to 5)
- Quick voice chat can be binded to keys via the console (the new binds are _needEngineer, _needMedic, _needSoldier, _needHealth, _needAmmo)
- Control options now feature separate binds for Use (resurrect, objectives) and Item (Ammo, Health, Satchel)
- Reduced how far packs are thrown
- Reduced how far grenades are thrown
- Added ability to change cross hair appearance through the menu
- Global chat now disables properly if disabled through the Server Launcher.
- Fixed bug causing the grenade ammo indicator to reflect having one more grenade in your inventory.
- Audio countdown has been readjusted
- MP43 melee attack speed has been slightly decreased
- Fixed issue causing the crouch icon to remain after dying
- “使用”(复活,任务目标)以及“物品”(弹药,健康值,炸药包)的控制选项分开
- MP43枪托砸人的攻击速度轻微下降
德军总部 Wolfenstein V1.1 Patch升级补丁下载地址:
点击下载 放心升级 游戏执行文件没有变化 版本依然是0.91.25.7022 所以无需新的免DVD!!!!!!!!!!!! 游戏还没下,等中转!先把补丁下了吧,31MB也不小啊 谢谢楼主分流 谢谢2楼的高人。 猫屎不打补丁还好啊 这么快有补丁了 这是02年版本的补丁吧?怎么会有血包呢? 要看英文的翻译,
中文也是网友翻译的。 支持楼主 希望有人发测试结果! 原帖由 WEerJK 于 2009-8-19 11:06:00 发表
放心升级 游戏执行文件没有变化 版本依然是0.91.25.7022 所以无需新的免DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!
安心下載更新~ 升级补丁跟着游戏一起出为这效率感到 游戏下的慢啊。。。 晕 还没下完就有patch了 不知道还要打crack不 感谢分享。。游戏都没有下好。补丁就出来了。 收下了~~ 地址失效,更新下。。 原帖由 thystear 于 2009-8-20 17:46:00 发表
可以下载啊 太棒了
强烈支持 LZ误导人呢~~~~重返德军总部和德军总部是两个游戏哈 楼上的,这个就是最新的德军总部升级补丁。 谢谢LZ的热心发帖