看了看截图,画面类似辐射3的GameBryo,有点不详的预感呀,此游戏不会经常跳出吧 辐射3引擎· 网游级别的画面?
GB: What graphics engine is powering Divinity 2 and what perspective (isometric, first-person, etc.) will the game primarily be presented in?
Swen: Graphically the engine is a mix of homebrewn technology and the Gamebryo engine, but we also have PhysX, Kynapse and WWise middleware in there. The game is primarily played in third person view.
按照这个对话,确实是上古4和辐射3的引擎:Gamebryo engine和一些别的引擎的合体 , 当然还包括physX,Kynapse等引擎,看来是个大杂烩.
回复 2# slyra 的帖子
惊现一步莲华大湿。。。 原帖由 中土游侠 于 2009-7-29 16:57:00 发表网游级别的画面?
那这个游戏就太糟糕了 楼上的你什么逻辑?
网游的画面=糟糕的游戏? Oh shit
damn gamebryo