Extract the dds you want to modify.
tafter editing, it must be sure the file back into 00000010.dat
download Infuser if you own it not http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z830DV64
launch Infuser, open the file to edit, then the dds that you changed and press INFUSE!
Then rename the file 00000010.dat to CNL_01.cos.emz and replace it with the original
To modify colors, just modify the files CNL_01_01.col.emz, CNL_01_02.col.emz ...etc in the same way.
opy files CNL_01_01.col.emz and CNL_01.cos.emz in the Street Fighter IVBattleCharaCNL
and replace them. Beware, if you want to recover the original skin, consider making a backup.
照上面说只要把压缩好的00000010.dat改名成CNL_01_01.col.emz之类的,然后覆盖就ok了,可是就算我改好名字,文件类型也和原来的对不上,这是这么一回事啊,就差这最后一步了,小白自改颜色的春丽就好了,知道的兄弟忙忙忙啊,在此谢过 额 你解包 打包用的啥工具啊