[抓鬼特攻隊] 進設置選項後無法進入遊戲, 特殊場景卡/慢/FPS不穩
進入選項設置後卡/慢/ loading時間異常 解決辦法1: Using nvidia's official updated driver (I normally used modded drivers)
2: Updating my vista to SP2
After doing that I was able to play the game on max settings and 1920x1200 resolution no lag XD
Geforce 8800m GTS 512mb
2.4ghz Duo
4gb ram
1. 使用Nvidia正式版的驅動程式(作者原本都使用修改版)
2. 假如使用的作業系統是Vista, 升級到SP2
做了以上調整, 他可以非常順暢的在1920x1200的分辨率下玩這遊戲不會卡
特殊場景卡/ 慢/ FPS不穩定 解決辦法
原文來源: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/actio ... d=944008&tag=topics;title
I think I just figured out something that might interest some of you having frame rate issues. I have a Nvidia chipset on this particular PC, but ATI should be similar if this problem is also found on ATI cards.
I went into my Nvidia Control panel to try and figure out what's going on in this game. I saw ran a log in the background and noticed some strange CPU and GPU things going on, so I started looking around in my setting for what might be causing this issue. I know the game uses a lot of breakable objects and some physics, so I figured it was a combination CPU use and a bottleneck on the GPU side with the sync'd to 30hz/60hz
Anyway - Try the following if you are getting jerky frame rates in specific zones.
- Go into you vidcard control panel and see if you can create profiles for each game.
- Create a profile for Ghostbusters
- I turned off Multiple Monitor and put Single only.
- Turn on Triple Buffers to smooth out FPS lock.
** Now here's the big setting that made the game run MUCH better **
- Look in the main control panel area for PhysX Acceleration. Disable this setting. Sadly, you can't save per game this setting from the looks of it.
- Start GB and you should notice that the game runs fluid even in the areas where FPS was dropping to single-digits.
Hope this helps you guys out there!
打開Nvidia控制面板, 假如有使用多個顯示器, 請設定只使用單一顯示器
沒有的話, 請建立一個抓鬼特攻隊的程式設定(預設應該已經有了)
重點是到 PhysX組態設定將PhysX選項關閉
設定結束, 啟動抓鬼特攻隊, 將會發現遊戲進行的很順暢, 就算到了FPS數字會降到單位數的場景, 還是依然很流暢! 先学习了,游戏还没下完。 PhysX選項 这个在哪里?没有找到 a卡用户有福了 学习了,先去试试看,PhysX選項 在Nvidia控制面板里的 3D设置 里 支持一下~~~ Physx是个亮点,关闭后特效就少了很多了。
回复 5# 6ovx 的帖子
你用的是那版的驱动,怎么我昨天升的186里面没有PHYSX了,郁闷了,我怎么关啊 低端N卡用户用physx帧数很低,很卡,8800GS(9600GSO)以下的N卡用户一定要关闭。 都是N卡的东西,用A卡的呢?一样卡到死,读盘慢的可怕,帧数跳的疯狂,鸟游戏我看也快玩不下去了... 完全感谢啊。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 偶的3850怎么办。。。。。 支持了,配置低只能看看 最近的游戏都跟N卡有关........事实证明买N卡是一个好的选择! 先记下来,遇到问题就方便了 原帖由 Ghost.Kill 于 2009-6-20 13:43:00 发表偶的3850怎么办。。。。。
偶的也是3850 支持了...
回复 16# 苍穹北极星 的帖子
咱俩泪奔去吧。。。。 人工置顶 原帖由 Ghost.Kill 于 2009-6-20 18:57:00 发表咱俩泪奔去吧。。。。
4850.。。一起奔。。 a卡直接在游戏里关了PhysX
关了就很流畅了 个人认为关了 对画面的影响不是很大 ati的怎么办呢
回复 21# tt5757 的帖子
A卡游戏里怎么关?? 不错 支持个 呵呵 试过了,还是不行,有些场景还是掉的很厉害