2.Sydney`s 10mm "ultra" SMG
3.筆電(Vista)我玩上古按下 '[' 可以叫出控制台 但是玩輻射3就沒有辦法 有人有相關經驗嗎?
4.我使用中文繁體漢化 滿常當機的 有時候會破圖當機... 原來英文不會請問如何解決 (我已經更新到1.5版了) 1.小狗在废料场,也就是雷区的南面,进去之后会发现他和匪徒战斗,之后对话
2.http://www.gamersky.com/handbook/200811/129443.shtml 应该是去国家档案馆
4.当机,跳出之类的很常见。。。。。。。你可以对话时用中文,游戏时英文,用F11随时切换 Sydney`s 10mm "ultra" SMG
Sydney人在国家档案馆,和他一起做完档案馆那个任务,在去国宾馆在几楼(具体几楼忘了)的一个床上有盘磁带,拿给 Sydney,就可以得到那把枪了
回复 2# 4543213 的帖子
2.http://www.gamersky.com/handbook/200811/129443.shtml 应该是去国家档案馆
國賓館 是不是有很多機器人敵人 那棟大樓?
不是看不到喔 是根本叫不出來
玩上古的時候 是按[叫出來 (別人都是~)
玩輻射3 都試驗過叫不出來
非常感謝 上面是很多超级变异人,底层是很多机器人…… 国宾馆要从希望女神医院顶层过去,里面都是变种人,记得去之前带一个裂变电池,小月牙父亲的录音在某个床上。 至于控制台你可以试下
I found this searching over internet to find the solution for this problem. It seems most of the laptop with Windows Vista installed have same problem of unable to bring up the console command by pressing tilde(~) key because most of them comes installed with Microsoft eHome IR.
It is simple to fix actually. It's either delete this, or modify littlebit to go around this function.
Go to 'Device Mananger' -> 'Keyboard' -> 'Microsoft eHome MCIR 109 Keyboard'
Right click it, and now you can either choose to 'uninstall' to simply make the tilde key works again in fallout 3, oblivion and other games that does not let you use ~ as console. However, If you feel discomforted uninstalling the driver, then there is other solution.
Right click it and instead of clicking 'uninstall', choose 'update driver software'
when new window pops up, choose 'browse my computer for driver software'
now when new stuff comes up, choose 'let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer'
several stuff comes up as a list. click on 'HID-compliant device' and click 'next' (or simply double click it)
now it is done!! try fallout 3 and see for yourself.
简单来说就是在设备管理器里-人体学输入设备 删掉 ”Microsoft eHome MCIR 109 Keyboard“(名字可能不完全一样)就能解决问题。另外一种办法是升级驱程。第一种办法已经能解决我的问题了,哪位有空可以尝试一下第二种的…… 控制台->系統->硬體->裝置管理員->鍵盤->這邊(刪除/停用) XXXXXXXXXX(109)XXXXX
這樣嗎? 你试试吧,如果没用你在启用吧 非常 感謝解答!!!