Colt M4 Carbines
原作 metallicalec原文 Name: Colt M4 Carbines
Version: 1.0
Date: 5/11/2009
Category: Weapons
Author(s): metallicalec
Adds 4 Colt M4 Carbines to the game.
- M4 with EOTech reflex sight.
- M4 with EOTech and silencer.
- M4 with Aimpoint scope.
- M4 with Aimpoint and silencer.
They can be bought from Moira Brown at Craterside Supplies and Flak and Shrapnels at Rivet City. They should restock once a week.
If you want you can just add them with console codes:
M4 EOTech - player.additem xx07F0C0 1
M4 EOTech SD - player.additem xx07F0C1 1
M4 Aimpoint - player.additem xx07F0C2 1
M4 Aimpoint SD - player.additem xx07F0C3 1
Where 'xx' is the order you load this mod. E.g '09' (No. 9 in load order) or '0A' (No. 10 in load order)
They use default 5.56mm ammo and can be repaired with each other, assault rifles and chinese assault rifles.
I might add some more variants in the future and im working on making the aimpoint lense look better.
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Copy files to (install folder)Fallout 3Data
3. Start Fallout Mod Manager, place a checkmark beside ColtM4Carbines.esp
3. Start Fallout 3 Launcher, click Data Files, place a checkmark beside ColtM4Carbines.esp
4. Launch the game.
M4 EOTech - player.additem xx07F0C0 1
M4 EOTech SD - player.additem xx07F0C1 1
M4 Aimpoint - player.additem xx07F0C2 1
M4 Aimpoint SD - player.additem xx07F0C3 1
新出版的 Colt M4 Carbines 共4把. 材质优良.一般商店可购得或代码取之.
15M 奈米盘
解压后DATA贴上.勾选该ESP档 样子很不错的枪`喜欢这类型`LZ多多割爱` 枪的样子不错~主角背上背的那把枪很像古墓丽影里得那把 跟以前有个好像不过那个弹夹是白色的。。 这不是COD4的M4模型么。。。。 不错不错,而且耐久好象不掉的。现在上班了,没时间去搜刮枪。这把枪可以一直用下去了。哈哈。谢谢分享。 不错~~~我喜欢~~~~~~~ 使命召唤4的M4......
不过咱喜欢 很拉风的M4啊,挂榴弹不 cod4 用時光機轉戰2077年拉~ 好啊,谢谢楼主啦,不过我要和AK103系列比比那个更好用啊,这个好象有点太新了,要是能旧化一点就更有废土风啦! 好像不錯哦,,,,cs的嗎 终于看到使命召唤4的M4了感谢 装上用的时候怎么开镜一片空白啊,不解 现在下没有速度了啊
楼主 下不下来了 没速度没资源 急救啊!!
RT 帮帮忙 块!!!! LZ你发的连接无法下载,是否更新下载地址?! 非常不错哦!很喜欢。谢谢了 国外没注册,国内的链接坏了 不知道有没有cod6的m4啊 我想要件衣服!! 有沒有衣服mod!!?