WiseMen 发表于 2009-5-10 17:51




Hear me out, does anyone remember seeing the old interview vids from last June, and seeing how far and how amazing the game had been shaping up to be. Well, i was lookign at a few older vids and you can easily see the difference. The game looked better last year, ill let you judge for yourself with this video (taken at CES09, but showing extended footage from june 08).


0:05:Look at that consume at the beginning, the tendrils, the soldier getting sucked up and Alex's leg and arm muscles bulging as mass is being diverted into them, its fast, its gruesome and you can see the process. Thats how the consume was, so what happened to it?
SWEET Consume from june 08

Also sweet consumes from VGA trailer

Oh wait, look whats happened now: the soldier turns into a black and red blob while Alex absorbs him through his messy black and red mesh, i cant even describe it, its so intangible and pixelated

Oh no! it doesnt stop!

0:17 Look at the lighting at night! Look how everything was clear but noticably dark and forboding...(even though the resolution is lower on the first pic)
Now we have what appears to be a strange glow at night that is always present at night. the lighting looks like its during the day. where is that light coming from?

1:05, another example that shows a soldier being consumed without turning into a black/red mess, i can see his digestive tract and wait is that a spleen? Graphic yes, but it fits in with the grotesquery this game emphasises!

NOW its like this in the Mission variety trailer, why Radical Man, why?
what happened here?
Why of why?
Oh the HORROR!

C'mon Radical we want straight answers, why did you uglify such a visually graphic animation? especially considering we're going to have to see the same consume animations dozens of times!!

2:08 , wow look at the lighting there, you can actually see the glow from the street lamps, great ambient lighting. also evident in the earlier, "there are two sides, those who did this.." trailer, not so apparant anymore, now its like a stark environment flooded with the same lighting

2:33 Look at that Hydra, look at its detail, its bone-like exoskeleton.
Now thats the hydra ive grown to love and fear

Wait what happened here? What is this mis-shapen blooded and plastic-looking thing in the latest Mission variety vid, is that a Hydra?

Im NOT bashing the game, im asking you guys if you can see what im seeing and whether youve been dismayed over the changes in presentation. Id also like some answers from Radical as to what happened here? was it censorship, to stop it from being too graphic otherwise it would go above an M-rating and become an AO (adults only) rating, like the PC versions of San Andreas and Indigo Prophecy (Fareinheit in EU). Was it graphical constraints? Will the original non-plastic hydras make a come-back? And lastly, Can we please have the option to turn the messy mesh off?

WiseMen 发表于 2009-5-10 17:53

这个有部分图好像是某位仁兄在视频中截取的 ~~

WiseMen 发表于 2009-5-10 18:38


成宫结依 发表于 2009-5-10 18:57

xiaodwyao1 发表于 2009-5-12 03:35

- -! 是啊 我也发现了~~ 多放点游戏图

mlcmo 发表于 2009-5-13 05:35

就如现在AV国的4仔的sample图片都用photoshop P过了

xiaodwyao1 发表于 2009-5-13 08:21

回复 6# mlcmo 的帖子

没人信宣传画的~不过视频可信度还是很高的 就是不知道拍视频的用的什么配置

thehero429 发表于 2009-5-13 11:14


stf8038 发表于 2009-5-13 16:21

和刺客信条的主角 很形似

war3ft 发表于 2009-5-13 16:46


血色风 发表于 2009-5-13 19:51


namcohb 发表于 2009-5-13 23:31


WiseMen 发表于 2009-5-14 18:04

回复 5# xiaodwyao1 的帖子


xiaodwyao1 发表于 2009-5-14 21:15

回复 13# WiseMen 的帖子

真希望配置别太高了 不过如果图是360的那估计还行~~我的梦想就不会破灭了~~~

donty 发表于 2009-6-10 15:51



Ghost.Kill 发表于 2009-6-10 16:15

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