特大新闻,DLC4 Point Look (已翻译)
Point Look or Point Lookout is rumored to be the fourth Fallout 3 downloadable content pack. It has not been officially announced by Bethesda Softworks. It will likely take place in Point Lookout, Maryland.A bundle of Broken Steel and Point Look on DVD is available for preorder in some stores, such as eStarland, MSN Shopping and Bountii.
Bethesda Softworks' Pete Hines has stated that there are no announced plans for additional DLC. While this is true, it does not actually deny (or confirm) any rumours regarding Point Look.
目前有谣言关于辐射3的DLC4名叫Point Look,但官方并没有确认,剧情可能发生在马里兰州的Point Lookout公园。
一些DLC3和DLC4的DVD在如eStarland, MSN Shopping,Bountii的网上商店可以预订。
B社的Pete,曾经发表过关于不会再开发新的DLC的言论,这是真的。但这也并没有否认或确认是否开发DLC4 Point Look 貌似有水份的新闻`B社DLC3还没搞完就来4了`汗个`
回复 2# sumizai1989 的帖子
目前是谣传,但B社没有否认或者确认它 bethesda我认得你了... = = 可能性不大啊,3还没搞好就出4 啊 无所谓,还在痛苦的挣扎就是进不去DLC1任务的人路过
1.5版本,装了dlc,勾了mod,放在第二位,进游戏一直收不到广播 甚为谣言 信则有,不信则无