em2000 发表于 2009-4-17 21:36


提示是Compiled Md5:'a9f0f175f23db53a45c61c195e64040e' Actual Md5 in Zip:'4c750f3add33f6f01977152edb418ce8'

Program : G:DemigodbinDemigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :


Last 100 lines of log...

A full record of the log is stored in the Demigodlog.txt file

info: Full Log file: D:My DocumentsMy GamesGas Powered GamesDemigodDemigodLog
info: DEMIGOD VERSION MAIN.1.00.0067
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'g:demigoddgdata.zip', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'g:demigodmovies', mounted as '/movies/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'g:demigodsounds', mounted as '/sounds/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'g:demigodloc', mounted as '/loc/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'g:demigodbindata', mounted as '/'

em2000 发表于 2009-4-17 21:37

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 求助进不了游戏。