以下是中文站的laoshutaler 对这个modChronicles of Talera(塔莱拉编年史)魔法能力介绍的介绍:Faction Ability List
The Kingdom of Asaleth and the Hill-Folk
以下是Asaleth 和 the Hill-Folk(高山族?= =)联合王国的一些兵种特技:
Ancestral Horn - Asaleth - Hill-folk Ironbreakers
When the time comes for the tide of battle to be decided, the Hill-Clan know how to answer the call.Only the most experienced of the clan, the courageous Ironbreakers, possess the ancestral horns of the hill-clan.When the time is right, they sound the horn, knocking down any opponents who risk come too close, and temporarily boosting the strength of themselves and their fellow clan-mates.
Effect(效果): Knocks down anyone (friend or foe) nearby that is non Hill-Folk.Increases the Power Strike of Ironbreakers by 4.All other Hill-Folk receive +2 to Power Strike.(砍倒周围所有的非Hill族人(无论是友军或者敌人),增加所有钢铁战士(Ironbreakers) 4点强击。所有Hill族人增加2点强击。
Duration: 20 seconds(持续时间20秒)
Cooldown: 2 min 30 seconds(能力回复时间2分半)
Aimed Shots - Asaleth - Asaleth Squires
Discipline above all else, such is the motto of the Asaleth Squire.Lacking the horsemenship and swordplay of their knightly cousins, they instead have learned from birth to rely on their bow for their livelihood.Unlike the Gladeborn Rangers, who's talent comes natural to those born with it, the Asaleth Squires have trained hour after hour in order to become lethal from range.Occasionally they become so focused that their arrows become the most precise in all Talera.
纪律高于一切,这是Asaleth侍从(Asaleth Squires)的座右铭。相对于其他同胞部队,他们不会骑马也不会耍剑,但他们从出生的那刻开始就与弓箭结下了不解之缘。不同于精灵弓箭手 (Gladeborn Rangers)与生俱来的弓箭能力,Asaleth侍从们为了能练成最致命的弓箭术一日复一日地练习着自己弓箭的技术。结果他们成了整个Talera世界中最精确的弓箭手。
Effect: Increases Archery Skill of all Squires by 250.Increases Power Draw of all Squires by 5.(效果:增加所有侍从弓箭手250点弓箭熟练度,增加强弓5点)
Duration: 20 seconds(持续时间:20秒)
Cooldown: 2 minutes(能力恢复时间:2分钟)
Misguided Orders - Asaleth - Knight-Lords
An army is only as strong as it's leaders, and the Knight-Lords of Asaleth know this well.While undoubtably well trained and remarkably skilled in battle, it is perhaps their superior tactical prowess that sets them apart from the rest of Talera's residents.Through a great trick, a crafty deception, the Knight-Lords are able to issue false orders to the enemy army, forcing their archers to stop firing and charge forth recklessly.Even though a fool can only stay fooled for so long, when used wisely, a moment of foolishness is all that is required to turn the tides.
一个军队的强大与否直接取决于他们的领导者强大与否,Asaleth的骑士领主们( Knight-Lords of Asaleth )深谙这个道理。凭着卓越的战斗技能,和可能是最超群的战术指导能力,使他们完全不同于其他所有的人。通过欺骗和狡诈等各种手段, 骑士领主们可以向敌人发送错误的战斗信息。这些命令会令对方的弓箭手停止射击,并且鲁莽地冲向他们的敌人。一个傻子在被很好的利用后亦会发挥很大的作用来改变整个局面。
Effect: Causes enemy archers to hold fire and charge forth toward you(效果:让对方所有弓箭手停止射击,且向你冲来)
Duration: 15 seconds(持续时间:15秒)
Cooldown: 2 min 30 seconds(能力恢复时间2分半)
The Kingdom of Illoriaon
Erethal's Shield - Illoriaon - Illoriaon Paladin
Devoted followers of the Illoriaon Gods, and staunch defenders of their nation, the Illoriaon Paladins willingly fight their enemies to the death.That is not to say, however, that they don't wish to avoid it.Drawing upon their connections with the divine, the Paladin can seek out the otherworldly protection of Erethal, the goddess of life, drawing down her shield around himself and any other devoted Illoriaon followers who are around him.With the awe-inspiring light of the heavens shining down around them, the Paladin and his nearby allies become nearly impervious to pain, shrugging off blows as if they never occured.Though only able to maintain this divine shield for a few short moments, it is often all that is needed to turn the tides of battle, claiming yet another victory for the Illoriaon people.
Effect: Makes the Paladin and those around him *nearly* impervious to pain for a short time period.It will heal them to full health throughout the duration.(效果:圣骑士周围的所有友军一段时间无敌,且在此时间内所有人加满血)
Duration: 10 seconds(持续时间:10秒)
Cooldown: 2 minutes 30 seconds(能力恢复时间30秒)
Seculator's Conviction - Illoriaon - Illoriaon Vindicator
As the elite infantry of the Illoriaon people, the Vindicators seek to spread the word of their gods, hoping to encourage others to embrace them and open their hearts to them as they have.More then just passive missionaries, the Vindicators are even prepared to reach out to those that stand across from them on the field of battle. Using the power of Seculator, they are able to draw out the good that exists in all creatures, but only for a short time and a short distance.They are able to temporarily change the allegiance of nearby foes, causing them to temporarily take up arms against their own kind in the name of Seculator.
Effect: Nearby enemies are temporarily converted to your side.They will attack their own army as if they belonged to you.Note that you must kill the converted troops before victory can be declared (you may have to wait for them to convert back).(所有邻近的敌人一段时间被你转换为友军,不过最后你也必须杀了这些被转换的人才能取得胜利)
Duration: 15 seconds(持续时间:15秒)
Cooldown: 2 minutes 30 seconds(回复时间2分半)
Melathar's Wrath - Illoriaon - Illoriaon Inquisitor
No man, beast, or being need exist that denies or treads upon the will of the gods.Such is the mantra of the Illoriaon Inquisitor.Outcast for their extreme practices, the Inquisitors have turned to Melathar, the god of war, to provide them the strength to face the obstacles on their road ahead.The Inquisitor, the rage of religious hatred and persecution burning so hot inside him, can occasionally assault the minds of all non-believers near by, causing extreme pain and anguish to the pagan beasts that refuse to believe.
Effect: All non-Illoriaon troops near the Inquisitor suffer 5 damage every second for 5 seconds.Note that this CAN kill both friend (if non-Illoriaon) and foe.(所有非Illoriaon士兵邻近Illoriaon士兵时每秒伤5点血)
Duration: 5 seconds(持续时间5秒)
Cooldown: 2 minutes(回复时间2分钟)
The Planelords
Planar Storm - Planelords - Shaledorian Champions
True masters of the elements, only the Shaledorian Champions know the secrets behind the Planar Storms.By summoning forth the purple rains, now so familiar to their people, the druids serve as protectors to the Planelords and harassers to their enemies.The Planar rain, unlike any other, heals the skins of its Planelord kinfolk whilst at the same time burning the skill of the other, inferior races with its acidy composition.
作为能控制元素的大师,只有Shaledorian守护者(Shaledorian Champions )知道精灵之气(Planar Storm)的奥秘。通过召唤纯净的雨珠(现在他们的人民非常熟悉这个),德鲁伊(druid为什么突然出现这个名词= =)成为了精灵们的保护着同时也是敌人最头痛的对象。精灵之雨,不同于其他,它能治愈所有精灵族人的皮肤上的创伤,但同时用它那酸性的成分能灼伤其他族人的皮肤。
Effect: Creates a Planar Storm around all Shaledorian Champions.This storm heals 1 health/second to all Planelords around it while causing 1 damage / 2 seconds to all non Planelords (friend or foe) caught within it. (效果:制造一股气环绕所有Shaledorian守护者。这气会治疗所有邻近的精灵(Planelords)部队(一秒回一格血),且对所有非精灵(Planelords)部队(友军,或敌人)造成每2秒1滴血的伤害
Duration: 30 seconds(持续时间30秒)
Cooldown: 2 min 30 seconds(回复时间:2分半)
Planar Arrows - Planelords - Gladeborn Rangers
精灵弓箭手(Gladeborn Rangers)的精灵之弓
Calling upon the protection of their Planelord goddess, the Gladeborn Rangers are able to ignite their arrows in the magical energies of another plane of existence.Once imbued, their mystical energy will stop any non-planelord in their tracks, paralyzing them in a temporary state of suspended animation.
通过召唤精灵之神的保护,精灵弓箭手们(Gladeborn Rangers暂且这么翻吧-_-!)能用另一个精灵世界的魔法力量点燃他们的精灵之箭。一旦被击中,箭中的神秘力量会立刻麻痹所有非精灵族的生物,使他们的生命状态暂时停止。
Effect: Stuns all non-Planelords (friend or foe) that pass within a certain range of the magical energy. (击晕所有在魔法箭范围内的非精灵部队(包含友军))
Duration: 15 seconds(持续时间:15秒)
Cooldown: 2 min 30 seconds(回复时间2分30秒)
Planar Step - Planelords - Planelord Swordsmen
精灵剑士(Planelord Swordsmen)的精灵步
Long time protectors of the Planelord people, the Planelord Swordsmen have learned to master some of the true mysteries of the world around them.Temporarily besting both time and space, defing their petty laws, the Swordsman slips from reality, though only for an instant of real world time, and reappears in a flash in front of a shocked and stunned opponent.
Effect: All Swordsmen disappear and reappear in front of a nearby opponent (if one is available), stunning them for a couple of seconds.(所有精灵剑士瞬间移动至邻近的敌人面前(如果有),击晕他们几秒时间。
Duration: Instant (持续时间:瞬时)
Cooldown: 60 seconds(回复时间:1分钟)
The Feron Tribe
兽人部落的技能(Feron Tribe还是这样叫亲切点)
Battlecry - Feron - Feron Songworthy
兽人狂歌者(Feron Songworthy)的战场咆哮
It is said that their is no sound more terrifying then the battlecry of a Songworthy.Drawing on all their past successes, the Songworthy invigorates himself with an ear piercing yell, a yell so powerful its force knocks down those nearby.While in this state, the Songworthy's strength and speed are increased to incredible proportions.
没有声音比兽人狂歌者(Feron Songworthy)的战场咆哮来的恐怖。通过回想过去胜利的感觉来点燃自己的激情(狂汗),兽人狂歌者(Feron Songworthy)发出了刺儿的叫声,这种叫声力量太大,以至于周围的人都会被击倒。于此同时,兽人狂歌者让自己的力量和速度达到了一个难以想象的新高度。
Effect: Knocks down anyone (friend of foe) nearby that is a non-Feron.Also increases the Power Strike and Athletics of all Feron Songworthies by 3 each for the duration.(效果:击倒所有邻近非兽人的部队包括友军,同时在持续时间内增加兽人狂歌者3点强击和跑动
Duration: 20 seconds(持续时间20秒)
Cooldown: 2 min 30 seconds(回复时间2分半)
Bloodrage - Feron - Feron Berserkers
兽人狂战士( Feron Berserkers)的嗜血
The Feron Berserker, maniacle, fearless, and without care, is able to occasionally inspire all Feron to fight through pain, pumping their tribesmates into a fanatical bloodrage!While in a bloodrage, all Feron begin healing their own wounds, their own bodies refusing to give in to the enemy's blows.
Effect: Heals all Feron for 3 health/second(效果:治疗所有兽人部队,每秒回3血)
Duration: 20 Seconds(持续时间:20秒)
Cooldown: 2 min 30 seconds(回复时间:2分半)
Thrill of the Hunt - Feron - Feron Stalkers
Long time providers and masters of the art of the hunt, the Feron Stalkers know when to lie in wait, and when to strike.Their bond with the spirits of the earth and to their clan is so strong that they merely need strike their war drum and all clan members know it is time to pounce.The clan begins moving, as if carried by the winds themselves, with a speed unlike any other creature on Talera.Woe to those that serve as their unsuspecting prey.
Effect: Increase all Feron troops athletics by 5 for the duration(在持续时间内增加所有兽人 跑动 5点)
Duration: 15 seconds(持续时间15点)
Cooldown: 2 minutes(回复时间2分钟)
The Blighted Plague
不死族的部队技能(Blighted Plague 就这么叫了,我是不是在玩魔兽阿-_-!!)
Aura of Exhaustion - Blighted Plague - Blightlord
The reanimated corpses of man, once full of life, now exude nothing but pure darkness. The Blightlords, at one time defenders of mankind, now seek out its destruction.They can occasionally call upon the cold darkness that grows inside their blackened hearts, pushing it out around them.The cold slows down all living creatures (friend or foe) nearby, causing them to move very slowly while caught within its path.
Effect: Slows down all non-Blighted Plague (friend or foe) who are nearby a Blightlord.This includes cavalry.(对所有邻近的非不死族部队(包括友军)减速,包括骑兵)
Duration: 20 seconds(持续时间20秒)
Cooldown: 2 minutes(回复时间2分钟)
Unholy Grasp - Blighted Plague - Fallen Hero
Neither death, nor space, nor time itself can keep a Fallen Hero from performing his heroic (or perhaps UN-heroic) duties.Feared both in life and in death, few dare to willingly approach the Hero's blade.Through their command of the dark grasp of death, invisible but always prsent, the hero is able to pull an unsuspecting enemy to its side, ready to devour his soul and strip it of all life.There is no fleeing from a hero... only death.
Effect: Each Fallen Hero can pull one enemy (if within range) to its side, briefly stunning them in addition to placing them in an awkward situation.(效果:每个堕落英雄(Fallen Hero )可以将一个敌人拉到他面前,轻易将其击晕)?
Duration: Instant(持续时间,瞬时)
Cooldown: 60 seconds(回复时间60秒)
Abomination - Blighted Plague - Abomination
Most vile of all the undead creations, the Abomination is a creature which requires much sacrifice, but offers much in reward.By bringing together many of the lesser undead, including their commanders, the skilled necromancer can create a virtual one man army, an unholy entity of pure death.
Upon initial creation, the Abomination is nearly unstoppable.It laughs at pain, rapidly healing its wounds, and only becomes weak enough to kill after it has existed for a period of time.在被召唤出的最初时刻,大恶魔几乎不能被阻止。任何伤害对它都嗤之以鼻,它能很快愈合这些伤口。只有当他在这个世界上待上很长的时间后,力量消耗到才有可能被消灭。
The Abomination's negative energy field is so strong, it continually assaults the bodies of all living things nearby, eventually bringing about their demise if not stopped.
With great reward, comes great risk, and even a skilled necromancer can not control such a powerful entity forever.As the battle wears on, the entity becomes weaker and more distant, losing power, but at the same time this distance also helps them break free of the necromancer's control.Eventually, if still alive, the Abomination will turn on his master and his master's army, seeking out the destruction of those that have summoned him.Remember, only a fool would choose go fight an Abomination alone.Only a combined assault can stop it before it regenerates its own life once more, sucking up the essence of those around him.
Abomination's aura:Does 5 dmg/sec to all non-undead (friend or foe) nearby.恶魔之焰:对所有邻近的非不死族造成每秒5点伤害包括友军
Abomination's regeneration: Rapidly regenerates health at first, then slowly begins regenerating more slowly. It's regeneration never becomes weak though, and it will require some heavy damage to destroy. 恶魔重生:恶魔会快速回血,被招出时间越长,回血速度相应越慢
Duration: One Battle - must kill or be killed before it can end.(持续时间:从被招出到被扁死)
Cooldown: 48 Hours回复时间2天
Corpse Combustion - Blighted Plague - Player Ability
Sometimes a body is worth more dead then it is alive.Using the life force of each dead individual as kindling, you cause their body to burst into flames, severely injuring any except yourself who happen to be nearby.
Effect: Does 5 damage/per body to ALL troops except the player who are within a small radius of the bodies.效果:在小范围内对除了玩家的所有人施加每秒5点血的伤害
Duration: Instant持续时间瞬时
Cooldown: 5 minutes回复时间5分钟
中文站辣手摧花提供的Chronicles of Talera(塔莱拉编年史)--V3.0下载地址:http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/8d9a5187-23f5-11de-881f-0014221b798a/ 这个不错,大家可以下来玩一下,只可惜现在还没有汉化 `诶```````没图啊? 在中文站好象也有个魔法不过不同的... 你说的那个是魔法世界吧 没汉化 玩不了 难受 谢谢分享,好像紧接着作者又出了个3.01的补丁。 至少放张图看看吧 玩一下看看..谢谢分享 这个MOD太强了地图重制的。铠甲加了渲染补丁以后非常非常漂亮