fuxiyan 发表于 2009-4-15 14:26


Hey all,

While Demigod does not &quot;officially&quot; support replays inthis initial beta stage, I have discovered a way to play replays andcreated a little tool to make the task easier. Please download it here:

    http://www.gamereplays.org/community/style_images/beta/folder_mime_types/zip.gifDemigod_Replay_Loader.zipSize: 1.5kNumber of downloads:       99Player NameSideTeam

Just extract the files into some memorable location and follow these steps. If you have any trouble then be sure to ask here.

Thefirst thing you need to do upon downloading the Replay Loader is tomake sure that it knows where your Demigod.exe is located.

If itwas installed to the default directory, &quot;C:Program FilesStardockGamesDemigodbinDemigod.exe&quot; then you don't need to do anything. Ifnot the follow the next step.

Right-click on Demigod ReplayLoader.bat and select Edit. You see where it says &quot;C:ProgramFilesStardock GamesDemigodbinDemigod.exe&quot;? Just change thatdirectory to wherever your Demigod.exe is installed to and leave the&quot;/replay %1&quot; bit as it is. If you don't know where your Demigod.exe islocated, just find a shortcut to Demigod on your desktop or in yourstart menu, right-click it, and select &quot;Properties&quot;. The path will behighlighted in the &quot;Target&quot; box. Just copy that into the Replay Loader.

Once set up, all you need to do is try it out.

Ifyou've played a game of Demigod already (why wouldn't you?) then thefirst thing to do would be to navigate to your Demigod replays folder.This is located in:

My Document -&gt; My Games -&gt; Gas Powered Games -&gt; Forge -&gt; replays

In there, you'll have a folder for each Demigod profile. You'll probably just have one, go into it.

Inthere, you should have a file called &quot;LastGame.FRGReplay&quot;. This is thereplay of your last game you played. To launch it, double click thefile. It will ask you whether you want to use web services to find outhow to open the file, or to select a program from a list. Choose toselect a program from a list.

On the next window that pops up,click &quot;Browse...&quot; and find the Demigod Replay Loader.bat. Select thisfile, and be sure to check the &quot;Always use the selected program to openthese kinds of files&quot;, and click ok.

That's it! If everything has worked then Demigod should be loading up your replay right now.

Donote that the LastReplay.FRGReplay file will be overwritten every timeyou play a game. If you want to truly save your replays, then youshould rename this file after every good game you play. Renaming itwill ensure that it is not overwritten.

Please remember that thereplay viewing feature is not yet supported by Demigod officially so itmay be a little buggy. On my system, the graphics were a little messedup, although still bearable. Your mileage may vary. Please do not sendany bug reports regarding the replay system to GPG or Stardock as thisfeature is not intended to be used yet.

Stay tuned withGameReplays.org as we will soon have the Demigod replay system up andrunning, where you can upload your replays, comment on others andsimply have a great time playing Demigod and learning from the best!

Have fun!

矽CC 发表于 2009-4-15 14:49

外国人真牛- -

流浪生存 发表于 2009-4-16 00:23

&quot;x:DemigodbinDemigod.exe&quot; /replay %1
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