M&B: Warband Early game presentation 联机版视频预览及简
http://www.youtube.com/v/K16bIpGnd1o&hl=zh_CN&fs=1http://www.taleworlds.com/ Demonstrated publicly for the first time at GDC in San Francisco by the development team at Taleworlds, the expansion introduces a number of features that players have specifically requested and which will vastly improve the gameplay experience. The key features revealed -
Multiplayer previously announced, the ability for up to 32 players to play simultaneously on a single map in Team Death-Match style battles
Faction Rulers A new in-depth system allowing the player to gain followers even as a rebel and to become the ruler of their own faction and recruit Lords as their vassals
Accessibility Improved and additional detailed game information for players.
Improved Graphics and optimisation The introduction of state-of-the-art rendering technologies including HDR (High Dynamic Range), as well as significant improvement in the level of detail on characters, armour and weapons
Increased interactivity - New interactivity implemented in the environments that the AI will recognize and adapt to, directly impacting the Siege mode
Commenting on the development of Mount&Blade: Warband, Armagan Yavuz, Producer at Taleworlds Entertainment said, As a development team, we are used to short development circles, fast feedback from our users and the ability to have our gamers in the development loop. That is why we decided to create this expansion. We have received a large amount of requests from players for multiplayer and when we had published the game we saw an opportunity to explore this as well as additional improvements that our gamers requested. I feel that the multiplayer mode adds tremendously to the game experience.
A summary of additional features includes customizable quick battles, extended diplomatic options and new weapons, armor and animations. Other aspects introduced in Mount&Blade: Warband are improvements to the combat system with more physically accurate horse archery, a variation in horse sizes, and more options when embarking on sieges.
Mount&Blade: Warband is scheduled for release in Q3 2009. 简单翻译下
支持32人同一地图上死亡模式(DeathMatch)战斗 (玩家可以带电脑士兵,杀敌多奖励高级兵种和装备)
增强画面,自带HDR(应该比玩家做的那个GE2.0补丁效果好许多),人物,武器盔甲画面细节加强(更好的bump mapping,见截图http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/showtopic-659490.html)
from Merlkir
heh..I guess I accept that as an apology.
To all: Just be patient guys. There are more previews planned, the next one is even ready to go. We have much to show you. It's just that AW wants to keep his motivation or something ;) he's a sadist like that, so you'll just have to accept that. The previews will happen, don't worry. ;)
As for a release - Warband really changed our plans. It's unfortunate for you fans, but it might just make TLD much better. We were like "ok, it should be possible to release before summer-ish". And then Taleworlds were like "ZOMG, Warband! custom horse sizes, morale, formations!!!"and we were like "Hot damn!" and then we were like "Oh..damn. Should we wait for Warband? Fans are gonna be pissed!"
so...we don't know. (I know, I know, it's becoming my favourite sentence in this thread..)
IGN Mount & Blade Warband Preview
GDC 09: Mount & Blade: Warband First Look
Taleworlds is expanding last year's engaging game about medieval life and warfare.
by Jason Ocampo
March 27, 2009 - Last year's Mount & Blade was a cool blend of action, role-playing, and adventure set in a medieval world inspired by our own. It made for an amazing immersive experience, as well as a wholly original one. However, it did have some flaws, like lackluster graphics at times. So here comes Warband, an expansion that looks to address some of the issues.
Warband should beef up the strategic aspects of the game a bit. One of the big issues in Mount & Blade is that while you could rebel against your liege, you couldn't get other noble houses to support you that well. In Warband, you can carve out your own kingdom and get lords to kneel to you, basically becoming their liege. You'll also be able to use marriage to form political alliances, which falls in line with the politics of the era. The AI has also gotten a boost in this department, as well.
Taleworlds does hope to make things easier for newcomers, as well. That means more feedback and information, but also a better learning curve.
There are a slew of cosmetic upgrades that won't make the game compete against Crysis in the looks department, but it is a nice step forward. Now there's HDR lighting, as well as bloom effects and reflection. This basically lets all that metal armor gleam and shine. Many textures have also been revamped for a high-polygon look. Now they look halfway modern, as opposed to downright crude.
Finally, Warband does add a multiplayer feature, but you won't be able to have a multiplayer campaign with each player roaming around the map. Instead, it's limited mainly to big multiplayer melees with up to 32 players. Looks like we'll have to wait for any potential sequel to perhaps introduce a multiplayer campaign. Againk, the key word here is expansion. Taleworlds wouldn't talk about any potential Mount & Blade 2, but rather it's looking to polish and refine what it established in the core game first.
还有个改进就是更加方便新人上手,毕竟对于没接触过禅达的1.011版新玩家,上手确实比较困难,老版本里禅达的训练场和教练,酒馆里3个角斗士的言传身教,都很令人怀念啊 好东西,期待呀 等了好久的东西,期待能和朋友一起砍杀,对砍,狂砍,砍砍砍。。。。。 如果能做坐骑的话,我想做一个草泥马 你说的这是官方的还是MOD? 官方的啦不过 不明白的是只是 对战联机? 如果有大地图 攻城略地 封王封地的 怎么联机法 打打战场可以的 时间花不了多少 但是像单机版 那样每个人 都是一个英雄 或是领主这个怎么玩法 又不是每个人 24小时在线 我看 极有可能 玩家最多是一个 小队长而已 决定不了战事的 发生 最多只是 自己所属阵营有战斗 你参加而已 结果还是在线时间长的人 厉害有装备有军队 一直很期待联机版的出现~继续关注后续新闻~~ 我倒希望这个游戏做成大型MMORPG类网游~~~~~建设自己的国度,成就一方霸权~~真是太爽了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 支持支持
迟早会倒的 还浪费钱 楼上的,不会啊~~~本来游戏成本就不多,怎么会造成浪费,而且做成网游玩的人会成爆炸式增长的啊~~~~做局域网联机跟网游比是小巫见大巫~~~ 呃~~~~~巫师联机的可玩性我还真不能想象啊~~~~~~~~ 视频看不见啊,还是不要网游的好,谁在线时间长,谁就强,结果把成熟的玩家都踢掉了,剩下一些小孩在上面乱跳,如果非要是网游可以做成电脑阵营国家,玩家自选加入,组队接任务,对战.电脑国家的强大与加入的玩家多少和玩家战斗胜利多少决定,玩家只能进行和CS相近的玩法,大的国家战役走势由电脑控制. 这个消息真是太震撼了,梦想终于要变现实了 大概会有时间限制,会先给玩家几个等级配电,大概会是一个对战品太什么的吧
几个固定的地图,有限的资源,来对战 等了好久的东西,期待能和朋友一起砍杀,对砍,狂砍,砍砍砍。。。。。 这东西可以成网游了 我倒希望这个游戏做成大型MMORPG类网游~~~~~建设自己的国度,成就一方霸权~~真是太爽了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
顶 没消息了?? 何时才会有的玩?? 从开始玩M&B就开始期待联机版本的路过。
后排等待联机版的问世。。。额,其实是破解的问世(我承认我有罪)。 等待`
好久才出世啊` 联机版?单人模式没改变么? 哇,冷兵器版cs要来了。 局域网啊!!!期待啊!!! 太震撼了 要用N+N个good
梦想成真了,天啊,真希望可以带着一队万人敌砍人 游戏是个好游戏啊,可惜我玩这类的也晕,都是使命召唤害的... 09年第三季度才发布,如果他不跳的话