cailei110 发表于 2025-3-3 16:41

Dreamcast Widescreen Codes

NameRegionCode 1Code 2Code 3Notes
18 Wheeler American Pro TruckerPAL0239EFF4 43700000

18 Wheeler American Pro TruckerUSA0239EFF4 43700000
18 Wheeler American Pro TruckerJAP026625C0 43700000

4 Wheel ThunderUSA020AD5B0 4A2671C4
02112E00 401CCCCD

90 Minutes - Sega Championship FootballPAL02104A34 3F52CCCD

AeroWings 2PAL022A8750 3F400000

AnimastarJAP0224CF20 3FAAAAAB
0224CEEC 43F00000

Alien Front OnlineUSA02CA20B8 43700000

BerserkJAP02BC3C94 440A7C9A

Japanese version of Sword of the Berserk
Blue Stinger (En, De)PAL022DAC44 3F400000

Blue Stinger (Fr)PAL022DAB84 3F400000

Blue Stinger (Es, It)PAL022D9C84 3F400000

Blue StingerUSA022D9CA4 3F400000

Blue StingerJAP022D6D80 3F400000

Bomber Hehhe!JAP02286E2C 43F00000
02286E5C 3F400000

Bomberman OnlineUSA02387B84 43F00000
02387BB4 3F400000

Buggy HeatJAP02042F3C 4384BC09

Cannon SpikePAL02BB3D14 440A7C9A

Cannon SpikeUSA02BB3C74 440A7C9A

CarrierPAL02B0109C 43F00000
02B010CC 3F400000

‭CarrierUSA02AFD93C 43F00000
02AFD96C 3F400000
Capcom vs. SNK ProJAP021E8238 43F00000
023D3658 43D20000023D3628 43700000
You can see the end of the backrounds on each side. The HUD is shifted to the right.
Code 2 sets HUD and movements of the characters to a 4:3 zone
Capcom vs. SNK 2JAP0239BFD8 43700000
0234E9E8 3F400000
0234EFBC 3F400000

You can see the end of the backrounds on each side.
Charge ‘n BlastPAL021DBFF8 43700000

ChuChu Rocket!PAL022D2D40 3F400000
022D2D70 C2700000

Coaster WorksPAL02315300 43F00000
02315334 3FAAAAAB

Confidential MissionPAL022F0D58 43700000

Only works on real Dreamcast
Cool BoardersJAP021C8A98 3F400000

Japanese version of Snow Surfers/ Rippin‘ Riders
Cool Cool ToonJAP0260B59C 3F400000

Not compatible with Reicast yet
Cosmic SmashJAP02240FAC 3F400000023D6728 437000000219C1BC 3F8CCCCD
021600C8 3F400000Code 1 works with the TOSEC-Dump. Try Code 2 or 3, if the first one doesn‘t work for your version.
Crazy TaxiPAL022B3410 43700000

Crazy TaxiUSA022B08B0 43700000

Crazy Taxi 2PAL022BFB70 43700000

Crazy Taxi 2USA022BDDD0 43700000

Crazy Taxi 2JAP022FBBD0 43700000

Cyber Troopers - Virtual On - Oratorio TangramPAL02016D94 44234E73

Cyber Troopers - Virtual On - Oratorio TangramUSA02016D94 44234E73

D2USA024B5CF4 3F400000
024B5CC4 43F00000023E92A0 00000000023E92A8 00000000023E92C0 00000000023E92C8 00000000 Code 2 removes black bars
D2JAP024CF42C 43F00000
024CF45C 3F4000000D3E1A36 08010000
023E1A34 00000000
023E1A3C 00000000
023E1A54 00000000
023E1A5C 00000000 Code 2 removes black bars
Daytona USA 2001PAL021FE270 43700000
Daytona USA 2001USA021FC6D0 43700000

Deadly SkiesPAL029821D4 3F400000

Dead or Alive 2PAL022E5530 43700000

Dead or Alive 2USA022F0670 43700000

Dead or Alive 2JAP022FF798 43700000

Dead or Alive 2: Limited EditionJAP022FBBD0 43700000021E6658 4414C000
Code 2 fixes HUD
Death Crimson OXUSA028BD5B4 43F00000028BD5E4 3F400000

Death Crimson 2JAP02819F44 43F0000002819F74 3F400000

Donald Duck: Quack AttackPAL020D2ED0 3FAAAAAB020D2ED4 3F400000
Code 2 corrects the HUD

Dragons BloodPAL0249CB24 3F0CCCCD

Dragonriders: Chronicles of PernPAL02F97F40 00000168
0208DCF8 00000000

Dragonriders: Chronicles of PernUSA02F97F40 000001680208DCF4 00000000
Code 2 removes black bars
Dynamite CopPAL024FCBC0 43700000

Dynamite CopUSA024FCBC0 43700000

Draconus: Cult of the WyrmUSA0249D7F4 3F07C3BB0249D8CC 447A0000
Code 2 increases drawing distance
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the FuturePAL02275418 49D9A5DA
02040E68 3F100000
02040D1C 3F10000002328C5C 00000280
Code 2 eliminates bars in cut-scenes.
Evolution - The World of Sacred DevicePAL02304870 3F400000022135E0 3F400000
Code 2 does the same as Code 1. It's just here for completeness.
Evolution 2 - Far Off PromiseUSA0236C76C 3F400000
0236C73C 43A00000

Fatal Fury: Mark of the WolvesUSANo widescreen code022977B0 FFFFFFFF
02297824 FFFFFFFF
02297864 FFFFFFFF
022978E4 FFFFFFFF0235DF90 FFFFFFFFCode 2 eliminates the black bars around the picture
Code 3 prevents screen from going dark when pausing
Ferrari F355 ChallengePAL022C6B7C 00004000

Code enables widescreen in VGA-Mode
Ferrari F355 ChallengeJAP023235D4 00004000

Code enables widescreen in VGA-Mode
Fighting Vipers 2PAL023D3B10 43700000

Fighting Vipers 2JAP023D3AF0 43700000

Floigan Bros. Ep. 1PAL02132DD8 3F400000
02A26CA8 3F400000
02A26738 3F400000
02A275B8 3F400000
02A26AD8 3F400000
02A26908 3F400000

Frame GrideJAP02586290 3F400000
02586260 43F00000

Fur FightersPAL0255A354 3FAAAAAB

Code doesn‘t work on real hardware. Use US-Version instead.
Fur FightersUSA0255A374 3FAAAAAB

Gaunlet LegendsPAL022E7CD0 43BEAE39
022E7D10 44A00000
022E7D0C C4200000

Code might not work
Godzilla GenerationsJAP02364A64 43BA0000

Godzilla Generations Maximum ImpactJAP027C3F24 43F00000027C3F54 3F400000

Golem no Maigo (aka The Lost Golem)JAP02282604 43F0000002282634 3F400000

Grandia IIPAL023FB91C 3FA66666
023FB8E0 3F40000002225F8C 3F400000
02225F5C 43F000000225068C 39F00000
022506AC 39F00000
022506CC 43F00000
022506EC 43F00000Codes 1 & 2 only work on real hardware.
Code 1: Overworld
Code 2: Battle
Code 3: Removes black bars in FMVFor Emulator use Hex-Patch on image instead.
Gun SpikeJAP02BC3C94 440A7C9A

Japanese version of Cannon Spike
Gundam Side StoryUSA0288E780 3F400000

Half-LifeALL02C3D6BC 00363031
02D204A8 00000356
02D32FC8 00000280
02C7CF84 00000280
02D20548 00000280

HeadhunterPAL0223FCC4 44558000

Radar and Menu show small glitches
House of the Dead 2, ThePAL024C6708 43700000

House of the Dead 2, TheUSA024C6088 43700000

IkarugaJAP02C0CFA0 3F400000

IllbleedUSA021C8A98 3F400000

Iron AcesPAL0218C15C 43F000000218C18C 3F400000

Jet Grind RadioUSA0232E0FC 43F00000
0232E12C 3F400000

Jet Set RadioPAL0232F9EC 3F400000
0232F9BC 43F00000

Jet Set Radio (De La)JAP02327A8C 3F400000
02327A5C 43F00000

Kao The KangarooPAL02278508 43700000

Kao The KangarooUSA022780A8 43700000

KarousJAP020FDFAC 3F400000

KISS Psycho Circus – The Nightmare ChildUSA0253F580 C420000002EFB748 43A0000002EFB750 43200000

Widescreen, but a bit zoomed in
Langrisser MilleniumJAP0224A878 43F000000224A8A8 3F400000

Le Mans 24 HoursPAL0229B90C 3F400000

Looney Tunes: Space RaceUSA022198EC 3F400000

Maken XPAL0233818C 3FA66666

Maken XUSA0230CB4C 3F400000

cailei110 发表于 2025-3-3 16:42

Marvel vs. Capcom 2USA022D6B18 43700000
02268390 3F400000
02268ED8 3F400000
02268934 3F400000
0226947C 3F400000
02269A20 3F400000
02269FC4 3F400000

Marvel vs. Capcom 2JAP022FE2C0 43700000
0228FB38 3F400000
02290680 3F400000
022900DC 3F400000
02290C24 3F400000
022911C8 3F400000
0229176C 3F400000

Max Steel - Covert MissionsUSA02551B80 3F40000002441BAC 3F400000
Code 1 works. Code 2 might work on some exotic release.
Metropolis Street Racer (v1.009)PAL02106B5C 3F99999A
021111F4 3F900000

Doesn‘t work correctly in demo mode
Metropolis Street Racer (v1.001)PAL02107FDC 3F99999A
0211253C 3F900000

Same as above
Metropolis Street RacerUSA0210A01C 3F99999A
021146FC 3F900000

Same as above
Millenium Racer Y2K FightersALL021CAEAC 43F00000
021CAEDC 3F400000

Moero! Justice GaukenJAP02426B74 43700000

Japanese version of Project Justice
Mortal Kombat GoldPAL0231290C 3F400000

Mortal Kombat GoldUSA02337B8C 3FA66666

Mr DrillerPAL021A5D40 3F59999A
021A5D18 44084000
021A5D38 3FB1EB85
021A5D30 3F800000
021A5D3C 3FA66666
021A5D0C C31B0000
021A5D08 42700000
021ACB78 44160000

Nanatsu no Hikan - Senritsu no Bishou (aka Seven Mansions)JAP0243BDA4 43700000
0243BDD8 3F9AF5C2024319E8 4220000002431A08 4220000002431A28 438C000002431A48 438C0000
Code 2 fixes acpect ratio of FMV to correct 4:3
Napple Tale: Arsia in DaydreamJAP02353744 43F00000
02353774 3F400000
02353778 3F800000

02705B40 44558000
Code 2 is a Render Fix
Nightmare Creatures IIUSA02CDE848 3F400000
02CDE844 3FA00000

OuttriggerPAL0287B5A4 43700000

PenPenPAL021EEE78 3F400000

PenPen TriIcelonJAP021C3828 3F400000

Phantasy Star OnlinePAL02548E04 43E80000020923C0 3F966666

Phantasy Star OnlineUSA02548E84 43D20000
020925A4 3FA66666

Phantasy Star OnlineJAP0257E344 43D20000
02091794 3FA66666

Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2PAL0257552C 43F00000
020A2DD4 3F911111

Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2USA020A3138 3F911111
0258C8CC 43F00000

Plasma Sword - Nightmare of BilsteinUSA027D463C 3F400000

Power StonePAL027FD3C8 43700000

Power StoneUSA027FCEE8 43700000

Power Stone 2PAL02868BA8 43700000

Power Stone 2USA028689A8 43700000

Power Stone 2JAP02849AA0 43700000

Project JusticePAL0233414C 43F00000

Project JusticeUSA0233374C 43F00000

Propeller ArenaALL02204308 3FE38E39

Only works on emulator
Psychic Force 2012PAL027DA39C 3F400000

Rainbow CottonJAP021AD848 3F400000

Rayman 2PALNo need for a code

Just go to video settings on the Start-Screen and choose 16:9
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2PAL021574D8 43700000

Record of Lodoss War (English)PAL024FF93C 43F00000024FF96C 3F400000
Record of Lodoss War (German)PAL024FF25C 43F00000024FF28C 3F400000
Record of Lodoss War (French)PAL0250499C 43F00000025049CC 3F400000
Red DogPAL023511A0 3FC58577

Rent a Hero No. 1JAP021FF60C 3F400000
021FF610 3F800000
021FF5DC 43DC0000

Resident Evil: Code Veronica (German)PAL0232A380 3F400000
02383E18 43F0000002383E38 0000000002383E58 43F0000002383E78 00000000
Code 2 removes the black bars on top and bottom in FMV
Resident Evil: Code Veronica (French)PAL0232A380 3F400000Same as above

Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Spanish)PAL0232A3A0 3F400000

Resident Evil: Code VeronicaUSA02329E40 3F400000023838D8 43F00000023838F8 0000000002383918 43F0000002383938 00000000

Re-VoltPAL020464FC 3A88888902046210 44200000
Code 2 is a Render Fix
RezPAL020C5EB4 3A888889

Ring, The - Terror's RealmUSA028E7A80 43E10000

Rippin' RidersUSA021A4D2C 43F00000
021A4D5C 3F4000000219C1BC 3F8CCCCD 021600CB 3F400000
Code 1 tested and works on TOSEC-Release
Code 2 is an alternative
Roommania #203USA02298A94 43F00000
02298AC4 3F400000

Samba De AmigoPAL0229E6C4 3F400000

Seventh Cross EvolutionUSA0277A178 3F400000

Shadow ManPAL022C03F4 3F400000

A bit zoomed in to avoid clipping
SeamanUSA024AA4DC 3F400000
022B4E30 3F400000

Sega GTPAL025D613C 3F400000

Sega Marine FishingUSA02495050 43700000

cailei110 发表于 2025-3-3 16:44

Sega Rally 2USA02B83A48 3F400000

Only works on Emulator! No Code for PAL-Version because it's a REALLY bad port. Go for US-Version instead. Japanese one is even better.
Sega Rally 2JAP02BD9BA0 3F400000

SGGG – SegagagaJAP02AF57DC 43F0000002AF580C 3F400000022122A0 3F400000

ShenmuePAL02231EF8 43800000021EF370 7C1EF400
Code 2 reduces clipping.
ShenmueUSA02230250 43800000

ShenmueJAP0222E8A0 43800000021EBE70 7C1EBF00
Code 2 reduces clipping.
Shenmue IIPAL0231186C 4380000001160FF4 0000E100
Clipping. Code 2 eliminates black bars in cutscenes.
Shenmue IIPAL02311880 C3A00000
0227E198 35AA359E
01160FF4 0000E100

Alternative code without clipping or black bars. Might be demanding on real hardware.
Shenmue IIJAP0230D67C 43700000

Silent ScopePAL02D1FB14 3F400000

Skies of ArcadiaPAL02502A84 3F400000

Skies of ArcadiaUSA02599158 3F400000

Slave ZeroPAL0217EF68 43F00010

Widescreen, but a bit zoomed in
Snow SurfersPAL021A50EC 43F00000021A511C 3F400000

Sonic AdventurePAL0288F528 43F00000
0288F55C 3FA66666

Sonic Adventure 2USA0228DEF8 43F00000
0228DF28 3f4000000F0C0D76 00000008
Code 2 is a master code for use on real hardware
Sonic Adventure 2JAP0228DF28 3F400000
0228DEF8 43F00000

Sonic ShufflePAL02110B4C 3F400000

Sorcerian - Shichisei Mahou no ShitoJAP0225C714 43F00000
0225C744 3F400000

Soul CaliburPAL022D6138 3F400000

Soul CaliburUSA02266C28 3F400000

Soul ReaverPAL02129FA0 3EF00000
0212A9BC 3EF00000021C9FDC 000000F0
Code 2 is a Render Fix
Space Channel 5 Part 2JAP0214D3E0 3F400000

Spawn: In the Demon's HandPAL02323D30 43700000

Works only on real hardware. For emulator use Hex-Patch.
Star Wars Episode I RacerUSA0217AE20 EF4000000229A96C 429000000229A98C 429000000229A9AC 43CE00000229A9CC 43CE0000
Code 2 removes the black bars on top and bottom in FMV
Street Fighter III: 3rd StrikeUSA02E18DA0 3FCCCCCD 02E18DA4 40000000
02E18DA8 BE99999A02E18DA0 3FCCCCCD 02E18DA4 40000000
Does not work very well. HUD and Fighters are shifted to the left.
Code 2 eliminates black bars.
Super RunaboutPAL02E2B234 3F800000

Surf Rocket RacersPAL0245CED4 3F400000021EBF40 3F400000
Code 2 is an alternative, in case that Code 1 doesn‘t work for you
Sword of BersekPAL02140F74 43FA0000
02140FA4 3F400000

Sword of BersekUSA0213F1C4 3F400000
0213F194 43F00000

Tennis 2K2USA024A19B0 43700000

US-Version of Virtua Tennis 2
Test Drive Le MansUSA0229B7BC 3F400000

Tetris 4DJAP021AAC80 43F00000021AaCB0 3F400000

TimestalkersPAL0214EFA8 43F00000
0214EFD8 3F400000

Tech RomancerPAL0239173C 3F400000

Tokyo Bus GuideJAP02315370 43F00000
023153A0 3F400000

Tokyo Highway ChallangePAL021D9F10 3F400000
Tokyo Highway Challange 2PAL0221E4F8 43700000
Tokyo Street Racer 2USA0221DEF8 3F400000

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (UK)PAL02B75E28 3EC00000

Clipping. Use Hex-Patch instead.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2PAL021D7C20 3FA66666A bit zoomed in to avoid clipping
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2USA021D77A0 3FA66666

A bit zoomed in to avoid clipping
Toy CommanderPAL020D592C 3FD00000
Toyota Doricatch Series: Land Cruiser 100/CygnusJAP02469FCC 44700000
02469FFC 3F400000

UEFA Dream SoccerPAL021B2718 3F400000

Ultimate Fighting ChampionshipPAL021D74E8 43F00000021D7518 3F400000

Ultimate Fighting ChampionshipUSA021A9684 3F400000

Some problems with camera in game. Better use PAL-Version.
Vanishing PointPAL020C6B90 43F00000
020C6B94 43870000

Virtua Athlete 2KPAL02244134 43F00000
027A73B8 3F9C932E
027830D8 3F9C932E
027A74B8 3F9C932E
02783138 3F9C932E
027A85A0 3F400000
026C7928 00000000
026C7930 00000000
026C7948 00000000
026C7950 00000000

Virtua Fighter 3 TBPAL0219D718 43700000

Virtua Fighter 3 TBJAP02199FB0 43700000

Virtua Tennis (v1.001)PAL02456378 43700000

Virtua TennisUSA02450A90 43700000

Virtua Tennis 2PAL024A4A20 43700000

See Tennis 2K2 for US-Version
Volgarr the VikingALL023A514C 3F400000
023A6170 00000356

What's ShenmueJAP0220BB68 43700000021ACBD0 7C1ACC60021B9ADC 3F400000Code 2 reduces clipping.
Code 3 fixes the clock.
Wetrix+PAL0275281C 3F400000

World Series Baseball 2K2USA02014E90 43700000

Zero Gunner 2JAP02323CB0 43700000021ACBD0 1ACC60021B9ADC 3F400000Code 2 reduces clipping.
Code 3 fixes the HUD.
Zombie RevengePAL029484E8 43700000
Zombie RevengeUSA02948058 43700000

Zombie RevengeJAP02948B18 43700000

Zusar VasarJAP024B0218 3F400000

lang1969 发表于 2025-3-3 17:22


咖啡苦 发表于 2025-3-3 18:28


pancco666 发表于 2025-3-4 07:38


godbatistuta 发表于 2025-3-4 16:03

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查看完整版本: Dreamcast Widescreen Codes