Every character moves with the precision and speed of KOF2K2UM, including four brand-new, custom-sprited fighters designed just for this epic showdown. Master two unique MAX Modes, and experience the Street Fighter cast reimagined with new moves tailored for intense KOF gameplay. Dive into the ultimate roster, featuring every playable KOF warrior from '94 to XIII, plus plenty of fresh surprises to keep you on your toes. Think you can survive the relentless onslaught of the max difficulty Boss Attack Challenge? Let's find out!
The King of Fighters 2002UM came remarkably close to achieving perfection. However, it lacked the beloved characters from KOF ’98. This project was created to address that gap, incorporating not only the ’98 roster but also characters from KOF XI and XIII into the 2002UM experience. We have dedicated considerable time and effort to faithfully recreate an authentic KOF experience. Thank you for exploring our game!
**** Hidden Message ***** 感谢分享 这个挺新奇的 MUGEN拳皇系列 必须要支持啊
看是什么 感谢分享
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感谢分享 66666666666666 66666666666666 {:2_27:}{:2_27:}{:2_27:}
这是mugen版本吧 谢谢楼主的分享 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
谢谢大佬,有兴趣的呢 1994年问世以来,凭借极具魅力的角色与独特新颖的游戏系统,让全世界为之狂热的对战格斗游戏『THE KING OF FIGHTERS(拳皇)』系列。继前作时隔六年,游戏画面、游戏系统