Banyuan7858 的9个汉化MOD
脱坑好久了,今天想更新下汉化,发现N网有人更新了 有个叫Banyuan7858国庆更新了10个MOD那我就半圆7858???搬运下吧开始需要前置,论坛找下吧。先拖原文件进去,再把CHS或者Simplified Chinese文件拖进去,选择后加载或覆盖
网盘里有Vortex国庆版本1.12.5 没有前置 需要自下 前置自下 前置自下 前置自下
①Ped Damage Overhaul 2077
· Everything below is configurable via ingame menu(via "Mod Settings" mod), all those only apply to NPCs, not the player
· Head shots are deadlier (depending on armor, cyberware, etc.)
· Torso shots are deadlier (depending on armor, cyberware, etc.)
· Torso shots cripple enemies consistently (depending on armor, cyberware, etc.)
· Arm shots cripple enemies consistently (depending on armor, cyberware, etc.)
· Leg shots cripple enemies consistently (depending on armor, cyberware, etc.)
· When below a certain percentage of health,enemies enter the "Dying State" (= enemies are down/incapacitated, but still alive - they won't die by limb shots, only head shots or torso shots can get rid of them permanently)
· Fire damage is lethal to enemies, when in "Dying State" (they also burn longer)
· More consistent audio reactions to being shot
· Enemies can be dismembered alive while in "Dying State"
②NCPD and MaxTac Spawn Tweak (District specific police behavior)
Change how NCPD and MaxTac react to crime in different districts; minor crimes (at 1 star) do not result in spawning NCDP by default; user configurable thru Mod Settings
③Actually Smart Weapons
Better smart weapons target tracking.
Improved priority queue, can be customized into only allowing heads (and other weakspots) as targets to lock on.
④Ping Tags Enemies - Cyber Engine Tweaks
The type of entities which will be tagged (NPCs, access points, cameras, etc.) and all additional features/options can be customized.
To configure, use the CET overlay or access mod category in the games menu when using Native Settings UI.
Keybinds need to be configured in the CET bindings menu, as supporting bindings in Native Settings UI would require additional dependencies which I want to keep minimal.
⑤Claim Vehicles
Stealing a vehicle through force, engineering or technical skills will enable the matching model in the player's owned vehicles and make that model available from the player's garage
The mod is disabled until V receives Victor's enhancements and activates the Car Hacker perk
In addition to adding a claimed vehicle to the player's garage, the mod also alters the model you claimed to reduce the chances it will de-spawn. It is not perfect but it seems to work well enough to be playable.
V can use Quick Hacks to claim or remove vehicles from the garage.
The mod supports multiple vehicle summon modes (see below)
CET is not required, but if you do have it, you can use the console to check on the Claim process and see why it didn't work.
⑥Random Netrunners
More enemies learn how to upload quickhacks to the player. Customizable quantity and quality.
Placement is randomized again every time you load a save.
Like Amateur Hackers, but random.
⑦Ricochet Redux
This mod loosens the angles at which ricochets snap to valid targets (enemies, explosives,...) so you can more reliably use them.
You can still shoot the ground in front of the enemies for the free damage multiplier, but with this you can now also use walls, ceiling, and all the rest of the environment to manage impressive feats and hit targets behind cover.
You can use either Native Settings UI or a text editor to control the seeking angle. The higher the value, the easier the bounce.
(you may need to reload your save in order to apply the changes).
⑧Buttslinger Quickmelee
Properly stun enemies with the quickmelee attacks of ranged weapons.
Open them to grabs and finishers
⑨Auto drive
⑩Scanner Time Dilation Optional 2.01
Disables time dilation while walking around with the scanner out. Time dilation while in combat and/or when in a vehicle is optional.
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感谢分享 牛逼坏了!!!!
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谢谢楼主发的好帖子~ 这就非常给力了!感谢分享!感谢楼主分享的内容! fdsfdsgfdgf
你说的观点我也很支持!给楼主点赞,希望继续分享! 好东西,拿走了,临走顶个贴感谢一下楼主!这么好的东西!感谢楼主分享!感谢论坛! EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
不错 支持
热热热柔柔弱弱柔柔弱弱然然然然然然然然然然然然然然 感谢楼主分享~
先下载看看好不好用!看到楼主这么努力分享,我只能顶个贴感谢一下了! 77777777777777
感谢分享!论坛因你更精彩!感谢分享!给你点赞! 感谢大佬分享~