nmbwc_999 发表于 2024-8-30 13:30

用了整合后 再添加上帝模式Mod就报错了 有没有大神看看啊

用了师爷整合 我再自个添加上帝模式mod就报错了 删了就能进游戏 有什么解决方法吗 很想保留这模组

Error mod\modgodmodeconfig.ws(647): 'gmConfig' is not a member of 'handle:CR4Player'
Error game\gui\_old\components\guiplayerinventorycomponent.ws(570): Could not find function 'GetItemPriceModifiedGM'
Error game\gui\_old\components\guishopinventorycomponent.ws(76): Could not find function 'GetItemPriceModifiedGM'
Error game\gui\_old\components\guishopinventorycomponent.ws(110): Could not find function 'GetItemPriceModifiedGM'

Warning local\arddhustable_hoveringpreview\arddhustable_hoveringpreview_main.ws(1): Adding state 'ArdDhuStable_HoveringPreview_DialogState' to class 'CR4HudModuleDialog' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
Warning local\arddhustable_hoveringpreview\arddhustable_hoveringpreview_main.ws(18): Adding state 'ArdDhuStable_HoveringPreview_DialogStateExit' to class 'CR4HudModuleDialog' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
Warning local\botanist_compiled.ws(1299): Adding state 'disabled' to class 'BT_Harvesting_Ground' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
Warning local\botanist_compiled.ws(1311): Adding state 'waiting' to class 'BT_Harvesting_Ground' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
Warning local\botanist_compiled.ws(1323): Adding state 'update' to class 'BT_Harvesting_Ground' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
Warning local\spells_execs\lukatiel_sword_ring.ws(81): Adding state 'abso_fucking_lutely_necessary_bolt_hack_ignore_that' to class 'W3BoltProjectile' which is not a state machine. Did you forget the 'statemachine' keyword in class?
Warning local\alcmenu.ws(30): Native function 'SaveUserSettings' was not exported from class 'ALCMenu' in C++ code.
Warning engine\environment.ws(28): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning game\player\playerwitcher.ws(503): Saved property 'mq1002_artifact_1_oldtarget' of type 'handle:CActor' won't be saved because it references CNode. Use EntityHandle instead if that's an entity or remove saved property attribute.
Warning local\bellstash.ws(4): Saved property 'stash' of type 'handle:W3Stash' won't be saved because it references CNode. Use EntityHandle instead if that's an entity or remove saved property attribute.
Warning local\bellstash.ws(5): Saved property 'travelsignpost' of type 'handle:W3FastTravelEntity' won't be saved because it references CNode. Use EntityHandle instead if that's an entity or remove saved property attribute.
Warning local\progressonthepath_compiled.ws(7953): Return statement prevents the execution of successive lines of script
Warning local\progressonthepath_compiled.ws(7957): Return statement prevents the execution of successive lines of script
Warning local\progressonthepath_compiled.ws(7981): Return statement prevents the execution of successive lines of script
Warning local\progressonthepath_compiled.ws(7982): Return statement prevents the execution of successive lines of script

nmbwc_999 发表于 2024-9-1 10:54


nmbwc_999 发表于 2024-9-1 10:56


koujun 发表于 2024-9-2 19:58

“上帝模式”是一个综合性的 MOD !包含有很多功能!如果这个 mod 和其它整合 mod 同时使用首先必须合并才能使用!这个 末端 和其它比较大的整合 mod 合并如果你是一个新手可能比较困难!

2139189 发表于 2024-10-2 17:51

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查看完整版本: 用了整合后 再添加上帝模式Mod就报错了 有没有大神看看啊