Card Reader Emulator
Special thanks to Andy for his awesome work on this card emulator!
Download latest "" from
Extract archive somewhere and copy "config.ini.sample" to "config.ini"
Open "config.ini" to make following edits
Edit "basepath =" and set to wherever you want to save your card data. basepath MUST end in a trailing slash!
Edit "serialpath =" to "serialpath = \\.\pipe\YACardEmu"
Card can be inserted through any web browser, just access via the IP of whatever machine is running the emulator. (ie. or by pressing whatever key you have bound to swipe card in TPUI.
Sample config.ini file:
apiport = 8080
; basepath MUST end in a trailing slash!
basepath = ./
serialpath = \\.\pipe\YACardEmu
targetdevice = S31R
; Optional
autoselectedcard = card.bin