对马岛之鬼 1053.0625最新补丁 更新成fsr3.1
本帖最后由 chenzhuops2 于 2024-6-28 10:43 编辑Hey everyone
We're excited to announce the availability of AMD FSR 3.1 in Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut. We have been working closely with AMD to incorporate this performance-enhancing technology, which can be used with recent graphics cards from AMD, Intel and NVIDIA.
AMD FSR 3.1 offers improved FSR upscaling quality, with less flickering and better preservation of detail, compared to previous versions. Like our existing implementation of FSR 3.0 in the game, it is possible to use AMD FSR frame generation in combination with any upscaling technology available in the game for your graphics card.
This update also resolves an issue with the HDR Max Luminance slider so that it is not capped to 1000 nits anymore. We have also made several changes to improve Legends co-op multiplayer matchmaking.
Thanks to everyone for playing Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut on PC and for sharing your feedback with us!
Release notes v1053.5.0625.1621
[*]Updated AMD FSR to version 3.1 with improved upscaling quality.
[*]Fixed an issue with the HDR Max Luminance slider that caused it to cap at 1000 nits.
[*]Improvements to Legends co-op multiplayer matchmaking.
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IYB892_TXMVS8rJJP6jMOw?pwd=0225 提取码:0225 --来自百度网盘超级会员V6的分享
感谢分享 感谢分享 更新完成,谢谢 有没有对应的防退出卡死和启动弹框报错补丁???? 这个需要前置补丁吗 eizual 发表于 2024-6-28 12:19
zcdj588 发表于 2024-6-28 12:08
没有这么个补丁 你是N卡还是A卡?如果是amd显卡的话昨天刚刚更新了amd的显卡驱动可以去试试更新一下显卡驱动
chenzhuops2 发表于 2024-6-28 14:07
没有这么个补丁 你是N卡还是A卡?如果是amd显卡的话昨天刚刚更新了amd的显卡驱动可以去试试更新一下显卡 ...
谢谢分享 zcdj588 发表于 2024-6-28 14:53
这个没有啊 这个可能要等mod大神做个类似的补丁了
没人出来说一下这个3.1怎么样吗? 这次0625更新有修复0612更新后出现的阴影特效BUG了吗?在线等你反馈;先说声感谢。个人还停留在0605更新。
王人杀 发表于 2024-6-28 19:56
没有修复。 这游戏我再不打算更新了
不行啊 我612版本 用这个补丁升级后 进入游戏播放片头动画后就一直黑屏 只能听到游戏的声音。 有解决了的吗?不想再重新下载游戏... 我的修复了,还以为显卡坏了,升级这个补丁就好了 527279623 发表于 2024-6-28 20:08
不行啊 我612版本 用这个补丁升级后 进入游戏播放片头动画后就一直黑屏 只能听到游戏的声音。 有解决了的吗 ...
GODDAMN_ 发表于 2024-6-28 17:40
我反着使用良好 7900xtx low帧都在100以上
chenzhuops2 发表于 2024-6-28 20:23
重打补丁还是这样 未加密文件是哪个? 是启动游戏的那个文件吗?